The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 9 - The Sovereign

Around half a minute later, as the members of Alpha Squad were just about done with opening the different clothing racks inside the walls, the first Sim-Pods started opening with their characteristic, quiet hissing.

Thea was slightly surprised by the sudden opening of the Sim-Pods, as she had heard no noise being emitted from them at all. She had figured that there’d be some kind of indication that the Recruits were in the process of being transferred over, but she had been unable to pick up anything, despite her high levels of Perception.

As the first sixty-five Recruits left their Sim-Pods in a slightly bedazzled and completely naked state, the members of Alpha Squad got to work in directing them towards the clothing racks and filling in the missing information as to what exactly the Recruits were expected to be doing.

Thea found herself overwhelmed with the sudden influx of people she had to manage, for just a moment, before Karania stepped in and commandeered their group’s Recruits with practised ease. She quickly got their attention and directed them towards the nearest clothing racks each, making sure to adequately divide them up in roughly equally-sized groups, to prevent any potential congestion from arising due to multiple Recruits wanting to grab the same uniforms.

Thea paid close attention to how Karania managed to, seemingly effortlessly, direct the mass of people, hoping to glean some insight into the girl’s exceedingly natural way of interacting with others. She was also happy to see that Karania’s previous mood dip had vanished, as the new task had seemingly occupied her mind fully.

Not wanting to be a burden any longer, Thea decided to jump into action herself, feeling more confident after having observed the outgoing Karania for a bit.

With a mixture of fake confidence and an equally fake, cheery tone in her voice, she approached a group of Recruits that had seemed to have been too preoccupied to catch Karania’s initial introduction.

“Welcome to the DDS, Marines! Please turn towards the nearest clothing racks, which are located right next to the Sim-Pods you just left, to find a fitting uniform for yourselves. Once you’re clothed, line up with the rest of the Recruits towards the door of the room, Alpha Squad will be briefing you on the coming proceedings as the rest of the Recruits arrive. If there are any issues, don’t hesitate to talk to any of us!”

After receiving a collective, cursory glance from the Recruits she addressed, they all went and followed her directions, elating Thea at a successful introduction.

Assessing her own performance, before the next group of Recruits arrived, Thea concluded, ‘That felt really stiff… but it did the trick! Karania is a real genius! I bet I can learn a lot from her going forward. Really need to figure out how to get this stiffness out of the introduction, though...’

With that plan in mind, Thea spent the rest of the time carefully observing Karania and attempting to copy her natural approach to communication and interaction, as more and more Recruits kept being transferred into the DDS.

Roughly half an hour later, the last of the Recruits stepped out of the Sim-Pods around the room. Having supervised more than a hundred Recruits by herself, Thea felt extremely content with her progress on the social front.

She noted that even her anxiety had markedly decreased over the time as well, as the routine and continual improvement in her approach kept providing her with a continual influx of positive feedback.

Another thing she had quickly realised, was that she met barely any Recruits that gave her a dirty look. From her experiences over the past two years, she was used to having around a tenth-or-so of her fellow Recruits shun her for her cyan-ness, yet with the 100+ Recruits she had just processed, less than a handful of them had seemed to react to her in the ‘usual’ way.

Wondering to herself why that might be the case, Thea absent-mindedly watched the last group of Recruits put on their uniforms, ‘I wonder if I just got lucky, or if the Major’s demonstration had that much of an impact on them… Or maybe it’s because they were butt-naked. That would definitely make me less uppity, no question.’

While Thea was still a bit bummed out that she didn’t manage to find any time to mend her seemingly strained relationship with Karania during their task, she nevertheless felt a bit closer to the girl, as she had closely observed Karania’s habits over the past half an hour.

Feeling emboldened by the positive experiences and fairly well-prepared, she quickly approached Karania, as they both walked towards the door to line up with the rest of the Recruits for the final headcount.

“Great work out there, Karania! You’re a natural with this kind of stuff, aren’t you?”

