The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 123 He is here to find you

The overfed Vernons slumped in their chairs, rubbing their bellies and burping.

Harry wanted to clean up the kitchen with Penny, but the latter refused because 'today is her birthday', and was even forced to sit on the chair next to Ash.

This made the girl's cheeks become increasingly crimson, and her heartbeat accelerated further.

Maybe, if, maybe...

she meant.


"Watch some TV."

Vernon muttered, picking up the remote and turning on the TV, ready to watch what evening news was on.

This TV was newly bought during the summer vacation to welcome Harry and Dudley home for the summer vacation. Of course, although it is said to be new, due to the development of the times, the style of the TV is still quite old and the picture quality is not clear.

He pressed the remote control to change the channel. The next second the newscaster on the TV was broadcasting a major news:

"According to police reports, Blake had at least fourteen lives on his hands..."

"The police have intelligence that Blake has fled to the vicinity of Surrey County. He is carrying a gun and is extremely dangerous! Once anyone discovers Blake's whereabouts, please call the hotline immediately..."

A picture of Blake appeared on the small television screen, with a series of phone numbers underneath.

However, the news report stopped abruptly, because the newscaster soon began to broadcast other news:

"The Prime Minister said in an interview today..."

"Damn it!"

Vernon roared angrily, "The government won't even tell us where this madman escaped from! What's the use of just saying this? He has a gun in his hand, maybe on this street! Can the police do anything? None?"

"When will these insects understand that hanging is the only effective punishment for these criminals!"


Penny, who was washing the dishes, shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Ah, sorry."

Vernon calmed down slightly, but still looked a little angry.

He knew he shouldn't say this in front of the children, but he still couldn't help but denounce the bugs at the top of the government!

If the top officials of the government are all such idiots, how can they run the country well?

Penny apologized softly:

"Sorry, Mr. Black, Vernon was really rude just now. He is always so outspoken."

After all, Ash was a guest, and he was Harley's friend. He could tell with his toes who Harley's friend would be. He must be a wizard like her. Although the Dursley family strongly disliked wizards, it was difficult to speak harshly to this polite young man, and they did not want Ash to leave a bad impression on their family and thus on his relationship with Harry.

Ash shook his head:

"No need to apologize, Mrs. Dursley."

"Actually, Mr. Dursley and I have the same view. Britain should not abolish the death penalty."

Vernon's eyes lit up, and his affection for Ash skyrocketed. He even looked at his wife with some pride, as if his eyes were saying, 'Look, I'll just say I'm right! ’.

Dudley scratched his head and added:

"However, the teacher told us that the abolition of the death penalty is out of humanitarianism..."

"Humanitarianism is just an excuse!"

Vernon grabbed Dudley's ears and roared loudly, "I sent you to school to learn knowledge, not to be brainwashed by your teacher! You obviously failed every exam, but now you are telling me about the teacher , is your teacher necessarily right? If he is right, how can he teach such a stupid student like you? "

Perhaps because he felt that squirting was not enough, Vernon gave him another vicious slap.

Dudley almost cried in grievance. This was what the teacher said, not him!

Then go hit the teacher, he will definitely support it with both hands!

Harley was a little confused. She was only 13 years old and had never had such profound thoughts.

Ash noticed the girl's confusion and gently guided her out of her confusion:

"Kant put forward the view in his work "Critique of Practical Reason" that law is the bottom line of moral standards."

"The purpose of the death penalty is not only execution, but also deterrence. Only if criminals are afraid of the law and the death penalty will they hesitate before committing a crime. Once the death penalty is abolished, the only fear criminals have for the law will also disappear. Disappeared without a trace.”

"In fact, since the death penalty was abolished in the UK in 1969, the domestic crime rate has remained high, and the number of serious criminals has skyrocketed. Even existing prisons have become somewhat overwhelmed, and the government has had to build more prisons To host these criminals.”

"If the death penalty had not been abolished, I don't think these criminals would be so unscrupulous."

Harley was still a little confused because she didn't have her own judgment. But based on her trust in Ash, she subconsciously believed that Ash was right.

Moreover, her uncle seemed very happy too.

"well said!"

Vernon clapped his hands vigorously, his voice unable to contain his excitement, "That's how it should be! That's what I think!"

Petunia looked at her husband with helpless eyes. She knew very well that Vernon just liked to criticize the current situation, but he actually didn't have a complete set of logic at all, at least not as coherent as Ash.

Moreover, Vernon probably doesn’t even know who Kant is…

"Who is Kant?" Dudley nodded with a vague understanding, but soon showed a confused expression.

"I don't even know Kant. What did you learn in school?"

Vernon slapped his son again and glared at him fiercely to hide his unknown guilt. .

Ash smiled and said:

"Kant is a representative figure in German thought and is generally regarded as the last major philosopher of the Enlightenment. He reconciled the rationalism of René Descartes with the empiricism of Francis Bacon and is considered the successor to Soviet Union One of the most influential thinkers in the West after Grates, Plato and Aristotle.”

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Vernon's eyes, but there was no hint of timidity on his face as he glared at Dudley fiercely:

"Did you hear that? Do you know who Kant is now?"

Dudley nodded hurriedly and protected his head with both hands to avoid being slapped again.

"Mr. Black, I didn't expect you to have such a deep understanding of our history!"

Petunia's tone was a little sighing and surprised, because Aiko was a wizard, and she and Vernon had not seen many wizards before, only four in total - James, Lily, Snee, and Hagrid.

Maybe it was an inherent impression, but at least in their opinion, James knew nothing about Muggle common sense.

And Petunia originally thought Ash would be like this, because education in the wizarding world has never popularized this.

