The Amusing Adventures of a Directionally Challenged Dad and Daughter

Chapter 76

The siblings' eyes were filled with dreams of the future. Qingqing, comforted by her brother, returned to her carefree self.

The young man's words were not mere platitudes, but a promise. In the near future, he would indeed become wealthy and influential.

Of course, that's a story for another time. For now, they were still just mischievous children under their parents' watchful eyes.

They stopped outside a thatched cottage and called out loudly, "Grandma, Grandma!"

Hearing her grandchildren's voices, the old lady hurried out. "What's the rush?"

"We have guests at home," the siblings said as they went to support the old lady, walking her home. They didn't forget to turn back and say goodbye to another old lady who had come out with her.

"Grandma Jin, we're taking our grandma home now. Please come visit us when you have time!"

Grandma Jin waved her hand, her smile benevolent. "Go on then, come play again next time."

When the three generations returned home, Ah Qing's wife was cleaning a wild pheasant. She looked up, "Mother, you're back? A'qing's childhood friend has come to visit."

Old Mrs. Chen was taken aback. A'qing's childhood friend? Shouldn't they be in Yizhou County?

Inside the house, Old Gu Six and Chang'an saw an elderly person enter and quickly stood up to greet her.

"Hello, Old Lady. I'm A'qing's friend, Old Gu Six. I apologize for the sudden visit, please forgive the intrusion."

"Hello, Grandma," Chang'an also greeted her respectfully.

"It's no bother, no bother at all. It's kind of you to come from so far away to visit A'qing," the old lady said, gesturing for Chang'an to sit. She then added with a smile, "Let A'qing keep you company. I'll go prepare the meal."

After she left, Chang'an also walked out. They couldn't arrive empty-handed and eat a meal for free, could they?

In the courtyard, Dazhu was chopping firewood. Seeing Chang'an come out of the house, he smiled shyly at her.

Chang'an returned the smile, then left the courtyard and climbed into the carriage. She chose some suitable gifts from her space.

A bolt of coarse cloth and a bolt of cotton cloth, which they had "acquired" from a city overrun by refugees when they first started fleeing the disaster.

Two packages of homemade mung bean cakes. Since A'qing was Old Six's father's benefactor, she could give a more substantial gift.

Giving silver directly wouldn't be appropriate, but jewelry would do. Three pairs of silver bracelets were for the women.

For A'qing and Dazhu, she chose a fine jade pendant each.

Chang'an first brought the cloth and cakes back into the house. "Uncle A'qing, this is just a small token of our appreciation. Thank you for taking care of my father in the past."

Seeing this, A'qing became flustered, scratching his head.

"No, no, no, you don't need to—"

Old Gu Six held him back. "These things aren't expensive. Just accept them, it's fine."

Chang'an made another trip outside and brought in the bracelets and jade pendants. Each pair of bracelets was in its own box, as was each jade pendant.

She placed the five boxes on the kang bed, pushing them towards A'qing.

Just as A'qing was about to open them, a voice called from outside that the meal was ready.

"A'qing, bring the guests out to eat!"

In the courtyard, an eight-immortals table had been set up with four long benches. On the table was a pot of mushroom stewed chicken, two bowls of stir-fried greens, and a bowl of scrambled eggs.

The main course was mixed flour pancakes, made from a combination of dark and white flour.

There was also a pot of rice porridge.

The old lady came forward and took Chang'an's hand. "Child, come quickly. Grandma has saved you the big chicken legs."

She seated Chang'an at the place where a bowl with two chicken legs was set. Chang'an smiled, her dimples showing. "Thank you, Grandma."

"No need for thanks, just eat up."

Once everyone was seated, Chang'an picked up one of the chicken legs and put it in Qingqing's bowl beside her. "You eat too."

Qingqing stammered, "I... I won't eat it. You... you eat it," trying to put it back in Chang'an's bowl.

But Chang'an stopped her. "I have one. I can only finish one, two would be wasteful."

Qingqing looked at Chang'an shyly, and without further protest, said, "Thank you."

Chang'an grinned back at her. She then tore off a piece of meat from her own chicken leg and put it in the old lady's bowl. "Grandma, let's eat together."

