The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-89 Marked by the enemy.

Evalynn leaned against a tree and panted as Jaina healed Roric. They followed the river until it reached a falls, then picked their way along the rocks looking for a ramp up. The magic disk carrying the palanquin couldn't climb sheer faces or steep slopes. They had to find a trail into the hills or abandon it and hope it was still there when they returned. This led them into an area strewn with large stones hiding a band of orocs. The ogre-like creatures with four arms nearly took them by surprise if not for Roric's keen sense of smell.

In the ensuing battle, Evalynn was hard-pressed to keep eight creatures from reaching, Gisley, Chandice, or Jaina. Thankfully Roric could also tank, and together they managed to handle the situation but not without injury. She was wounded in a dozen places, mostly bruises from impacts that didn't breach her armor. Roric was more seriously wounded, with a deep gash in one leg and some less serious ones in the side. Gisley had a stab in her arm, and Chandice took a clubbing over one shoulder. Jaina was the only one who got away unscathed, which raised some concern.

Jaina was upset that she could contribute so little to combat. Her morphic class was more suited to stealth and infiltration and would have worked magically with a rogue. However, her seductress class was suited to bedrooms and combat of a different nature, and thus the pairing wasn't good for adventures. Moreover, it was starting to make her feel worthless when her family was in danger, and all she could do was arouse a few foes to keep them busy. She had done so with a few of the orocs, but while engaged, she wasn't free to heal, and watching them take wounds made her cry.

“I feel so useless,” Jaina moaned after finishing her kiss with Gisley to heal her.

“You’re not useless,” Gisley replied. “You can make claws and absorb mass to shoot like a spell.”

“The mass bolt is slow, and what good are the claws if I have no armor?” Jaina asked. “My race needs to be backed up with a useful combat class, but I am anything but that. I can’t even be an effective healer because I have to be able to kiss you. How useful is that in the middle of combat?”

“You are crowd control,” Chandice said as she went to Jaina for her kiss. “You are not meant to be our primary healer.”

“We don’t have a healer,” Roric replied as Jaina kissed Chandice. “Gisley is actually better suited to it as she can cast hers at range.”

“Idris is a healer,” Evalynn said. “That is probably thirty percent of her class. That might come in handy when she joins us.”

“All I am good for is a health battery for you,” Jaina said as she looked with pained eyes on Roric.

“Alright,” Roric urged and looked at her sympathetically. “We both know you will get an improved heal soon.”

“How does it improve?” Chandice asked.

“I can blow the kiss,” Jaina said. “So I don't have to be able to kiss you. But I have to stand still and focus while doing it.”

“And when you become a full mimic, you gain significant combat ability,” Roric reminded.

“Not if I am wearing this collar,” Jaina said, pointing to the device around her neck. “That's why I don't use any of my high-level morphic abilities. To use them, I have to take the collar off, but if I do, you lose all the benefits of having a slave.”

“Which is honestly more important,” Evalynn said and put an arm around Jaina. “You are underplaying how tough that makes Roric. His ability to leech your health is invaluable, and your ability to regenerate health rapidly makes you the perfect health battery.”

“Great, so I just sit here and watch everyone get hurt,” Jaina pouted.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he considered the problem. “Maybe we should ask this witch to remove the collar's restrictions.”

“What?” Jaina asked as she looked up. “We are getting you another class.”

“Why?” Roric asked. “I don't need it, and you are right. The collar is limiting you to the seductress abilities. I know you take it off a lot for general purposes, but in group fights, you are torn between your own powers or my need for a slave. If the collar was unrestricted, you could do both.”

“But I was doing this for you,” Jaina insisted and came to stand before him. “I wanted to make you a chosen.” She had a hurt look in her eyes, but Roric took her by the arms and nodded.

“I know you are, but this would be for me, too,” he said softly. “If the collar was unrestricted, I could lock you up for good, and we would never have to worry about the limitations. You would be everything I need you to be at all times.”

“It could be locked,” Jiana said as her eyes lit up. They all knew this was a dream of Jiana's, and the idea was tantalizing.

