The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 2 - A Whole New World

Thea’s further thoughts and experiments were cut short by a sudden voice coming through the room via a hidden intercom above the door, "Recruit Thea McKay, please make your way towards the main assembly hall once you are fully situated.

“Your vitals have been checked and are in order, but if you require any medical assistance or emergency counselling due to the System integration, please use the wristband communicator to indicate so now."

A few seconds of silence passed as the person on the opposite side of the intercom likely waited for any indication of an emergency request.

"Very well, it seems that you do not require any immediate assistance. Please be advised that someone will come and check on your room in 6 minutes, regardless of your situation.

“Please make sure that you are clothed before then, as we've had previous… incidents… we do not want to see repeated.

“You are encouraged to leave the room whenever you feel ready to walk towards the assembly hall for the final formalities of your graduation ceremony. The earlier you leave the room, the earlier we can get another recruit’s body formed and their Soul reinstated.

“The UHF thanks you for your trust and understanding. May the Emperor’s light guide you."

With that, the intercom clicked off, and Thea was left alone with her thoughts once again.

It was only after the announcement reminded her of the other recruits waiting to be revived that the reality of the situation fully sank in: She had died—really, truly died.

Somehow, however, she had been saved via the System and brought back to life.

The sheer impossible nature of it made it hard for her to fully conceptualise the extent of the implications of this fact, but she understood one thing very clearly. Whatever this System truly was, it was an existence far beyond anything she could possibly comprehend.

She wouldn’t be surprised to hear that it was actually some kind of god at this point.

While religion had mostly been phased out of existence by the continued advancements of technology and science, some small pockets of different religions persisted in humanity’s collective consciousness.

They spoke of omnipotent, omniscient entities that could bend existence to their very will with a mere thought.

Up until now, Thea had never paid any heed to those ideas as they seemed far too outlandish and, frankly, somewhat insane to her. Now, however, she could not stop herself from seeing the System in a similar light, having just witnessed a fraction of its true capabilities.

She had no intention of revering the System as some kind of a god however.

The realisation had instead sparked an ever-growing flame of desire inside of her.

Desire to improve, to use the System, to obtain whatever she could.

With the Allbright System at her side, there were no longer any limits holding her back, as long as she fully immersed herself in the System’s inner workings.

Unshackled from her preconceived notions of what her life would likely look like and what was considered the “truth” of the universe and its limitations, she felt truly free for the first time in her life.

With a renewed vigour and energy that she had never felt before, she readily stepped up to the door of her small rez-chamber, opened it and walked outside, letting the door automatically shut behind her with a quiet swish.

A green light went on above the door, as the door locked itself with an electronic beep, likely indicating that it was empty, so the next recruit could start to be revived.

As Thea stepped out of her room and into the hallway, she was momentarily overwhelmed by the multitude of sensory inputs around her, amplified by her heightened Perception.

Fortunately, the heightened Perception didn't manifest as a drastic increase in volume for every sound, as she had initially feared.

Instead, it subtly heightened her awareness of previously unnoticed sounds.

She was grateful for this, as the prospect of needing ear protection at all times to avoid damaging her eardrums with the sound of her own footsteps had been a worrisome thought.

She observed the doors of the other 12 rez-chambers inside the hallway, each equipped with a similar green light above them like her own. Some lights were on, indicating readiness for the next recruit, while others were off, presumably housing recruits still in the process of integration.

The walls were a sleek, metallic grey, and she could discern even the tiniest imperfections and scratches on their surface. The UHF emblem, in its typical crimson-red, was prominently displayed at regular intervals. Each intricate detail of the design appeared sharp and clear to her eyes.

Following the indicators painted on the walls, she walked towards the main assembly hall. As she did so, she noticed several datapads and informational screens mounted on the walls.

These provided updates on training schedules, events, and other important announcements for existing recruits, but were not yet relevant to her, as she needed to attend the rest of the graduation ceremony first before officially being part of the UHF Marines.

With her enhanced senses, she could even detect the faint hum of electricity running through the devices. The air had a sterile, crisp quality to it, likely due to the state-of-the-art environmental systems that were commonplace in all UHF facilities she had visited.

She could also discern the faintest scents of cleaning solutions and the lingering traces of other recruits who had passed through the hallway before her.

Thea continued down the hallway, her steps echoing softly as she moved. She felt the slight vibrations from her footsteps reverberating through the metal floor beneath her with every step.

Long before she approached the end of the hallway, she could hear the entrance to the main assembly hall up ahead. Even from this distance, her vastly improved senses allowed her to pick up the faint sounds of conversation, the rustling of uniforms, and the hum of various electronic equipment.

The subtle clicking of boots on the floor indicated that people were moving about, likely preparing for the graduation ceremony. She could also make out the low murmur of an officer giving instructions, punctuated by the occasional affirmative response from a recruit.

As she drew closer, she began to discern the distinctive tone of each individual's voice, as well as the unique cadence of their speech. She could even hear the differences in their breathing patterns, revealing their varying levels of excitement or anxiety about the upcoming event.

A faint sound of something being dragged across the floor caught her attention, and she surmised it was likely a crew member setting up chairs or adjusting equipment.

