The Almighty Asura

Chapter 2 - Treacherous villain

There are Mu Jiajun’s anger who yelled, they don’t recognize any princes, they only have one person, Mu Tian.

Nan Hao ignored the resentment of Mu Jiajun and sneered at Mu Tian: “Mu General, now can not open the city gate. If now, the enemy will inevitably follow the city and the millions of people in Jiuquan City will be there. Inevitably being slaughtered, the generals will persist for a while, and the reinforcements will soon arrive.”

Below the Mu Jiajun heard the anger of the fire, and even some people bowed to Nanhao, but was stopped by Mu Tian.

“General ~ Nanhao, this little man wants to kill us, Mu Jiajun wants to kill the general.”

“Yes, general, rush into the city.”

Mu Tian looked at Nanhao and said to Mu Feng on the side: “Fenger, remember this person”

Mu Feng also had a bit of coldness and nodded.

Then Mu Tian withdrew the horse and turned back and said: “Mu Jiajun, charge!”

Mu Tian said that the guns were first killed and killed. Ten thousand 10,000 Mu family troops face each other, and then they gnawed their teeth and screamed Mutian to kill the past, and Mu Feng, accompanied by Mu Tian, ​​was killed in the chaos.

Blood, dyed the boy’s armor, dyed the young boy’s tender face revealing a trace of iron and blood.

The blood-red heart-shaped jade in front of his chest, also bathed in the blood of the juvenile chest, sheds a faint blood.

100,000 people, against hundreds of thousands of opponents, the results are self-evident, Mu Jiajun is surrounded by the chaos, the more people kill less.

Gradually, Mu Jiajun died in the last thousand soldiers.

Mu Tian had an arm in his arm, and his other arm had been cut off, bloody, and the blue-scaled one-horned horse that he had crossed had already died in battle.

Mu Feng’s armor was broken, and there was a huge wound on the chest. There were countless small injuries. Even though they were seriously injured, the eyes of the two fathers and sons were still sharp, exactly the same sharp, without the slightest fear.

The more than a thousand remaining Mu Jiajun were also scarred and bruised, but no one showed the soft color of fear of death.

Opposite the enemy, a burly man wearing a black and red **** red robe rides on the back of a savage tiger and looks at the battle of Mu Jiajun at this moment, and also has a little admiration.

“Mu Tian, ​​surrender, since Nan Ling abandons you, why not come to my wind, I promise, you are a strong loyal person like you, come to my wind will give you better treatment”

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and advised him to be a soldier. He admired the iron-and-blood soldiers like Mu Tian.


Mu Tian heard a smile, and a **** face showed a smile.

“I have a generation for the army, there is no surrender, my generation of soldiers, defending the country, my generation of martial arts, the backbone is unyielding, I would rather die before, never step back half a step, brothers, do you say it? ?”

Mu Tian was stunned by more than a thousand remnants.

“I would rather die before I die. I will never go back half a step. I will wait to follow the general.”

The Mu Mujun screamed in unison and had already killed the red eyes.

Mu Tian heard that the tiger had a lot of tears in his eyes. He looked at Mu Feng, his head collided with Mu Feng’s head, whispering and full of self-blame.

“Feng Er, I am sorry, you have been with your father for many years since childhood. For the father, you are only strict, but you have not given you the love of other fathers. Today, you are brought to this death. Father, father is not a good father. ”

Mu Tian, ​​who is bleeding without tears, said that he couldn’t help but shed tears. Whoever had a **** man had no tears, but he was not in love.

Mu Feng smiled, and there was no regret or resentment in the pale smile. He said: “Father, in the heart of Feng, you are the greatest father in the world. From Xiaofeng, he is proud of his father and wants to be a father-like iron man. , the warrior, your strictness against the front, not all for me?”

“Haha, have this son, what can I ask for?”

Mu Tian heard loud laughter, laughter could not tell the sadness, then he looked at thousands of soldiers, a wave of robes, and smashed thousands of soldiers on one knee.

Oh la la!

Thousands of soldiers have also seen it.

“Brothers, I am sorry for you, Mutian, let you accompany me to be murdered by the traitors. It is my incompetence, bringing my brothers to the dead.”

“General ~”

“When I became Mu Jiajun, I vowed to accompany the soldiers to defend the country and swear to follow the generals. Even if Ma Ge was wrapped up, my generation would not regret it.”

“Even if Ma Ge is wrapped in corpses, my generation does not regret it.”

Thousands of soldiers were in tears and screamed in unison.

“Haha, good, good brother, you are the best soldiers and warriors. I can be a proud friend of you in this life. If there is a future life, we will be brothers!

Mu Tian said that he stood up, then he took the gun and turned to drink: “Mu Jiajun!”



Mu Tian said that he had shot and killed hundreds of thousands of troops across the road. Thousands of soldiers had roared and slashed their swords to hundreds of thousands of troops.

More than a thousand people, like moths, do not regret, nor are they unyielding.

On the far wall, the soldiers of the Jiuquan City Shoucheng looked at this scene and shed tears, clenching the guns in their hands one by one.

Nanhao, looking at it all with sneer.

“Mu Tian, ​​Mu Tian, ​​today’s game only blames yourself, you are dead, but you can’t blame the king…”

In the end, Mu Jiajun’s entire army was destroyed outside the city of Jiuquan. Mutian was pierced into the chest by the enemy who persuaded him.

“Mu Tian, ​​I don’t admire so many people, you are one of them.”

The enemy muttered to himself, then pulled out the sword, and Mu Tian fell in his arms.

At this time, in the valley behind Jiuquan City, the army that had been waiting for a long time was ordered to go to the front to support.

The reinforcements arrived in the early days, but they only listened to the orders of Nanhao, and they were hidden in the rear until the emergence of the Mu Jiajun army.

After the support army and the defending city rushed into the battlefield, the enemy troops retreated, and even Mutian’s body was taken away by the enemy.

In a pile of corpses, the juvenile’s body lies aside, his heart is pierced by a sharp arrow, and the body has begun to have no temperature.

At this time, the blood-red heart-shaped jade in front of his chest turned into a blood-red light that poured into his heart, and the broken heart began to heal.

The healing heart exudes a blood-red ray, and then begins to slowly beat. A hegemonic energy rushes into the nine elements of the juvenile body. This energy is overbearing, red like blood… .

“Look, there are people living here.”

“This, isn’t this the son of General Mu, Mu Feng?”

“It’s Mu Feng, fast, hide Mu Feng, let Wang know that he will never let go of Mu Feng, General Mu, the loyalty of the world, is the person I admire most, can not let General Mu be killed without a post”

Several conscientious soldiers secretly carried Mu Feng away, and then sent them to the South Lingguo, Nanlingguodu Mufu…

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