The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 335 Matrimony

Princess Eri had rushed to the orchards on a horse. As soon as she dismounted, her horse was taken away by the guards. The hem of her gown became muddy and weeds stuck in it as she walked. She cursed as she walked through the field. The worst part was that she had to walk all the way to the place where the group was already standing which was pretty far off.

They were all gathered around the gardener who was speaking about the benefits of the oranges and apples. Eri's eyes scanned the whole group.

She saw Lusitania, flanked by some princesses who were talking to her and were in deep conversation. Lerna was standing at the back, looking sheepishly at Lusitania while getting glares from the Queen of Orion.

Eri walked to Princess Tarazed who was looking highly interested in the gardener's talks. She said, "This all is very beautiful. You must come to Aquila to help us grow an orchard. There is plenty of space in the palace grounds."

The gardener felt highly praised and bowed to her. "If my king allows, I will come," he said. He continued with his knowledge.

Eri was flustered. In a low voice she asked Tarazed, "Where is the king?"

Tarazed frowned. "The king? He isn't here."

Eri was... shocked. Flora had said that he was in the orchards. She was hoping to show herself to the king in her seductive dress and makeup, and he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"But didn't he change his plans?" she asked, bewildered.

Tarazed shrugged. "How would I know?" she replied nonchalantly.

Eri gritted her teeth and crossed her arms across her chest while sending daggers at Lusitania. Now all her plans were ruined.

Someone from the back muttered, "Why is she dressed like a concubine?"

Someone sneered, "Don't you know? She is hoping to get the attention of the king!"

Eri clenched her teeth tight. She didn't bother to look back at these women but she was going to teach them a lesson when the king would agree to marry her.

The tour through the orchards was pretty long. Not only her makeup flowed out in sweat, she was too tired to walk. She was angry all the more that Petra hadn't come. She wondered if she met with the king and that thought angered her more.


Eltanin hosted another feast for the princes and the kings where there were many concubines invited from the capital. Clad in bare clothes, they danced and served wine and food to the men. The women were not invited for obvious reasons. And this was where Eltanin was.

There were no chairs in the hall but mattresses and rugs with cushions were spread all over. As the party started, he just kept looking at all of them, not wanting to be a part of it. Girls sat on the laps of men, feeding them wine while they groped them everywhere. Two concubines tried to come to him but he glared at them so hard that they ran away. His father and father-in-law were both specifically not invited. He hadn't told Tania about this gathering, scared that she might fight with him or misinterpret him.

So all he did was to sit there and have wine along with his friend Prince Rigel. "Why don't you talk to your father, Rigel?" he said, sipping his wine.

Rigel pursed his lips. He looked at King Mintaka over the rim of his goblet. "The old man has huge reservations."

"Didn't you tell him that Lerna has severed her connections with her brother?" Eltanin asked.

"I have! Yet he isn't convinced. He says that it is not about severing connection, it's about her heritage. And he would not accept the future queen of Orion in Lerna."

Eltanin shook his head feeling sorry for his friend. From the corner of his vision, he saw the King of Eridanus coming towards him with two concubines hanging from his arms.

"Did you send the message to Cetus Monastery about Menkar?" he asked.

"Yes. They are in the process of selecting another High Priest. Surprisingly they took the news silently."

"Interesting!" Rigel commented.

"King Eltanin," Eridani said with a grin on his face.

"Please make yourself comfortable," Eltanin responded as he moved to the left to form space for him.

Eridani sat with his concubines who giggled as they made his eat black grapes. "There was something important that I wanted to discuss with you. About the alliance of our kingdoms."

Eltanin raised his eyebrow. Then he glared at the two concubines. They were petrified. They bowed and left the king alone. "Now you may talk about it," he said.

Eridani smiled. "You are very precautious."

"Of course!" he replied. "Please tell me what would you like to say."

Eridani gulped his wine down and said, "My daughter Princess Eri is an eligible girl for whom I am seeking right matrimony. I would like you to marry her and we will ally with you unconditionally."

Eltanin's mouth dropped to the floor. Had this king drunk way too much? His cheeks were flushed. Eltanin looked at Rigel who too was looking like he had tasted something bitter. When the king turned his face back to Eridani, he found him studying him closely. Eltanin licked his dry lips and said, "But you know that I am married! The purpose of this event is to introduce my wife to all of you."

Eridani laughed as he patted Eltanin's shoulders. "We all know that, King Eltanin, but it is not uncommon in our world to have more than one wife. Princess Eri would gladly be your second wife. In fact, she has shown interest in you from a long time. I should have hurried up for the matrimony."

Eltanin narrowed his eyes. Eri was trying to jump in his bed like forever. He remembered that she even tried to give him a strong drug which he consumed but, in the end, he came face to face with Lusitania.

"So what do you think?" asked Eridani, swirling wine in his glass.

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