Amidst the cacophony of noises around her, Thea discovered that her enhanced senses allowed her to isolate and focus on specific sounds when she concentrated, providing her with an unprecedented level of situational awareness when needed.

This newfound ability would undoubtedly become a major asset in her future endeavours, particularly in light of her previous struggles with situational awareness during the assessment challenge two years ago.

As she continued to learn how to manage the overwhelming amount of sensory input, her anticipation for what awaited her only grew. Further fueled by her unbound curiosity and determination, Thea eagerly looked forward to discovering more about her new life and the power the System had bestowed upon her.

Unable to contain her eagerness any longer, Thea quickened her steps towards the end of the hallway and the bustling assembly hall that awaited.

As Thea finally entered the vast assembly hall through the large doorway, she stopped and stood in awe. The room was even more magnificent and imposing than the main assembly hall back on the station, prior to the System integration!

The high, arched ceilings were adorned with intricate patterns and the UHF emblem, while the walls were lined with rows of banners, each proudly displaying the colours and symbols of various UHF divisions.

A grand, elevated podium stood at the far end of the hall, its polished surface reflecting the soft, golden glow of the overhead lights.

Rows of seats filled the rest of the space, designed to accommodate the multitude of recruits who would gather here for ceremonies and briefings.

Between the lines of queued recruits and the rows of seats in front of the podium, privacy screens were strategically placed, directing the recruits towards approximately twenty separate inspection rooms. Each inspection room featured a discreet entrance, ensuring the privacy and dignity of the individuals undergoing the required procedures within.

As Thea took in the grandeur of the assembly hall before her, she couldn't help but feel a surge of immense pride and elation. She had finally made it and was on the verge of becoming a fully-fledged member of the UHF Marines!

Snapping out of her awe-struck moment of hesitation and introspection, Thea quickly moved towards the nearest queue of waiting recruits, eager to complete the inspection and find her assigned seat in front of the podium.

In front of her in the queue, nine other recruits stood waiting for their turn to enter the inspection room and undergo the necessary procedures.

With her heightened Perception, Thea easily observed the subtle cues of their demeanors and behaviours.

Some recruits appeared anxious, shifting their weight from one foot to the other and glancing around nervously, while others exuded an air of confidence, standing tall with their chins held high.

She could even detect the faint scents of sweat and adrenaline emanating from the recruits, evidence of the physical and mental strain they had all experienced during their System integration—a fact they likely shared with the rest of the recruits in the hall.

A few recruits engaged in hushed conversations, their voices barely audible to those around them. However, Thea could effortlessly pick up on their excited whispers. Their conversations revolved around their expectations for the upcoming inspection and subsequent ceremony, as well as their experiences with the integration.

She quickly decided to stop eavesdropping, as her brief listening-in had shown that their discussions were unlikely to reveal any new information to her. Moreover, she did not want to unduly breach anyone's right to privacy without good reason.

Thea tried focusing her heightened senses towards the inspection room in front of her, hoping to glean some information about the nature of the inspection process. As she had expected, however, her attempts were entirely blocked by the new-tech privacy screens surrounding it, making it impossible to determine what was happening inside.

With nothing else to do but wait, Thea decided to practise and improve her control over her newly enhanced senses. She concentrated on distinguishing different sounds, smells, and sensations as she waited for the queue to progress.

Over the next ten minutes, Thea gradually began to get the hang of her new senses. Her most significant breakthrough, at least to her, was when she finally figured out how to filter out the, constantly present, internal sounds of her own body.

For the first time since her revival, she no longer had to contend with the constant noise of fluid rushing through her ears or the persistent pounding of her own heartbeat. The elation she had felt upon this discovery was akin to the relief of unclogging a waterlogged ear—a sensation of pure bliss.

This discovery had come just in time, as she finally reached the front of the queue. At any moment, she would be called inside the inspection room.

Mentally preparing herself for what she anticipated would be a brief inspection based on the previous recruits, she went over the basic plan in her head.

'State your name clearly. Don't mutter it, don't stutter. "Recruit Thea McKay." Then simply follow their instructions, and nothing will go wrong. This isn't like the resupply station or the markets on Lumiosia. You're not required to ask for anything; you simply answer their questions and let them inspect whatever they need to inspect. You can do this.'

After reassuring herself, Thea nodded her head slightly, a determined look on her face as she readied herself to be called into the inspection room momentarily.

Just a minute later, the privacy screen in front of her flickered off, signalling for her to enter the inspection room. She quickly stepped inside before the privacy screen flickered back on behind her, blocking out the bustling atmosphere from outside.

Thea experienced a slight droning in her ears as the sudden quiet inside the inspection room contrasted starkly with the comparatively loud environment of the assembly hall. She briefly scanned the interior of the inspection room, quickly realising it was just a temporary setup. Apart from a single folding desk with a chair on either side, nothing else occupied the space.

Her attention shifted to the man sitting across from her, holding a datapad in his hands and entering some information into it. He looked up from the datapad, his eyes locking onto Thea's.