Surprised by the sudden approach of Thea, Karania took a second to collect herself before answering with a pained smile, “Thank you, Thea! I generally do fairly well with people, as long as they end up leaving fairly quickly. People tend to think I’m too overbearing and annoying, if they stick around too long, ha…”

“I don’t think you’re annoying at all! Quite the opposite, actually. I really appreciate your open nature and the fact that you keep talking to me! I usually have the opposite issue, after all. People don’t talk to me at all,” Thea jumped in quickly, sensing an opportunity to encourage her squadmate and a potential to mend a bit of their relationship.

Much to Thea’s delight, Karania’s face lit up with a genuine smile, before she answered, “Thank you, Thea. That means a lot, really! I’m very happy to hear you don’t find me too terribly annoying! You seemed to be doing a great job out there yourself, actually. I was a bit worried about you at the start there, as social stuff doesn’t quite seem to be your forte, but you really turned it around!”

Feeling like her plan had worked out exceedingly well and receiving praise from her teacher, a fact unknown to Karania, Thea couldn't help but flash a big smile before nodding towards the girl in gratitude and acknowledgment.

As they had just arrived at the front of the assembled Recruits, their conversation had found a natural end, while they lined up with the rest of Alpha Squad to prepare for the final headcount that their squad leader, Corvus, was about to start.

After confirming that all Recruits had successfully transferred and entered the DDS, Corvus signalled Major Quinn to take over once again.

“Thank you, Alpha Squad, for the assistance. Welcome, Marines, to the DDS of the Sovereign.

“I will now be leading you through the internals of the Sovereign as previously explained. I expect all of you to pay close attention and not wander off. You don’t have to be marching in rows, as this is not an exercise, but stick with the rest of the group regardless.

“If any of you wander off and get lost, you’ll get a month of punishment detail for wasting my time, are we clear on that?”

As one, the assembled Recruits answered, “Yes, Ma’am!”.

With a satisfied nod, Major Quinn heel-turned, opened the door of the Deep-Dive Simulation Chamber, and exited the room, implicitly signalling the assembled rows of Recruits to follow.

The group of Recruits, led by Major Quinn, made their way through the narrow, dimly lit corridors of the Sovereign for quite some time. Eventually, the Major guided them up two decks using a large, central staircase. The steps were made of grated metal, and the sound of their boots echoed through the stairwell as they ascended.

Thea was awed by the sheer size of the Sovereign already, as just getting to the central staircase had taken them twenty-odd minutes from the Deep-Dive Simulation Chamber. It felt similar to when she had been delving into the ruins of long-forgotten factories back on Lumiosia, with the long, winding hallways that seemed nearly impossible to remember the layout of, at least upon first glance.

She had also noted that the entire ship had a distinctive, yet not overpowering scent. The air held a slightly metallic tang, reminiscent of freshly welded steel, combined with the faint aroma of industrial-grade cleaning agents. Intermingled with these scents were subtle hints of circulated air and a touch of ozone, a testament to the sophisticated air filtration systems that kept the atmosphere inside the spaceship fresh and breathable, being a constant reminder to her that she was in-fact inside of a ship, instead of a building on some remote mid-world like Lumiosia.

Upon reaching the designated deck, the Recruits were greeted with a large set of sliding doors that Major Quinn stopped in front of.

“This is the entertainment deck of the Sovereign. It is open to all personnel on board, regardless of rank, so it is a great place to mingle with Marines or other members of the UHF on a regular basis, if you so desire.

“I am going to assume that you will be spending a lot of time here, to relax from training, your classes and assessments, so pay close attention to the tour I will be giving you. I don’t want to hear that any of you caused problems later down the line, because you entered somewhere you shouldn’t have.”

Turning back towards the doors and stepping up to them, they automatically opened, revealing the expansive interior of the entertainment deck.

As they entered behind the Major, the Recruits couldn't help but marvel at the contrast between the entertainment deck and the rest of the ship they had seen so far. The space was vast and open, with high ceilings and large windows that offered a stunning view of the stars outside. The lighting was warmer, and the area felt more inviting than the sterile corridors they had just left behind.

The entertainment deck was designed to cater to various interests and provide a much-needed respite for the entire crew of the ship. This fact was made immediately apparent by the vibrant atmosphere and the blend of laughter, conversation, and music that hit the Recruits like a wall, after having marched through the near-silent corridors of the Sovereign for the past twenty-odd minutes.