Old Mrs. Chen was surprised for a moment, then smiled so widely that her wrinkles deepened. "Alright, let's eat together."

This child is truly kind-hearted, she thought. Just like her father, a good child. If it weren't for Old Gu Six taking care of A'qing back then, he wouldn't have survived long enough for her to pick him up.

As the family was eating happily together, a sharp voice suddenly came from the courtyard gate.

"Oh my, Second Sister-in-law, you have guests at home?"

The old lady lazily lifted her eyelids and said indifferently, "It's my A'qing's friend."

"Oh? A'qing knows rich young masters?"

The skeptical tone and the mockery in her eyes couldn't be more obvious.

No one responded to her, so she walked closer. Seeing the dishes on the table, she sat down next to the old lady.

"A'qing's wife, go get me a pair of chopsticks and a bowl. I haven't eaten yet either."

She acted as if she were in her own home, and her hands weren't idle either. She picked up a pancake and started eating.

When she saw the pot of mushroom stewed chicken, she dipped the pancake she had already bitten into the soup and ate it.

A'qing, despite his quick reflexes, couldn't stop her in time. He was furious, "Th-Th-Third Aunt, h-h-how c-c-can you d-d-do this?"

"Stuttering fool, don't talk. It's tiresome to listen to. I'm your Third Aunt, what's wrong with eating one of your pancakes?"

She rolled her eyes, her face full of impatience. After speaking, she reached into the pot and grabbed a piece of chicken to eat.

Old Gu Six and Chang'an simultaneously put down their bowls and chopsticks. Although they weren't full yet, they had lost their appetite.

The old lady was so angry her breathing became heavy. She stood up and delivered a resounding slap.

Despite her age, the old lady was quite strong. Third Aunt Chen was knocked to the ground, dazed.

In the past, no matter how much she angered the old lady, they always endured it silently. Today, however, was different.

This couldn't be allowed! Realizing what had happened, she quickly got up from the ground, ready to fight with the old lady.

The old lady, determined to stand her ground today, picked up a broom and started swinging it at Third Aunt Chen, chasing her out while she yelped and ran.

After chasing Third Aunt Chen away, the old lady came back, apologizing to Old Gu Six: "She's A'qing's Third Aunt, a troublemaker. I'm terribly sorry. Let me cook some noodles for you."

She sighed softly, wondering if there was enough white flour left to make two bowls of noodles.

Chang'an quickly stopped her. "There's no need, Grandma. We're full, don't trouble yourself."

A'qing stood to the side, head lowered, feeling very sorry towards Old Gu Six. This was his first visit as a guest, and he had to encounter such a situation.

Old Gu Six patted his shoulder, comforting him, "It's alright, Brother A'qing."

After this disturbance, no one continued eating. The siblings helped clean up the bowls and the table, and they all sat in the courtyard to chat.

Third Aunt Chen returned home, intending to have Third Uncle Chen seek justice for her, but was instead scolded by him.

"You deserved it. In the past, Second Sister-in-law was being considerate and giving you face. You're just ungrateful. Stay at home and don't go anywhere."

Third Aunt Chen could argue with the whole village, but she didn't dare throw a tantrum in front of Third Uncle Chen.

Because when Third Uncle Chen got angry, he would really hit her, and he hit hard.

Back at A'qing's house, Old Gu Six and Chang'an stayed for about two hours, learning about A'qing's current living conditions.

Apart from some financial difficulties, they seemed to be living happily and contentedly.

The father and daughter politely declined their offer to stay the night, and got up to say goodbye. Before leaving, Old Gu Six had Chang'an take out a bag of flour they had bought.

Leaving the flour behind, the father and daughter hurriedly departed, with A'qing chasing after them for quite a distance.

The world was already in chaos. This parting might mean they would never meet again.

(PS: Dear readers, where should Old Six and Chang'an go to the seaside? There will be two updates today.

Can't help it, I've been arranged to attend another feast, and several naughty kids have come to my house again.

I'm about to go bald from all the noise, it's so frustrating. We'll return to three updates tomorrow. (,,•́.•̀,,))

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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