“Yes, and you know I get bigger bonuses from slaves that are locked,” Roric said before stroking her head. “I would love to see you locked for good.” Jaina smiled and leaned into his chest for a hug as the two agreed to consider it.

“Should we loot this thing?” Chandice asked and kicked one of the bodies.

“Probably,” Roric replied without releasing Jaina. “Intelligent monsters often have the best loot.”

Chandice shrugged and summoned two imps, setting them to the task of searching the bodies. Roric suggested they all move away from the grisly scene and take a good long rest to recover stamina. The sun moved to dark while they sat and recovered, the imps turning up a small number of coins and a couple of gems. The haul was poor, but there was likely a lot more in a hidden camp nearby.

Roric wasn't interested in looking for the camp; instead, he summoned a pack of hunting hyenas and set them to guard the hilltop as he set up the tent. The imps joined the dogs, watching the perimeter, and Gisley would stay awake to add her special powers to their defense.

The girls were taken in turn, serving their purpose before settling into bed. Gisley tucked them in with a kiss and hen sang them a lullaby in her sweet voice. Roric was last to share a kiss with her before she scampered to the door and stood watch.

When morning came, they were relieved that nothing had occurred during the night. Gisley did report seeing something large moving in the distant trees, but it moved on instead of approaching. Roric broke out the dried foods, and everyone ate while he looked over Rajeen's instructions. The fires hadn't come this way, and the smoke had faded to scant trails in the distance.

“So we survived,” Jaina said as she leaned over his shoulder to read. “Do her instructions help?”

“They point us in the right direction,” Roric replied and tapped the paper. He picked it up and pointed through the trees to two towering snow-capped mountains. “I believe those are the two peaks that mark our passage. We should be there in a few hours, assuming we don't have to fight our way through.”

“That seems unlikely,” Jaina said and looked at the others. “But we have a small army with our pets out.”

“Rajeen made this journey with twenty girls,” Roric said. “And she lost three of them on the way despite their careful efforts.”

“We will be fine,” Jaina urged and rubbed his arm. “With you draining me for health, you're like five people.”

“Let’s hope that’s enough,” Roric replied. “And that you aren’t the one killed because then this trip is wasted.”

“I am aware I need to stay out of the fighting as much as I can,” Jaina sighed. “I just wish I could contribute more.”

“How close are you to evolving?” Roric asked as he looked up.

Jaina willed her character sheet open and showed him she had reached level thirty-one. She needed to reach level forty to evolve, and then things would rapidly change. Once she was a full-blooded mimic, she would be deadly in combat, a foe who did not fight as expected. This was one reason people hated mimics: they didn't stand face to face swinging a sword or casting spells. Instead, they were ambush predators, unpredictable with unmatched killing power.

“So not long,” Roric said as he looked over her sheet. “You are five levels higher than me now.”

“It’s all the sex,” Jaina laughed. “Don’t forget your slaves were earning experience while you were earning gold.”

“I earn a little experience from you when you serve me,” Roric said, stroking her cheek. “And I don't care that you are higher level. You are my slave, and the higher level you are, the better.”

“Thank you,” Jaina said with a smile. “I love hearing you call me a slave.”

“Well, it's true,” Chandice said as she smacked Jaina's rear. “You are a slave, and you always will be.”

“Good,” Jaina replied.

“Now,” Roric said and folded away the notes Rajeen gave him. “Let’s go find that gap in the mountains.”

Jaina nodded and took Gisley’s form so the two of them could fly together while holding hands. Evalynn sat on the front seat with Roric, wearing her full suit of armor. Chandice put a pillow on the roof and sat down with her two imps acting as scouts.

“I like this view,” Chandice laughed as she admired the two little fairy rears, their jeweled plugs glittering in the light. Roric smirked in agreement as the group set off in search of the witch. An hour later, the land started to climb as it rose toward the mountains. They were already passing through crags and around small cliffs when it suddenly opened up, and they could see the mountain clearly. It was obvious that there was a gap to the left where the dark side of the mountain vanished behind a hill.