Groups of comfortable chairs and couches were scattered throughout the central area of the entire deck, extending as far as Thea's heightened senses could perceive, perfect for casual conversations and relaxation. They were in heavy use by countless numbers of UHF personnel when they entered the deck and remained filled throughout their entire tour.

As they walked through the deck bustling with activity, the Recruits could see a plethora of entertainment-related shops, each with their unique offerings to entice patrons. There were stores selling the latest holovids and games, shops stocked with the newest music from across the galaxy, and even specialty stores catering to niche hobbies and interests!

At some point, they entered a passageway lit more by coloured neon lights than the standard spaceship-white LEDs that had dominated the lighting inside the Sovereign up until this point. The Major led them around a crowd of people in equally colourful clothes, the first Thea had seen in a long while, having long since become accustomed to constantly being in uniform and seeing all of her fellow Marines in them too.

Without having to strain her ears, thanks to her high levels of Perception, she heard some notes of an instrument playing. It was not yet music, just a sound check.

She looked over the crowd to see what was happening and saw a group of people setting up some instruments; a bass, a guitar, and a microphone in the center. The sounds she'd heard came from the thin, tall guy on the left, who was in the process of tuning his bass. He was wearing a well-fitted, black suit, that accentuated his more agile-looking physique nicely in Thea's opinion. The deep black of the suit also contrasted the silver thing affixed to his chest, making it catch her attention easily. Looking closer to identify what that thing was, she realized it was a rank insignia; he was a Major!

While surprised, seeing one of Major Quinn's co-workers, so to speak, prepare for a public music session, caused Thea to feel weirdly home-y inside the entertainment district. The idea that even Majors would simply relax here, with no real regard to rank or decorum, boded well for the potential of her also being able to relax in this space, despite the huge number of people present.

Major Quinn continued to lead them through a variety of passageways, featuring everything from sophisticated cocktail lounges with soft jazz playing in the background to lively sports bars broadcasting the latest interstellar matches; there was a watering hole for everyone.

The Major shared numerous tidbits as she led the Recruits through the entertainment deck, pointing out places she personally recommended, establishments to avoid as newcomers, and identifying certain doors and bulkheads that were off-limits to all Marines.

For the Recruits who hadn't been part of Alpha Squad, this more relaxed and personal side of the Major came as an unexpected, albeit welcome, surprise, as they had only known her as a ruthless and highly efficient leader so far.

Thea found the relaxed atmosphere created by the Major and the entertainment deck as a whole to be a refreshing change of pace from the constant anxiety she had experienced since her integration.

She gleefully took in the sights and felt that the term 'deck' did not adequately describe the Sovereign's entertainment area. To her, it felt more like a district of a city. The number of stores, bars, and other establishments easily surpassed what her local undercity had to offer.

Although she knew this was not likely to be accurate, as the undercity’s population had counted in the tens of millions, last Thea knew, the condensed nature of the ship’s interior made it feel all the more impressive.

The entertainment deck also featured a variety of restaurants and cafes offering an array of delectable cuisines from all corners of the universe. The enticing aromas of exotic dishes wafted through the air, drawing hungry patrons to the many eateries.

Throughout the district, live performances could be found on various stages, ranging from talented singers and musicians to captivating storytellers and comedians. These performances added an extra layer of excitement and energy to the already dynamic environment.

Upon passing by a group of them, Major Quinn noted that everyone on board the Sovereign was part of the UHF in one way or another. All of the live performances were held by Marines or other UHF personnel, not professionals of their respective type. Despite this, many of the performances easily rivalled the best that Thea had ever heard.

Among all the amazing sights they encountered in the entertainment deck, the last part they passed through under Major Quinn's watchful eyes truly made Thea's heart beat faster.

Dozens of arcades filled with immersive virtual reality experiences, retro gaming machines, and cutting-edge holographic games were lined up next to each other at the far-hand corner of the deck. The sounds of laughter, electronic music, and friendly competition filled the air, creating a vibrant ambiance that vividly reminded Thea of the golden age arcade back on Lumiosia.

Barely able to restrain herself from simply rushing towards the nearest arcade machines, as she had been unable to partake in her main hobby for the past two years, Thea couldn't help but feel excited at the opportunity to enjoy so many new games once she got some time off.

