The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167: Fake!

Chapter 1167 Fake!

Ye Junli, Ye Junli, what do you want me to say about you? There are so many women in the Heavenly Court who once pursued you and were unmoved. When they ran to this place where birds don’t shit, you actually moved your mortal heart! Tell me, who is she? ”

“Don’t talk nonsense, it’s impossible!”

“Hehe, Ye Junli, you are like this, one word: false!”

“Always better than your hypocrite! Oh, no, your hypocrite’s mask has already been dismantled, and you have made you a real villain!”

“Hehe, I never care about a gentleman or a villain. Once I cared about becoming the chief elder of the dragon elders, but now I care about killing Antarctica, or going back to the heavens to enjoy it. And you, just hide in your body. Well, don’t try to take control of your body to report to Antarctica and Lu Xiaoxiao. You know how powerful my spiritualism is.”

After that, the fifth elder stopped talking to the tenth elder, and began to concentrate on healing the wounds.

Now, nothing is more important than healing. He can only think about the next step if he recovers from the injury as soon as possible within a day or two. His time is really running out, and he can even count the days with his fingers.


This time, everyone’s luck was very good, and they encountered the beast wave transmission once a month.

Monsters are of no use to the people of the temple, so the meaning of their existence is to become food for ghosts and humans.

Ghost was established ten thousand years ago. In the past ten thousand years, in addition to some infidels who have been thrown in, more of them are humans born by ghosts themselves. In order for these people to resist the severe cold of the earth’s core and contribute to the universe, it is necessary to put food into the ground.

However, the temple does not raise idlers. The number of these monsters is only enough for a small part of the sky, so if you want to eat food to resist the severe cold, you can only grab it. The person who can finally grab the food must be the strong one.

So for so many years, although the Antarctic continent has been cold enough to be unsuitable for human habitation, the universe is still like spring in all seasons. As for the aura, it is very suitable for circulation under the spring-like temperature in these four seasons, so as to keep the heavenly aura from dissipating and destroying too quickly.

Most people among ghosts are extremely vicious. For food, they can even reach the point of cannibalism. In order to prevent the situation encountered when they first entered the heavens, when the transmission started, Nangong Jin received all the people outside the space. In the space, only myself and Lu Xiaoxiao were left.

When the transmission starts, everyone can feel a huge energy fluctuation. This should be the Shenlong guard of the Holy See of Light casting spells, and by exerting force to send some of the beasts in the forest of warcrafts to the central part of the energy fluctuations, they have no way to break free.

After installing a considerable number of monsters, this energy fluctuation will slowly change from a large vortex to a condensed energy transmission belt.

Far away, everyone has seen the conveyor belt outside through the space.

This is an energy belt about 20 kilometers long and 50 meters wide. It is densely packed with various monsters.

“A lot!” Lu Xiaoxiao couldn’t help being stunned when she saw this: “I transmit so many monsters to the ghost every month, won’t the monsters in the Forest of Warcraft be extinct?”

“Everything is naturally selected, and the fittest survive. Ten thousand years have not been transmitted yet, and it has not been extinct. It shows that today’s monsters have adapted to this kind of survival. Nowadays, the surviving monsters, except for high-level monsters, the rest They should be easy to multiply. Let’s go, we are going to follow the monsters in.”


Nangong Jin stretched out her hand, held Lu Xiaoxiao’s hand tightly, and flew towards the conveyor belt.

The speed of the conveyor belt is very fast, and the monsters inside also collide fiercely inside without the body. The energy of the conveyor belt is much higher than that of Lu Xiaoxiao’s current strength. If she wants to rush in by herself, she will definitely be shocked and get hurt.

But now she is being led by her family mate, but her heart is more peaceful than ever.

She knew that as long as he was there, she would not suffer even the slightest harm.

As he was about to enter the conveyor belt, Nangongjin replaced Lu Xiaoxiao’s right hand with his left hand. He took Lu Xiaoxiao’s left hand with his left hand, and then carried his right hand on Lu Xiaoxiao’s shoulder, protecting her in his arms. When the white light on his body was violent, he blended into the transmission belt without any sound.

Such a powerful character entered, and the conveyor belt did not even vibrate at all. The dragon guard who controlled the conveyor belt far away was casting a spell with his eyes closed at this moment, and he did not feel the abnormality of the conveyor belt at all.

Lu Xiaoxiao was protected by Nangongjin in her arms, no matter how turbulent the transmission belt was, the monsters inside were tossed and collided, but her here was still nothing unusual.

Finding a comfortable position in Nangongjin’s arms, Lu Xiaoxiao began to look at the surrounding monsters.

Almost all of the beasts that were transmitted were below the profound level, and most of them were level six and seven, that is, the beasts of the martial sage and the supreme level. Although in Lu Xiaoxiao’s eyes, these levels of beasts were not worth mentioning to her, but to the ghosts, they were different.

“Sixty percent of these beasts are below the human level, 30% are at the human level, and 10% are at the mysterious level. After entering this level of beasts, I am afraid that there will be a big sacrifice, right? After all, you were only high in the profound level. Every level can unify the entire ghost, trying to defeat so many beasts at this level, is it difficult every time?”

“In fact, there are many masters in ghosts, but I was quite popular in ghosts and fair, so they were willing to let me manage them. However, once so many beasts enter the ghosts, it will indeed cause a lot of harm. But the transmission of the beasts Every time there are so many places, it is not a crowded place, so the elderly and children are generally not injured.”

In Nangongjin’s explanation, the transmission belt has entered a barrier.

“This enchantment should have been designed by the three elders of the Holy See of Light and the Shenlong guard at the time. The strength of the enchantment has reached the level of the lower god.”

“Such a powerful enchantment, can we come out from here after we finish our work?” Lu Xiaoxiao was a little worried.

“Forget that my spirit has reached the level of the gods? With the soul, how can it be impossible to get out?”

Lu Xiaoxiao’s eyes lit up, yes! From now on, Jia Jin will be a complete male god! Thinking of this, she felt that she couldn’t wait.

When passing through the barrier, the monsters in the transmission belt oscillated more severely. However, Lu Xiaoxiao, who was in her arms by Nangong Jin, did not even feel the slightest tremor.

(End of this chapter)

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