Roric had Gisley take them across a stony plain broken by gnarled trees and scrub grass. It allowed the two to fly much faster, gaining ground at a decent pace. They managed to avoid a battle with a troll who didn't see or hear them allowing them to pass by unnoticed. After several hours along the rocky slopes, the group was starting to relax. Evalynn had her head in Roric's lap, lovingly sucking on her master's cock. It seemed like any other day, the girls being themselves as Roric enjoyed them. Then a shadow passed overhead, and Chandice screamed, turning all eyes skyward.

“Oh no!” Roric cried as he practically threw Evalynn off. “Get off the palanquin! Scatter!”

Evalynn dived over the side as Roric went the other way. Chandice barely fell off the back as a roar echoed from the mountain walls, and a dark shape fell on them.

Jaina and Gisley turned to see a towering mass of black scales decorated with crimson horns. The body was as large as a big car but lean and athletic. It had a long neck and tail with powerful arms and a set of wings on its back. It stood with one massive claw on the palanquin, holding the thing in place.

“Dragon!” Gisley cried as the beast suddenly wailed and snapped around to drive Evalynn away from its attack. The hunting hyena's rushed in, but they were little match for the dangerous predator. They were slain in seconds, serving only as a moment's distraction.

Roric acted fast, calling his spear to hand with magic. He then launched into rapid charge, using his powers to magnify the impact. He struck a leg and drew blood, but it hardly seemed to matter. The beast's long neck snapped around so fast he was sure his life was over. All he saw were those powerful jaws closing in on him then a blur of light carried him away. Gisley tackled him and used her fairy magic to make him light enough to carry away. She practically threw him at Chandice, then circled back to unleash a ray of moonlight on the beast.

“Gisley, look out!” Chandice cried as the dragon suddenly inhaled.

Everyone but Roric looked away as the monster unleashed a breath of purple flames that consumed Gisley in their strange blast.

“Master's protection!” Roric shouted, causing an impenetrable bubble to encase Gisley. For a moment, everyone held their breath until the flames ceased. Gisley came through the flames in her magical sphere, looking very surprised to be alive.

“What kind of fire was that?” Chandice asked as she trembled at the sight of the monster.

“It wasn't fire,” Roric replied as he and Evalynn unleashed a volley of magical spears on the monster. The two shares several of the same powers, and they put them to use, attacking from both sides as the monster turned round to engage them. A mighty slap of its tail sent Chandice reeling and caused stones to fly in all directions like bullets.

Jaina quickly absorbed some mass and turned it into a projectile. It formed in her outstretched hand and raced off to strike the dragon. The wound was minor, but at least it was a contribution. She thought about rushing in to use her claws, only to see Evalynn struck by the dragon.

Evalynn danced and stabbed, using her weapon to the best of her ability, but the dragon was fast. It finally managed to sweep a clawed hand out and catch her in a powerful attack. She was thrown back like a toy, her armor gouged and battered. She hit the ground in a roll and came to her hands as the monster snapped at Roric. He, too, couldn't avoid its speed, and the bite landed. He was lifted into the air and crunched by those deadly jaws before a snap of the head threw him to the side.

“Roric!” Jaina cried and put on her collar, allowing him to begin leeching her health. She ran to his side as the beast turned on Chandice, who even now had her imps pelting it. “Please tell me you're not dead,” she insisted as she turned him over. He looked badly injured, but he quickly moved and sat up as Jaina planted a kiss.

“We don’t have time for that,” Roric insisted and got up to see Evalynn had rejoined the fight just in time to prevent Chandice from being eaten. “Put the collar on. I will have to keep leeching health from you.”

“Just take what you need,” Jaina pleaded and locked her collar in place. Roric ran in and landed yet another devastating attack while Gisley began to strike it with glittering spells of her own. The dragon turned on Roric again as it took a deep inhale. Gisley rushed to his side and put up her wall of light catching the purple flames in her barrier. It held for a moment, then, to everyone's surprise, it began to crack before a massive claw came through and nearly crushed Gisley under it.

“It’s too powerful!” Gisley cried and darted around, hoping her rapid movements would confuse it.