As they reached another set of massive automatic doors and Major Quinn led them through towards another staircase, Thea was once again blown away by the sheer size of the Sovereign.

It had taken them over an hour to fully walk through the entertainment deck, even with the brisk pace Major Quinn had set, and this was only one of the three major decks that composed the Sovereign.

Thea realised that she couldn't fully visualise and comprehend just how large the ship truly was. She tried her best to imagine the largest possible ship she could, but her imagination fell severely short of the reality that the Sovereign presented. Awed by the scale, she decided to simply absorb all the information she could, hoping that at some point, her brain would be able to catch up.

When they finally reached the next deck, after what felt like an eternity of climbing the metal staircase in ever-winding spirals, Major Quinn stopped in front of another pair of giant doors.

"This is the commercial deck, often referred to as the 'shopping zone' or simply 'the shops.'

"It's not technically one deck, but several stacked on top of each other. Each level of the deck corresponds to a certain access level. We can't have Recruits running around with highly experimental weapons and technology, after all.

"We're about to enter the base level, which features all kinds of grocery stores and whatever else you can possibly imagine for your daily needs. You won't find any equipment vendors on this bottom level, as it's exclusively reserved for recreational shops. You will likely end up coming here fairly often to stock up on food, drinks, and other necessities for your stay aboard the ship.

"I won't give you a tour of the recreational shops, as they're self-explanatory. You can go and explore them during your leisure time. Instead, I'll directly take you to the level-1 deck of the shops, where you'll find the UHF-specific equipment vendors. This is also the level where you can request uniform alterations to be done and saved to your profile, so you won't ever have to get them altered again unless your preferences change."

She gave a slight nod to Isabella, who was standing in the front row of the assembled Recruits, before continuing.

"You might be wondering how you're going to pay for all of this. The answer should be obvious, but I'll spell it out for the slower ones among you: System Credits.

"Everything on board the Sovereign will be paid for with System Credits, so make sure you sign up for missions before you run out. Otherwise, you'll have to rely on the generosity of your squad members and platoon mates to survive. The UHF won't be extending a helping hand for these kinds of expenditures, as the System itself doesn't approve of it. We can provide a single meal a day to our Marines, free of charge, but that's it.

"It's believed that the System is trying to instil proper resource management in its participants by being so strict about these rules, but we can't really be certain. Just know that we, as a faction, can't help you with those expenditures.

"An additional note about equipment vendors: You're not purchasing the equipment itself, but rather a licence to print and use the equipment. This is an important distinction, as many Recruits end up being confused when they leave the stores empty-handed.

“If you want to get your purchased equipment, head to one of the 3D-printing shops and get them printed there if you truly need to have it physically in your hands. However, I personally recommend against this, as it serves no real purpose.

"Whenever you want to use any equipment in the DDS, it simply materializes next to you anyway, as long as you own the license and are in a designated area like a shooting range, training mission, or an assessment. Take my advice and don't clutter your living quarters with random equipment; you'll thank me later."

With those final words, Major Quinn stepped up to the giant doors, which once again opened automatically with a woosh, and led the group of Recruits inside the base-level of the commercial deck.

As Major Quinn and the Recruits stepped inside the base-level of the commercial deck, they were immediately greeted by a bustling marketplace that was a feast for the senses. The area was bathed in a warm, inviting light that illuminated rows upon rows of well-stocked shops, each one beckoning customers with a dazzling array of products.

The commercial deck was as much a work of art as it was a functional marketplace. The architecture was a blend of modern sleekness and classic charm, reminiscent of a picturesque town square back on Lumiosia, that Thea had once visited with James on one of their few excursions outside of the undercity. Colourful banners adorned the ceilings, while intricate murals and holographic displays added an extra layer of visual interest to the shopping experience.

Numerous UHF personnel and Marines wandered through the aisles, perusing the various shops and stands. The air was filled with lively chatter, mingling with the tantalising aromas of freshly baked goods, exotic spices, and other delicious treats wafting from the many food stalls and eateries.

The base-level offered a wide range of recreational shops, catering to every need and interest. There were clothing and accessory stores, bookshops filled with tomes from every corner of the universe, and even shops dedicated to traditional crafts and trinkets, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the many worlds represented within the UHF.

