The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 305 An Alias

Menkar had been gasping for air for a long time. As soon as he was in the water, he took a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes and his gaze fell on the leaves of the tree that was overhead, at the sun rays that played hide and seek with the leaves. It was... surreal.

Menkar was always ambitious. He wanted to have connections with the royal family of the Jade Sea, especially with Taiyi who was the most powerful sea goddess amongst all of King Izo's children. He knew that the son born of Taiyi was going to be a demigod and so powerful that he would be able to rule all over Araniea and even the Jade Sea.

However, when he sent his proposal for her to the king, he vehemently denied it saying that he wasn't the man for her.

Menkar was so humiliated that he set up a plan to trap Taiyi. Out of spite he contacted Ukdah, the king of Hydra Kingdom and told him about the prophecy. He persuaded Ukdah into abducting the goddess and having her son.

Taiyi was very young at that time. She hadn't taken over the kingdom of Stourin because it was still under King Izo. He took advantage of her naivety and coaxed her to go with him to Araniea just to see what the outer world looked like. Taiyi was scared, but she was all starry eyed when Menkar painted a beautiful picture of the lands of Araniea. Along with him and a group of other friends, they swam to the surface of the sea.

He had already laid a trap for her along with Ukdah. As soon as Taiyi emerged from the sea and walked to the shores, Ukdah caught her. He took her to Hydra and raped her. She was young and naïve. She didn't know what or how all this happened to her.

Taiyi was untraceable for a year. She gave birth to a son and then her father came to find her. In a fierce battle with Ukdah, Izo took his daughter back. She returned without Felis, because Ukdah had hidden him somewhere.

Taiyi had sent numerous messages to Ukdah to return her son to her, but he didn't. In the meanwhile, King Izo came to know about the culprit who took his daughter out of the Jade Sea without his permission. He came after Menkar and so Menkar had to run away.

He came to Cetus Monastery where he hid himself for a long time under the alias name of Menkar. He killed the High Priest and took over his position. And ever since, he had used his brother's help to stay hidden. Because of how he was humiliated and how he had to stay hidden, he had nurtured a lot of hatred for King Izo. And Taiyi.

He hated Taiyi all the more when she found her mate in the king of Draka. The son born to them was the real heir of the kingdom. When Mekar found Tania, his schemes sped up.

"I will make your life a living hell, Taiyi," he murmured. Suddenly, a sharp pain jabbed on his side. He winced and when he looked down, he saw deep green scales had appeared and covered almost half of his waist.

After he had run away from the Jade Sea, his brother, Murel, had declared him dead.


"I want to visit Stourin, Mother," Eltanin said as he looked at Tania who was now sleeping. "Or rather the kingdom of Murel."

"Why?" Taiyi asked.

"There is something that I am missing..."

Taiyi's face filled with so much misery that she turned it away. Alrakis held her hand. She had told everything to him. And every time she remembered those things, she felt horrible. Those were her nightmares that never purged out of her mind. When she had gone to Murel along with her father, she had to overcome a lot of her fears. She hated the brother of King Murel. Even though he was long dead, she couldn't get rid of those feelings. At the same time, King Murel was always very courteous to her.

"You aren't missing anything, Eltanin," she said. "If you want to go, I won't stop you."

"Has King Izo stopped the trade with Araniea?" he asked.

"He has. And not only that, he has banned anyone from entering the Jade Sea without his permission."

"That means that Menkar wouldn't get his share of herbs?" Eltanin said.

"He won't," Taiyi gave a monotonous reply. She got up from the couch and walked to the window. The sun was dipping behind the forest of Eslam and the birds were trilling. "Why do I feel that Menkar is not what he is?" she mused. A shudder passed through her body when she remembered the sketch that Tania had drawn.

"Yes, obviously!" Eltanin growled. "That bastard is clearly not what he is. I highly doubt that he is even a werewolf!"

"Oh, that he isn't," Taiyi replied. "Why would he otherwise use a sea herb to change his appearance? It is highly probable that he is a merman, but who is he related to?" She took a deep breath in as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Taiyi," Alrkais said as he walked to her. He curled his arm around her waist and rested his chin on the crown of her head. "Please, stop thinking so much."

She leaned against her husband's chest. Tears stung in her eyes. "I have to go back to Stourin, Alrakis. There are many things that I have to take care of."

"I know..." he replied and kissed her. "But not so soon. Stay for a week more, love."

She chuckled humorlessly. "Okay, I will leave a week later."

"Good. Now come to the bedchamber and rest for a while." Alrakis said. He took her hand and tugged her to their bedchamber.

Eltanin stared at his parents. He blurted, "Father, I have to discuss a few important things with you!" He got up and came to stand right between his parents. "This is urgent!"

"Not now, Eltanin!" Alrakis grunted.

"Now! Now!" Eltanin argued.

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