To everyone's surprise, the dragon began to laugh, and its tail lashed around, swatting Gisley from the air like a bug. She crashed to the stones as Chandice went for something more powerful in the hope of turning the tide.

“Shadow lance!” she cried as an icicle of shadow formed before her outstretched hand. It grew until it was as long as she was tall, then raced out in a straight line to strike the dragon's shoulder. It bellowed in pain and reared up before clapping its powerful wings. The shock wave of air sent her, Roric, and the imps tumbling while a backhand took care of Evalynn.

Jaina was the only one standing when the beast turned around, its purple eyes glaring at her with predatory hunger. She realized that even five to one, they were no match for this beast. If they were going to get out of this alive, she would have to save them. Her seductress powers were all they had left, and she prayed the dragon was not above a little inter-species sex.

“Why are you attacking us?” Jaina shouted as she stalled for time and hoped to lower his aggression. Too many of her powers only worked if the target was actively attacking. She needed the dragon to pause and give her an opening to begin her enticements. To her relief, the dragon did pause its advance as it took a moment to look down in consideration. She trembled as it slowly stretched out that long neck, its deadly jaws coming closer as it sniffed the air around her.

“Why not?” the beast asked. “You are but prey out in the open.”

Jaina wasn’t surprised it could talk, as many video games had intelligent dragons that could talk and even use magic. She tried to look brave as the dragon loomed in her face, its eyes gazing at her as if she were nothing.

“We are looking for the witch,” Jaina said. “We mean you no harm.”

“You can do me no harm,” the dragon replied as it sniffed at her again. “I am not interested in the threat you represent. I am simply doing as I please, hunting the prey.”

Jaina realized the beast did a great deal of smelling. She suddenly had a thought and decided to take the risk. So she activated a power she got at level twenty-nine and prayed her luck would hold.

[lvl 29 Morphic skill: Phermones] Beasts and even some monsters are aroused by your sent. It acts like seductive smile, arousing all targets within ten meters who can smell you. Does not affect the undead or creatures who have no sense of smell.

The dragon inhaled her scent as she prayed for a miracle and tried to look brave. It was one of her strongest powers, but she knew it would need help. If she could carefully layer on her seductions, maybe she could break its will and gain the advantage.

“Oh, please, mighty dragon,” Jaina cooed, thankful it was no longer attacking. “Have mercy on us, and I will reward you.”

Lvl 2 Seductress Skill: Pleading innocence] Fall into a state where she appears innocent, causing angry or aggressive targets to change their opinion of her. Even swaying people to believe she is innocent of crimes she has committed. Targets already attacking are not affected. Does not affect undead or constructs.

The dragon's eyes narrowed as she trembled before it. The beast was now close enough for her to touch as she struggled not to look away. She was sure she would wet herself if she could still pee, but the dragon didn't seem to attack.

“What reward?” the monster asked so close that Jaina could feel its hot breath.

Now the door was open as Jaina struggled to keep calm. She was seducing a dragon and needed to apply her charms carefully. She flashed a seductive smile while, out of the corner of her eye, she saw her family gathering. She prayed they weren't about to attack and would give her a chance to try and win the day.

[lvl 1 Seductress skill: Seductive smile] [boosted 10] Smile at a chosen target to cause them to feel great arousal for you. The target becomes amorous and will follow you for up to 1 hour.

“Me,” Jaina said with another smile as she dared to reach out and touch the tip of the dragon's snout. The monster jerked back, but Jaina had already gotten her way. She walked in a little circle swaying her hips as she smiled.

[lvl 4 Seductress skill: Sultry steps] Boosted 10] Select a single target and begin walking in a sultry way, swaying your hips suggestively. The target must save vrs willpower or become enthralled by your display while also lowering their willpower. Bonus to success chance if directly approaching them.

“You wish me to eat you instead of them?” the dragon asked as Jaina nearly panicked. “Why would I make such a bargain when I could eat all of you?”

“No,” Jaina replied quickly. “I want to offer you pleasure.”

“Pleasure?” the dragon balked. “What pleasure can you offer me?”

“Oh, common,” Jaina said softly and batted her eyes. “Surely even a dragon has needs.” She hoped her naked body and the layering of seduction powers would be enough to win him over. What she needed now was to keep moving his current move toward a more open mind.