The atmosphere was vibrant, yet relaxed, as the crew members took advantage of the rare opportunity to unwind and enjoy themselves during their limited downtime. Thea couldn't help but be captivated by the sights and sounds of the commercial deck, eagerly anticipating the time when she could explore it all at her leisure.

For now, though, she followed Major Quinn, who led them towards a sizable staircase on the left side of the deck, eager to learn more about the UHF-specific equipment vendors and the next level of the commercial deck.

As they arrived on the next floor, they were greeted by another set of giant doors. This time, in order to enter the deck, the Major had to scan her biometrics.

It was evident that starting from this level of the deck, security would be much more stringent, as the Recruits were actively being monitored by a set of automated heavy turrets embedded above the door frame inside the bulkhead.

Once the biometric scanner beeped affirmatively and briefly flashed green, the double doors slid open with another woosh. As the doors opened, the level-1 deck of the shops unfolded before the Recruits, immediately catching their attention.

This floor had a distinctively more professional and militaristic atmosphere compared to the previous level, with an array of specialised shops catering to UHF personnel. The walls were adorned with sleek, high-tech displays showcasing various types of equipment, from firearms and armour to communication devices and tactical gear.

The Recruits' eyes widened as they took in the vast assortment of equipment, each of them mentally noting the items they were most interested in acquiring. The air was filled with a mix of excitement and awe, as they realised the sheer amount of advanced technology at their disposal.

For Thea, her enthusiasm for technology made this deck a veritable wonderland.

Her eyes darted from one display to the next, her mind racing with the endless possibilities these tools could offer. In this moment, she felt like a child in a candy store, eager to explore and learn about each and every piece of equipment. She marvelled at the sophistication and complexity of the technology, making mental notes on which items she wanted to research further and potentially acquire for herself.

As the group moved deeper into the level-1 deck, Thea couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging. She was now a part of an elite group, with access to technology and resources that would have been unimaginable to her old self back on Lumiosia - and this was only the first floor of the specialised equipment shops!

During her excited scanning of the entire deck, Thea also briefly met eyes with Karania, who seemed similarly excited about the technology on display before them. While Thea was sure that Karania's excitement likely stemmed from a different perspective, she was nonetheless happy to share this moment of enthusiasm with the squad member to whom she felt an ever-growing connection.

Major Quinn spent the next half an hour leading the group of Recruits through the deck, explaining the different shops and their respective intricacies as best as her strained patience allowed.

"Before your first assessment, all of you will have to acquire your own set of gear from this deck. Unless you want to use the bog-standard equipment of the UHF Marine Corps, which will be the SI-AR303 as your primary weapon, the HX-12 for your sidearm, and standard-issue medium armour, make sure to fully obtain all the required licences.

"Inside the stores, you'll mostly find AI store clerks, so don't hesitate to pester them for near-infinite testing and revisions on your gear. You'll want to make sure that whatever you acquire is worth the price, as your life is going to quite literally depend on it being a perfect fit for you in the future. In case this wasn't clear before, anything you obtain inside the DDS, in terms of licenses for equipment, skills, Abilities, etc. will transfer with you outside the DDS as well. The equipment you buy here will be what you take with you on real-world missions.

"Each level of the deck will feature only a certain selection of equipment, as they're both limited by the UHF leadership due to proprietary tech, as well as limited by the System itself.

"We literally cannot send out Recruits with equipment that is above a certain standard, as we will be heavily penalised otherwise. The System tries to maintain a certain balance in that way.

“There are ways around these restrictions, to some degree, but you will learn about that in your class tomorrow. For now, simply accept that what is available on this level here is but a minuscule fraction of the overall arsenal the UHF will be fielding during the war.

"Get used to these things first, as they're designed to be beginner-friendly. Most of the tech on the upper levels will be more of a detriment in most of your hands at the moment anyway, as you're lacking the experience and baseline Attributes to even wield most of them."

While the words seemed harsh at first glance, none of the Recruits took them in that way. There was a certain underlying truth to what the Major had just said, and all the Recruits knew this. Over the past few hours, they had gained a bit of an understanding of Major Quinn’s way of speech. Major Quinn’s words in this situation were exclusively meant as a genuine warning and recommendation, more so than another one of her usual quips, so the Recruits took them as such, albeit in some cases hesitantly.

