The Ancestral Tablet Appears In The Beginning Of The Global Catastrophe

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Mission Objective

[In the 12th year of the era of demon eradication, Chen Feng, the lord of the City of Determination, the son of mankind, summoned a large number of strong human beings and announced a secret with them. The demons at that time were no longer a threat to mankind, at least in the eyes of mankind. Their destruction, It’s just a matter of time, but Chen Feng revealed on the spot that after the demon, there are actually other people standing behind them. They secretly dominate everything, including destroying modern human civilization 684 years ago, and throwing the seeds of the demon into this world . 】

[The strong people of the human race were excited. Under the leadership of Chen Feng, Aogu, Jianxian and others, they launched a real conquest against the demons and destroyed the demon family. They did a good job in the fight against the ethnic groups behind the demons, but on November 2 of the same year, There was no news from the strong human race. Later, all the high-level human race participants died violently, and the human race fell into chaos. The heroes rose together, and only Qianfeng City resisted the army of demon beasts. 】

A mechanical and ruthless electronic voice sounded in Chen An’s heart. His eyes were confused, and he didn’t know how long he had traveled. In a trance, he seemed to see a man in black with a long knife on his waist, speaking passionately in the crowd, watching a group of people. The terrifying human race flew towards the north.

That day, the sun was very warm, and then it was a whole week of cloudy and rainy days, and the powerhouses of the human race never came back.

The leaders of the three major cities of the human race, as well as the city lords of the many cities behind, also all died violently.

No one knows why, the careerists and speculators rose together, and the human race fell apart at the most united moment.

He saw the overwhelming monsters coming from the river and the sky like a sea tide, but the cities were on guard against each other. Few people understood the truth, and they all thought that the monsters were about to be destroyed. Some people wanted to gather the world. Ten does not exist, and the erratic old man and ten-year-old child were forced to bring their swords to the battlefield.

In this battle, two of the three cities on the south bank of the Xiangjiang River were destroyed, and Qianfeng City was renamed the City of Death.

Finally, Chen An woke up.

He counted the time silently, and he felt that nearly ten days had passed in the hallucination.

But in reality, it didn’t take a few seconds.

When he was at the prefecture level, that mechanical voice had told him that every time his strength increased by a level, it would tell him part of the truth.

Even if this truth, Chen An has already investigated and analyzed most of it by himself.

But looking at it now, he finally determined why Chen Feng’s ancestor brought a large number of strong men to the beast’s hinterland.

“What’s wrong?”

Eagle Falcon, who was driving, was keenly aware of Chen An’s emotional changes.


Chen An said.

Only then did he realize that his voice had become extremely hoarse.

He was immersed in those memories just now, and he only felt like a machine, indifferently watching the human race fall from its peak to its trough, watching tens of millions of people die easily on the southern bank of the Xiangjiang River, but he didn’t feel anything.

But looking back now, an indescribable sadness suddenly flooded into my heart.

Falcon couldn’t comfort him, he just gave him a worried look from the corner of his eye.

The pharmacist and the poisonous loli sitting in the back row were in a similar situation. They didn’t even know why Chen An was sad.

“I’ll adjust myself.”

Chen An coughed lightly and took the initiative to speak.

“Okay, anyway, although our task is urgent, we won’t be in a hurry.”


Falcon steered the pickup to stop. They were on a high slope, and when they looked around, a crisscross of water appeared in their field of vision.

The water is divided into shoals, and the khaki reeds grow staggered. Whether it is a plain around Nanjiang City, a mountain forest, or a desert that is more common in the north, it has a different scenery.

Among these waters, there are white cows with rhinoceros and white horns, who are driving the ferry across the board.

In the distance, there are houses connected one after another.

The group got out of the car and quietly headed towards Mizusawa Zhongxing.

Although it is not comparable to the heaven level, the earth level’s control of spiritual power is not weak.

Unlike the last time he crossed the Xiangjiang River, Chen An first jumped into the water, slowly sank to the bottom, stepped on the surface of the mud, and walked forward slowly without any ripples on the water surface.

“It seems that they have already begun to mobilize troops. Do they have an accurate mission target?”

The spiritual power drives out the water, forming a line of small characters beside Chen An.

Eagle Falcon nodded, and also released his spiritual power, forming a line of small characters in front of Chen An’s side.

“There are three mission objectives, one is the pioneer officer Niu Jing. The last time he appeared, he was an extraordinary fifth-rank, and now it may be sixth-rank or even higher, and he leads a quarter of the White Bull Clan’s troops, and the strong beside him a lot of.

The second one, named Bai Wu, on the surface, he is only a heavenly rank, but in fact, he is one of the most important staff of Bai Jing of the White Bull Clan. The position of the commander of the White Bull Clan is vacant. The one who is most likely to become the commander-in-chief, but he also has masters around him, and it is not surprising that he has an extraordinary position. His position is more difficult to find than the pioneer officer Niu Jing.

The third, and also the weakest, he is the direct son of the Patriarch of the White Bull Clan. He is most highly valued by the Patriarch of the White Bull Clan. , but it can make the White Bulls really chaotic. Of course, he is also the most difficult to kill, his strength is unknown, and there are at least two extraordinary-level White Bulls around him as guards. ”

The group stopped and looked at Chen An who was standing in front.

Eagle Falcon is the captain, but Chen An is the strongest and the most critical person to carry out this mission.

Ying Falcon himself naturally prefers to kill Bai Wu, and then quickly withdraws. First, it can disrupt the actions of the Bai Niu clan, and secondly, there is not much risk.

Assassinating a person who may have an extraordinary power by his side is two different things from assassinating a real extraordinary power.


Words appeared beside Chen An.

“Look at their positions first, if they fit, I want to kill them all!”

Falcon’s eyes widened.

Not only him, but also the pharmacist, the poisonous loli and the beef cow who followed behind had similar expressions.

Several people wanted to say something, but in the end, the words that appeared next to Chen An were in a row.

Half an hour later, several people crossed the outer waters of the Bai Niu tribe from underwater, and finally came to a dry land.

Falcon took out the breath disruptor from the space compression device and gave it to several people to wear.

This thing was used in Taze Town last time. It can disguise the breath of the designated demon race. The only bad thing is that as long as you face the demon, the other party will find that they have no demon characteristics on them, and they will quickly reveal their contents.

And in the waters where the heart of the White Bull Clan is located, the most indispensable thing is the White Bull Clan’s demon.

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