[lvl 7 Seductress skill: Sway opinion] With the bat of an eye or the flick of a hand, you can sway someone's opinion of you either positively or negatively. Opinion change only lasts one hour. Doesn't work on already hostile or attacking targets.

The dragon looked confused for a moment as Jaina dared to approach. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to its snout, passing on another of her powers.

[lvl 16 Seductress skill: Kiss of the vixen] Kissing a target for thirty seconds grants them a 25% bonus to all sex-related skills or sexual pleasure received.

“Now then,” Jaina said as she leaned into his snout and began to stroke his long jaw. “Are you sure there isn't something I could do for you?”

“You are too small for me,” the dragon growled, pulling its head away. “You would not survive it. Not that I care if you did.”

Jaina wondered that herself as she considered her powers. Accommodate allowed her body to stretch and accept large cocks, but surely it had limits. What made her wonder the most, though, was the dragon's response. Had it resisted her charms? Would somebody in the throws of her seductions even care about her size? She assumed the answer was no, but then she had a few more tricks up her sleeve.

Lvl 30 Morphic skill: Improved alter size 2] [Boosted 10] You can now adjust your size by 60% of your mass, either larger or smaller. Boosted adds 50% more to size.

As the dragon watched, Jaina more than doubled in size and now stood nearly ten feet tall. The beast looked stunned by the sudden change and leaned in to sniff again, inhaling deeply of her pheromones. Jaina wasn't sure if her powers were working or not, as the dragon seemed more than capable of turning her down. Yet, it did seem to be considering the offer suggesting it was open to negotiation.

“You are still too small,” the dragon laughed. “But I don't care. I will take your offer, little maiden, and you will pay the price for their safety.”

Jaina trembled at that notion but knew there was no other way. Roric and the others had been tossed around like toys in a child's playpen. Everything they threw at the dragon hardly seemed to bother it, so this was their only way out.

The dragon wrapped a powerful hand around her and lifted her skyward as it sat back. She looked down at the others and shook her head as Evalynn gestured if they should attack. The dragon laughed as it brought her face to face with a hole in its scales. Jaina could see it had a sheath-like Roric did, and hidden inside it was the object she needed to get at.

With eager hands, she began to stroke the sheath, feeling the leathery scales of its skin. It was not at all like how she envisioned dragons with stiff armored plates. These scales were more pliable and smooth, with an almost silky texture.

She was immediately rewarded with a dark crimson flesh rising from within. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but hadn't they said she was crowd control? This was the one thing Jaina excelled at, and if seduction was what was needed, she was going to ensure it worked.

Without hesitation, she leaned over and began to suck at the edge, her hands working the soft flesh to encourage it to grow. It was already too large to put into her mouth, so she sucked and kissed it while licking the sides. It grew rapidly grew firm as she tasted the hot dragon flesh. With her size doubled, she wasn't so very out of scale with the dragon now, but still, this cock was impressive. It was as large around as her arm and almost as long, with rows of small nubs down the length. He had a knot like Roric, but it was a dark ruby color with purple splotches. She stroked that shaft until it was hard enough to throb, then reached down and took up her gigantic breasts.

The dragon used its long neck to watch as she wrapped her breasts around his cock. Slowly she stroked his mighty shaft while kissing and sucking at the flesh that protruded out the other end. The dragon seemed to be enjoying the moment as it let out a low rumbling moan. Jaina tried to entice him with a little sway of her hips, then reached down to pull out her pussy shield. The red gem came away with a long rope of her body's liquid. She quickly cast it aside and rubbed her pussy to spread her escalating excitement. She then used the fluid to coat his cock, making it slide through her breasts with silken ease.

The dragon sniffed at her again, smelling the sweet scent of her sex. Jaina trembled at the thought of having this cock inside her but wasn't prepared for what happened next. A long wet rope went between her legs as the dragon's fork tongue licked at her soaked pussy.

