The Ancestral Tablet Appears In The Beginning Of The Global Catastrophe

Chapter 870

Chapter 870 Despicable Weekend

Chen An and Senior Sister Yao Yue knew very well that Song Changhe’s method was risky, but this risk had to be taken, so soon the two of them got into a tug of war over who would go.

And when Chen An came to that space, she couldn’t help feeling a little surprised when she saw Senior Sister Luo Xia.

From Yao Yue’s point of view, Chen An must not be in trouble. If something happened to Chen An, then Senior Sister Luo Xia would not be able to save her.

“Okay, now! Go in!”

Song Changhe spread out his hands helplessly, apparently there was nothing he could do.

It is also because of this that Chen An was able to know the current situation of Senior Sister Luo Xia.

And after Chen An exited the space to meet with Senior Sister Luo Xia, the whole person was furious.

“Big brother! Do you know what you are talking about! This Shanhai Pavilion is a giant on the back of Nanyuan Shenzhou. It’s not that easy to overthrow them!”

Chen An directly stated his purpose at this time, and after hearing Chen An’s words, Song Changhe couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“When I let you enter the space I created, you can go in, but if you hear me asking you to come out, you have to come out without hesitation, understand?”

The moment Chen An pinched the jade card, the jade card on Sister Luo Xia’s body also reacted.

Seeing the jade card reacting at this time, Senior Sister Luo Xia finally picked up the jade card subconsciously, and when she picked up the jade card, the memory of Chen An began to flash in her eyes almost instantly.

Chilong asked from the side at this time, and after hearing Chilong’s words, Chen An also began to calm down gradually.

Chen An punched the rock next to him, and the rock was smashed into powder almost instantly.

When Senior Sister Luo Xia said this, she couldn’t help but burst into tears.

“And how can we rescue you from Shanhai Pavilion?” Chen An’s series of questions made Senior Sister Luo Xia feel a little dizzy.

So soon Chen An asked Sister Luo Xia for some details, and then he withdrew from the space created by Song Changhe.

“Damn it! It turns out that Shanhaige is a sanctimonious sect!”

At this time, when Chen An was a little desperate, Chen An suddenly remembered a jade card on his body, and then saw Chen An directly took out the jade card and pinched it.

“What! What do you mean, this Shanhai Pavilion is inherited through the weekend?”

At this time, Chen An knew that the familiar Senior Sister Luo Xia had returned, so she hugged her decisively.

“The goal this time is to overturn the Shanhai Pavilion!”

It’s just that no matter what Chen An said, Senior Sister Luo Xia couldn’t seem to hear it.

After all, for Song Changhe, this is simply nonsense.

After Song Changhe captured Senior Sister Luo Xia’s consciousness, he also reminded Chen An, Chen An did not hesitate to get into the space created by Song Changhe.

When Song Changhe used the means of spatial transposition, he repeatedly warned Chen An.

Chen An had already made up his mind in his heart at this time, and he would definitely destroy this Shanhai Pavilion.

With the appearance of the residence, Song Changhe soon found the position of Senior Sister Luo Xia, and after finding Senior Sister Luo Xia, Song Changhe directly dragged her consciousness into the space.

Chen An couldn’t help but get angry after listening to Senior Sister Luo Xia’s remarks.

“Quick! Tell me what happened to you, why did you forget us?”

The next moment, I saw that Senior Sister Luo Xia directly chose to take action against Chen An. Obviously at this time, Senior Sister Luo Xia was still the one who didn’t know Chen An.

Seeing that Senior Sister Yao Yue fainted, Chen An found a quiet place with Song Changhe, and then used the space transposition method Song Changhe said.

“Unless you can find thirty god-level powerhouses, but thirty god-level powerhouses, that’s not thirty pieces of tofu! Where can I find it!”

“Is there a force that has always been hostile to Shanhaige? Maybe we can kill people with a knife!” Chen An said.

“Fortunately there is still time! I need to find more people!”

“Doesn’t that mean that what they are practicing is evil?”

“Chen, Chen An! Save me!”

“I’ve already been spotted by the sect master, and when the sect master leaves, he will take me into the secret room of Shanhai Pavilion for a weekend break!”

The next moment, Chilong reached out and pressed Yao Yue’s neck, and Senior Sister Yao Yue suddenly fainted.

“Damn Shanhai Pavilion!”

“Old Song, do you know where you can find a master like you? I need to hire a few more helpers!”

“Mr. Chen An, do you need us to do anything?”

After seeing the pictures in her eyes, Senior Sister Luo Xia finally seemed to have regained her memory, and the next moment she saw that she threw herself directly into Chen An’s arms.

“Senior Sister Luoxia! Stop it! I’m Chen An! Think about it carefully!”

Chilong has never seen Chen An lose such a big temper. Obviously this time it should be no small matter.

But at this moment, Chen An suddenly remembered the saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so Chen An soon began to inquire about the dead enemy of Shanhaige.

And the moment he closed his eyes, a light curtain immediately appeared in front of him.

But soon Senior Sister Luo Xia calmed down and began to tell some things about Shanhai Pavilion.

“So what do I want to ask? It’s better to hurry up. The shorter the time inside, the safer! Do you understand?”

“We also went to the secret realm of Tianxuan Pavilion together. In the secret realm, you subdued Jiaolong, and I also got credit for it!”

“We were all disciples of Tianxuan Pavilion! Don’t you remember?”

Above the light curtain, I saw the residence of the disciples of Shanhaige where Senior Sister Luo Xia was located slowly appeared.

“Senior Sister Luoxia, is that you? Great, you’re finally back!”

After the exhortation, Song Changhe slowly closed his eyes.

When the two couldn’t argue, Chen An decisively winked at Chilong, and after seeing Chen An’s wink, Chilong also understood.

“Although I created this trick, I can’t control the direction of the space inside!”

“Okay! It’s very good! You dare to attack Senior Sister Luoxia’s idea, then I’m at odds with you!”

“Chen An, be sure to save me or kill me before I’m brought in! I don’t want to be insulted by that old thing!”

“No wonder! No wonder no one knows the secrets of this Shanhai Pavilion. It turned out to be such a rude means!”

While coping with Senior Sister Luo Xia’s attack, Chen An tried to remind her of the past.

However, Chen An didn’t think so. In Chen An’s opinion, such a dangerous thing should naturally be done by himself.

Perhaps because this space was not affected, the mouth restraint on Senior Sister Luo Xia did not take effect at all.

At this moment, seeing Senior Sister Luo Xia, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, Chen An’s anger grew stronger.

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