The Adventures of My All-Rounder Wife

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Galaxy Sleep Team!

The sudden approach of the little daughter made Fu Man startled, her face filled with a kind and pleased smile.

Lu Xinnuan pouted and kissed her on the cheek: “Mom, wait for my good news!”

Fu Man said “OK” again and again, and his joy was beyond words.

Lu Xin glanced at Lu Mian without a trace, his eyes were stained with revengeful refreshment.

Lu Mian did not have what she had.

What she was enjoying now, Lu Mian didn’t.

As long as it can slightly affect Lu Mian’s performance, she is also happy to see it.

Fu Man didn’t know her thoughts, and gently helped Lu Xinnuan arrange her ponytail hair, and wrapped her clothes, caring.

Just turning around, I saw the thin and cold figure inadvertently.

All the movements in her hands are frozen in the air, her expression is also very stiff, her throat is dry and no sound is made.

Only by looking at the mouth shape can she tell that she called two words: Mianmian…

Lu Mian didn’t even look at it, passing by without expression.

Fu Man’s eyes chased after her, trying to say something or do something, but saw Lu Xinnuan looking down and flipping his schoolbag over there, and asked anxiously: “Mom, did you see my admission ticket?”

“Admission ticket? Mom will find it for you!”

“Hmm, help me, the examination room is about to open soon.”

Lu Mian, who was alone, was indeed different from other candidates. The other candidates were encouraged by their parents. Surrounded by her, she was the only one who leaned far against the wall, did not recite questions or talk, and only played games with her mobile phone. There was nothing on the whole body, only a pen kept spinning in his hand.

Occasionally, candidates glanced at her secretly and sympathized with her.

The examination room opened soon, and candidates lined up automatically and entered the examination room after being reviewed by the invigilator.

Parents also stood by automatically, waving their hands to cheer their children on.

Lu Mian stood far away, she was too busy waiting for the last one to enter.

Lu Xinnuan sighed with Fu Man, and had nothing to say: “She is still so lonely and not gregarious at all.”

Fu Man glanced in that direction too, and said nothing.

Lu Xinnuan was dark and cool.

However, before he was happy for two seconds, he saw a large group of people suddenly rushed over to the examination room, about twenty students.

They hula la and ran over here, and when they were about to reach Lu Mian, they stopped and raised the sign neatly.

The deluxe support card reads: “Brother Sleep! Come on! 】

This battle is more grand and grand than any candidate.

Lu Xinnuan’s face suddenly pulled down.

Lu Mian raised his eyes lazily, and retracted the pen into his palm, slightly surprised.

Fat Hao and Shou Hao squinted and moved closer.

“Brother Mian, these are all part of your fascinating brother and sister–!”

“Yes, Brother Mian, today is your big day, we have specially selected twenty representatives to come and cheer for you!”

Lu Mian put the phone in his pocket, with a shallow arc at the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

“You guys free!”

The breath is so gentle and soft that it makes the boys intoxicated and screaming.

“We still have a resounding title!” Fat Hao rushed to the team behind him: “We are–”

“The Galaxy Sleeping Team!”

Lu Mian: “…” Good, good second.

“Besides, Brother Mian, my dad is here too!” Fat Hao stood out and waved towards the team.

I saw a middle-aged man with a fat belly and a uniform walking out from behind.

Lu Mian gave a quick pause, and closed the palm of his hand holding the pen, emmm…

Why did Guo Shuitian’s deputy bureau come?

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