“Ohh!” Jaina cried as he nearly lifted her from the ground. His tongue was incredibly strong, and it began to lap at her pussy. It was like somebody was pulling several feet of hot, bumpy rope through her pussy, which sent her clit on fire. She was panting in a moment and struggling to hold on to her breasts as everything started to tremble. This tongue was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and it was driving her wild. Then her eyes went wide as that forked tip found the hold, and inside he went, reaching into her very soul.

Jaina threw her head back and cried out as her stomach filled with dragon tongue. The beast was eating her from the inside out, its tongue tasting the walls of her womb. It was wider than many of the cocks she had known since coming here, and in moments it was too much.

Jaina went ridged as the orgasm rolled through her body, causing her pussy to clench down on the beast's tongue. That only made the sensation that much more intense as the dragon began to lick her from the inside, tasting the fluids released in her climax. Her belly moved as it twisted the long tongue through her pussy, driving her toward a second orgasm. She had never felt so filled by anyone before, and the sensation made her lose her mind.

“Oh, yes!” Jaina cried, then latched her mouth to his cock. She was lost in a madness of lust and need as she worked hard to please that fleshy shaft between her breasts. If this was what being eaten by a dragon was like, then Jaina would willingly be sacrificed to the beast. She reached down for more liquid, stroking his tongue a moment, then using the fluid to coat her breasts. She slid along his cock, moaning and kissing as her body was devoured. A moment later the second orgasm came as she fought to keep up her momentum. Her body was alive with sexual stimulation, but she wanted to please him just as badly.

Jaina's back arched as the power of his tongue drove her mad. She twitched while rocking her breasts, praying he would soon cum himself. In answer to her prayers, the dragon wrapped a powerful claw around her head. The tip of his cock was forced into her mouth until he was three inches deep. Then she felt his cock pulse between her breasts, and suddenly her mouth was filled with heat like never before.

The dragon laughed as his cock pulsed, filling her throat with its burning cum. Jaina didn't need to swallow as the fluid came out in such volumes that it was forced down her throat. She thrashed and struggled as she shared the orgasm, her body delighting in her predicament. His orgasm went on for an impressive amount of time, filling her stomach to bursting. When he finally pulled away, she stumbled forward, gasping, and reached down to run her hands over the bulge in her stomach.

“I am impressed,” the dragon said after withdrawing its tongue. “I expected you to pop like a grape.”

Jaina knew that was only because of her current size and increased stomach. She was also grateful for her absorb ability as it allowed her to rapidly consume the cum, taking some of the pressure off. She fell to her hands and knees to catch her breath as dragon cum dripped from her chin. Her mouth was coated in its flavor, and she swallowed a bit to clear her throat. She struggled to believe what had just happened, but it wasn't over yet. She heard the dragon move and realized he was turning to get behind her. It was no surprise when its hot cock slid along her back and then tried to mount her.

He struggled at first but Jaina reached back and cupped a hand to guide him into place. Jaina trembled as the pressure built on her pussy, the fist-sized head pushing at her tight hole. She thanked the heavens for accommodate and steadied herself for what was about to happen.

[lvl 1 Sex Slave Skill: Accommodate] Your pussy, throat, and rectum can stretch without tearing, allowing you to accommodate even the largest lovers.

She let out a long, low moan as her body stretched around his cock, allowing him in a few inches. He then forced more in before she could adjust, nearly causing her to fall over. Her voice came out in higher moans as her body was slowly filled. In moments she could feel her stomach stretching as he reached the limits of her ability.

“There is no shame in screaming,” The dragon laughed before a brutal pounding began.

Jaina dug in with all her might as the dragon took her like Roric did. He hammered at her pussy with no care or remorse, using her like a toy he intended to break. She didn't hold back on her screams as the slaved collar made every moment of it a wondrous experience. Her stomach stretched at the peak of his thrusts, then felt empty when he withdrew. He couldn't get his entire cock into her body, but he tried nonetheless, determined to make her suffer.

“That’s it,” The dragon growled. “Suffer for your master.”

Jaina wasn't sure this was suffering, but she was more than willing to endure it if it was. Her body was alive with sexual fire, and with her pussy so filled, her orgasms started to come fast and furious. In moments she had her head back, a wide smile on her face as she screamed for joy. The dragon grew more determined to see her reaction, thrusting so hard that he pushed her across the ground.

