The Adventures of My All-Rounder Wife

Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Save you some face

Lu Mian withdrew his gaze calmly.

The fingertips touched by Xiao Qimo were slightly hot, and she curled up gently, concealing everything without a trace.

Xiao Qimo was so solemn as usual, staggering his eyes seriously.

Opposite Su Luo also spoke, holding their game props in his hands.

“Lu Mian, this is a 4×4 digital Huarong Road. It is to use as few steps as possible and in the shortest possible time to rearrange the number squares on the chessboard in order from left to right and top to bottom. Rules. Are you clear?”

Lu Mian nodded.

A 4X4 chessboard has a total of 16 square spaces and 15 square numbers. The less number is the activity space. Simply put, she just arranged the numbers 1-15 on the chessboard in order.

Standing between the two, Xiao Qimo glanced over Lu Mian nonchalantly, with a stopwatch in his hand.

“Are you ready?”

Su Luo: “Director Qi, you are ready.”

He did not respond, waiting for Lu Mian.

Lu Mian nodded impatiently.


The low and gentle voice fell, and the girls on both sides of the game had bowed their heads and began to fiddle with the props in their hands.

The onlookers craned their necks, did not dare to cheer or speak, and only watched silently and excitedly. Especially Su Luo’s technique was so proficient and fast, they didn’t react, they had already arranged a line of numbers.

They are worthy of Go geniuses. They look forward to this speed, IQ, and logical thinking ability.

Looking at Lu Mian on the other side, he flipped his fingers twice, not like a game, but rather like playing with a toy.

This is an intention to give up the game, right? There is no tension in the game!

Su Luo’s winning side is very big, more than ten seconds have passed, and she has finished a little and a half. This game is a race against time, as long as she continues to maintain this speed, it will be easy to beat Lu Mian.

Fifteen seconds later, Su Luo smiled lightly and returned the last number.

A triumphant smile came up at the corner of her mouth, and she raised her hand.

However, before saying a word, Lu Mian’s slowly and slowly sounded from the other side.

“I’m done.”

Su Luo looked at it incredibly, his smile a little stiff, Lu Mian would actually be one step faster than her? !

Xiao Qimo lightly pressed the timer, checked the results of both sides, and the match was valid.

“The first game is…”

“Director Qi! This is not fair!” Before he finished speaking, Bai Fangfei and others were not convinced.

Xiao Qimo squinted his eyes slightly.

“Director Qi, it was Su Luo who did it first, she just didn’t say it so quickly! Although Lu Mian is fast, she is at least one second slower than Su Luo!”

“I agree! Su Luo’s hand speed is much faster than Lu Mian! How could she have won Su Luo…”

Fat Hao and Shou Hao sneered at each other.

Look, you know this will happen.

A group of people who never believed that Mian would win, when Mian slapped his face, their first reaction was to question.

Su Luo also nodded, “Director Qi, I mean slower, I don’t know how you judge it?”

Xiao Qimo looked like he was doing business, pinching the stopwatch and faintly explained: “Lu Mian wins.”


“She has been waiting for you for 7 seconds before you finish.”

As soon as he said this, the audience was quiet.

Su Luo dumbfounded:…

The supporters behind her also opened their mouths wide in slow motion.

In such a game that can determine the outcome in one second, Lu Mian is 7 seconds faster than Su Luo? !

Shou Hao akimbo his hips: “Our Mian brother finished it in 20 seconds, and Su Luo finished it in 27 seconds!”

“Student Su Luo, our brother Mian really saves you face, for fear that we will hurt your self-esteem too soon!”

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