Thea was among one of the few Recruits to look disappointed at the information the Major had just provided, as she had been looking forward to browsing all kinds of new-tech and next-tech equipment, only to have this hope dashed immediately by the restrictions of the deck she had access to for now.

Promising herself that she’d do absolutely everything in her power to gain access to the higher levels faster, Thea’s expression turned into one of complete determination, scratching on a level of fanaticism that rivalled the one she had seen on Karania’s face during the Major’s introductory speech. ‘I will definitely get access to the better tech, as soon as possible. No question! I’ll have to ask the teacher in tomorrow’s class how to get access faster… There’s no way I’ll stick with the basic stuff down here!’

Although she was still disappointed to be stuck at the basic level, Thea still paid close attention to the stores they passed on their way through the deck. After all, if nothing else, she would have to get a full set of equipment here for their first assessment, no matter what.

Making mental notes for each store that seemed to have something interesting for her, Thea gradually built a map in her mind for the deck and her future shopping tours, intent on hitting as many shops as possible at once, to be as efficient as possible.

Seeing Karania in a similar state of mind, as her eyes were rapidly darting from one store to another in their typical frantic fashion, Thea quietly thought to herself, ‘I wonder if I could get Karania to go shopping here with me… That would probably be a lot of fun. I’m going to have to come up with a plan to bring this up to her…’

As they continued to follow the Major, the Recruits soon reached the end of the commercial deck and were led further upstairs, until they once again reached a giant double-door.

"Well then, we’ve finally arrived. This will be your home for the foreseeable future, so make sure to adhere to any and all rules laid out by the UHF, to make living amongst yourselves less of a hassle for you.

“Welcome to the housing deck of the Sovereign," with those words, the Major stepped up to the doors, which quickly and automatically opened with their characteristic woosh, revealing the housing deck behind to the assembled group of Recruits.

Unlike the previous two decks, the housing deck was composed primarily out of a series of hallways and doors.

Each hallway was lined with doors leading to the different squads' living quarters, and the entire deck was bathed in a warm, inviting light that made the space feel more like a cosy, high-end apartment complex than a military installation. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork and murals depicting various UHF victories, as well as moments of camaraderie and unity among soldiers, providing a sense of inspiration and belonging to the new Recruits.

As they walked through the immaculate corridors, the group couldn't help but be impressed by the level of attention to detail and care that had gone into designing their living spaces. The Major pointed out key locations along the way, such as the shared mess hall for their once-daily meal, recreational spaces, and a state-of-the-art gym for physical training that was bustling with activity.

The mess hall and the gym themselves were already massive to a degree that beggared belief, in order to provide enough space for the nearly 90,000 Marines on-board the ship. Thea was briefly wondering whether this was one of the areas that had been enlarged by using the DDS, or whether the real Sovereign also featured such massive halls, but Major Quinn kept up her usual rapid pace, not allowing Thea to continue her train of thoughts, as they arrived at the next location in their tour.

“Alright, Recruits. This hallway is yours alone, for now. Alpha Squad will be situated right here in the first room. As befitting of their stature as the elite of this drive, their housing unit is outfitted with additional amenities, such as a private training hall that can double as a shooting range, a gym, a basic research station, and a myriad of other smaller amenities that you will not be able to find in the other squad units.

“I can already see the envy written on your faces, Recruits, but keep in mind, Alpha Squad is an earned designation, not a predetermined privilege. Anyone in this company can become a member of Alpha Squad in the future, if you prove your worth and exceed the current members.

“Now then, Alpha Squad, enjoy your stay and remember to keep ahead of the curve, or you’ll lose your cosy little house. The rest of you, follow me down the hallway while I designate each unit to the corresponding squad. Your personal effects, which you had brought to the UHF station two years ago, have already been scanned into the DDS and placed inside.”

With those words, Major Quinn and the rest of the Recruits left Alpha Squad next to their housing unit's door. Each of the members of Alpha Squad shared anxious and curious glances between themselves, before Corvus scanned in his biometrics to open the door to their new home…

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