“Yes!” Jaina cried in delight. “Harder!”

“What?” the dragon roared!” You will not defeat me in this!” His whole body went into motion, driving Jaina down as she struggled to endure the punishment.

Jaina heaved for breath as her body went slick with sweat. She had never been brought to perspire before, but this was an experience like no other. She trembled with a sexual energy that couldn't abate until the thrusting stopped. Her pussy was so overfilled that every thrust of that knobby cock was a thunderous delight. She orgasmed for him again and again until her arms started to tremble in exhaustion.

[lvl 4 Sex Slave Skill: Sexual escalation] Every orgasm you have during a single bout of sex will be more powerful than the one before it.

Each orgasm was stronger, building on the one before until they were mind-melting. Jaina no longer knew where she was or why she was having sex. All she cared about was that it went on and brought her more the intense orgasms. She wasn't even aware of those that were watching as the dragon bred her like an animal. All that mattered was the next orgasm, and those were only seconds apart.

The dragon made a rumbling growl as it dug sharp claws into the ground for support. Jaina felt an urgency in his thrust and knew the time was coming near. She thought about using her powers to delay him, but in truth, her arms were getting weak. She needed this to end just as much as he wanted to see her take it, so she held on and took her punishment.

The growls became louder and more frequent as the dragon punished her body. Then he shoved hard, pressing her stomach out as she was lifted from the ground. Jaina's eyes rolled back as that massive shaft throbbed, and a heat she had never known before filled her body. It pumped in like an endless wave until it started to spray out from between her dangling legs.

“Ohhhh!” she cried as a shared orgasm kicked in, forcing her to have one last terrible climax.

[lvl 2 Sex Slave Skill: Shared orgasm] Any time your partner orgasms so do you. Shared orgasms are always more intense.

She was left impaled and panting as the dragon struggled to catch its breath. Her legs were running with cum that dripped from her toes to a puddle below. Jaina hung limp, her body pushed well beyond its limits, and now in need of a long rest. The dragon held her like that for over a minute, then very crudely shifted so she would drop off.

“Ahhh!” Jaina cried as that massive cock slid free of her pussy, and she dropped to the ground. She crawled on her hands and knees as the beast turned round to face her.

“Amazing,” the dragon decreed as he sniffed at her again. “I am impressed you survived.”

“That was amazing,” Jaina said as she rolled to her back and lay still. “Can we do it again?”

“Ha!” the dragon laughed, its bellow echoing from the mountain walls. “You are impressive for a human girl.”

“Impressive isn't strong enough of a word to describe you,” Jaina replied and held out a hand weakly, hoping to touch him. To her delight, he moved his head close so she could stroke his jaw.

“You have pleased me,” he said in a soft voice. “I am going to reward you.”

“Reward me how?” Jaina asked as he used his snout to nudge her. She was turned over to lay on her stomach as the dragon held out a single claw.

“Zah nost isshto dova kin,” he said in a deep voice as he traced that claw down her back to her rear. She felt something tingle across her skin and heard Gisley gasp. When the dragon moved away, he looked at the others and then laughed again.

“The witch is in a cave just beyond the first peaks,” the dragon said as he spread his wings. “You will have no trouble bargaining with her. You and she are of the same nature.”

Jaina had to shield her eyes as the wind from his wings beat down on her, and he took to the sky. She squinted to see him go and heard his final words as he called her worthy of the gift.

“What gift?” Jaina said, clueless as Evalynn struggled to pull her giant body up.

“Are you alright?” Roric asked as he quickly joined her side.

“I am fine,” Jaina said and focused on releasing her large form, rapidly shrinking to her normal size.

“Tell us again that your class is useless in combat,” Chandice said before running a hand down Jaina’s side.

“I know, it's so beautiful,” Gisley said as she ran her hands over Jaina.

“What are you talking about?” Jaina asked as she met Roric’s gaze.

“Jaina,” Roric said and took her hands. “Your body is covered with a dragon tattoo!”

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