She quickly moved closer to the chair on her side and began her prepared plan, "Recruit Th—"

"Please st—," the man sitting across from her started at the same time, resulting in both of them interrupting each other's sentences.

With her eyes widening, Thea felt heat rapidly accumulate in her face. She attempted to salvage the situation, stammering, "Ah... I'm sorry! Please, go ahead, Sir! I apologise for the interruption!"

She briefly considered whether asking the System to throw her Soul back into the Void was an option, but the equally embarrassed look on the man's face calmed her down enough not to follow through on the idea.

"No, no. It's alright. Please, be at ease. Take a seat; this won't take long. I apologise for interrupting you as well. I hadn't expected you to come in guns blazing, ha!" The man joked, clearly attempting to smooth over the awkward situation they found themselves in.

As Thea sat down on the metal folding chair in front of the desk, the man continued with a friendly smile and a nod towards Thea, "Let's just get right into it, then. Please state your rank and name for our records."

Feeling slightly more at ease, now that she was being asked direct questions and especially one that she had prepared for, she forced her body to calm down slightly before she answered, "Recruit Thea McKay."

Quickly writing down her information on his datapad, the man continued, "Very well. This inspection is mostly to find a proper squad to put you in for this following year of basic training. It is mostly concerned about your general aptitude and your System abilities, so you won't have to do any physical exercise or the like, rest assured.

"For now, please hold out your right hand, open palm towards me, as if you were trying to grab my face."

Slightly taken aback by the peculiar request, Thea briefly concentrated on the man's face, attempting to use her heightened senses to see if he was being serious or not. Unable to detect any signs of trickery, however, she followed the instructions the man had given and stretched out her right hand towards him, as if trying to grab his face.

"Now, imagine the description of the active ability that the System has granted you when you woke up in the rez-chamber. Please include a part in your imagination that allows others to see this description as well."

Following the man's instructions, Thea focused on the description she had read for her active Ability during her ethereal state.

Suddenly, a shimmering blue box appeared about 5cm in front of her hand, as if projected from her own skin. Glancing at the box, she confirmed that it was indeed the exact description of her Ability that she had read just minutes ago.

Fascinated by the near-holographic projection emanating from her own hand, Thea's mind raced with possible explanations for this phenomenon.

Despite understanding that she would never truly grasp the workings of the System, she couldn't—and wouldn't—stop herself from attempting to puzzle it out.

Before she could fully immerse herself in her thoughts, however, the man opposite her spoke up again. "Ehh… Could you try to flip the text so I can read it? It's all mirrored."

Slightly embarrassed by her oversight and her inability to stay focused on the task at hand once again, she quickly adjusted the projection with a thought, making the text readable from all sides.

"Ah, perfect. Thank you! Let's see…" As the man began reading the text inside the blue box, his eyes widened.

"A silver Ability?! Wow, that's fantastic! You got real lucky, Recruit, let me tell ya! Also lucky for me, ‘cause I'll get a bonus for processing you, so thanks for that," he added with a smile before beginning to furiously type on his datapad.

Based on his reaction, Thea surmised that silver Abilities were highly irregular among new recruits. She felt elated by this discovery, as it meant the System had provided her with an opportunity not many others would receive this early in their career.

With a big smile on her face, she waited patiently for the man to finish his work, eager to learn more about the System from him. As he finished, he looked back up at the smiling Thea, a surprised blush briefly flickering across his face before continuing to talk.

"Ehem… Right. With that taken care of, we should move on to completing your basic UHF profile, so we can find a fitting squad for you… or so it would normally be, I guess.

“Since you have a silver Ability, you'll be assigned to Alpha Squad, with the rest of the silvers, regardless of everything else we fill in. But… rules are rules, I guess!" he said with a shrug, flipping through a couple of different forms on his datapad.

Thea perked up at the mention of other silver Ability owners and her potential future squad. She would be grouped with others who had received a similar opportunity from the System!

She wasn't sure whether to feel elated or apprehensive about this discovery, but a more pressing issue needed addressing first, in her eyes.

"Ehh… Sir? What about the second Ability?" she asked cautiously, not wanting to sound too inquisitive or forceful.

The man stopped paging through the forms on his datapad and looked up at her with confusion. A brief moment of silence followed in which the two of them simply stared at each other, making Thea regret her decision to speak up.

Suddenly, the man's face lit up with understanding, "Ahhh! The second… of course! Don't worry, everyone gets that one in our faction. Can’t show that one anyway. They are limited like that. We don't need to catalogue that one anyway, so we can just move on to our next, and last, point."

Now it was Thea's turn to be confused by the man's words. 'Everyone got the passive Ability? But it said "silver" on it, just like my active one…? Is he misunderstanding me, maybe? Is he referring to the Faction-Trait, thinking I was talking about that?'

Before she could gather her thoughts and speak up again, the man continued with the inspection guidelines.

"Alright, so next up, we'll see what your assessment file says about your roles. Your debriefing officer should have given us a clue as to where your aptitudes lie…," his voice trailed off as he navigated to her assessment file.

Suddenly, the man was bathed in a soft, red glow as a large error message appeared at the centre of the datapad in his hands…

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