This is based on the arrogance of wizards who believe that learning Muggle common sense is meaningless. It is also because of the existence of the Statute of Secrecy that the Ministry of Magic has been trying its best to avoid contact between wizards and Muggles.

Ash explained softly:

"Actually, my father is also a Muggle. He told me when I was very young, never underestimate the wisdom of Muggles, and I deeply agree with this. At least in my opinion, Muggles have an important impact on the quality of life. It's no worse than a wizard at all, or even better."

This sincere compliment made the Dursleys extremely happy, and even made them feel elated.

Do you see it?

A wizard personally admitted that the quality of life of Muggles is no worse than that of wizards!

Although their family doesn't like wizards, it's because they don't like wizards that they have to prove that they are better than wizards!

Harry was also very happy. She didn't have to judge who was better off, Muggles or wizards. She was just happy that Ash and his aunt and uncle got along well.

Vernon was in an extremely happy mood at this time, because he had never met someone who understood him so well. What is this called? This is called a confidant!

Vernon had always felt that he was unappreciated for his talent, but now he finally met someone who agreed with his ideas, and he felt like an old friend at first sight. If Ash hadn't been too young and Harley was by his side, he would have had to drag Ash to have a few drinks, the kind of thing where he wouldn't come back until he was drunk.

But even if he didn't drink, he still had fun chatting with Ash.

In contrast, Vernon's son Dudley seemed less interested and went back to his room to sleep early out of boredom.

Until late at night, Vernon, who was still unfinished, was forced back to the room by Petunia.

So only Ash and Harley were left in the living room.

However, until now, no one in this family has mentioned a serious issue.

Ash looked at the girl aside and suddenly shouted:


Harry's whole body trembled, and he sat upright.

Ash's tone was a little helpless:

"It seems your aunt and uncle forgot to tell me where they will stay tonight?"


Harry thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case.

Because Ash arrived unexpectedly and joined her birthday party as soon as he arrived, and then had a lively chat with Uncle Vernon. As a result, the whole family neglected to arrange where Ash would stay.

"There is still a guest room at home..."

Harley said something subconsciously, but her voice became quieter and quieter until she couldn't hear it at all.

"What?" Ash looked confused.


Harley's pretty face flushed slightly, and she lowered her head, not daring to meet Ash's eyes, "I mean, there is no extra room in the house, so... so..."

"That's it."

Ash's face was clear, and he stood up amidst the girl's nervousness and said, "Then I'll find a hotel nearby."

As he spoke, he pretended to leave.

Harley hurriedly grabbed Ash's sleeves and bowed her head shyly in the latter's doubtful eyes:

"Actually, I mean, you can...if you don't with me..."

Although she was a little incoherent, I could still make out what she wanted to say.

Ash wanted to play hard to get and say, "Isn't this bad?" But looking at the girl's crimson cheeks, which were as ripe as apples and so tender that they could bleed, I knew that if she stimulated Harry any more, she would probably explode.

Simply give up and continue PUA and ask directly:

"Harry, where is your room?"


Harley didn't answer Ash, she ran up the stairs with her head lowered, opened her room and walked in.

She didn't look back at Ash all the way, but Ash's footsteps clearly told her that he was by her side.


The moment the door was closed, the girl's heart tightened and pounded.

She is no longer a child, and she knows very well what it means for young men and women who like each other to be in the same room.

Of course, the prerequisite is that there is only one man and one woman.

When Harley raised her head and was about to say something, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure jumping gracefully onto her window, which startled her.

And when she saw the man's appearance clearly, she couldn't help blurting out:

"Bai Zi, why are you here?"

"protect you."

Bai Zi's voice was still cold.


Harley blinked, not understanding what was going on.

Bai Zi seemed to have expected it and directly raised his hand to show a newspaper to Harry.

"This is……"

Harley recognized the person on the front page of the newspaper at a glance. It was Blake, the criminal she had just seen on TV!

The difference is that the photo on the TV will not move, but the man in the newspaper in front of him is roaring hysterically.

Black's full name was not shown on TV, nor was it stated which prison he escaped from, but it was written clearly in the Daily Prophet:

Sirius Black, the fugitive from Azkaban!

"Sirius Black?"

Harley looked a little surprised, "Why did he enter Azkaban?"

Harry had seen this name before, on a file kept in Mr. Filch's office. He was a friend of his father and, along with Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin, was a well-known group of bullies at school, and Mr. Filch was deeply impressed by them.

But she didn't know the fate of these people.

All he knew was that his father had died at the hands of Death Eaters, and that Professor Lupine had recently become their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

As for Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, Harry had never met them before, and this was the first time she knew what Sirius looked like.

Ash stepped forward and explained softly:

"Black is Voldemort's most loyal follower. Professor Snape suspects that his purpose of escaping from prison was you."


Harley immediately figured out the key, "He wants to kill me?"

"I think so."

Ash nodded slightly, but did not tell Harley the truth.

Anyway, it didn't have much to do with him whether Sirius could be cleared of his grievances. He didn't have to help Sirius clear his name.

Harley immediately became worried, her eyes full of worry:

"Are my uncle and aunt also in danger?"

"Don't worry, Harley."

Ash comforted softly, "The Ministry of Magic will send people to protect them secretly, and Sirius may not know that you live here. But to be on the safe side, you'd better go back to London with me tomorrow."

Harley's mood was a little complicated. She knew that leaving her aunt and uncle was the best way to protect them, and she was not opposed to leaving with Ash. After all, her original plan was to go to London in the second month of summer vacation.

Anyway, as long as she's not here, Sirius shouldn't hurt his aunt and uncle, right?

"Go to bed early, we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

Ash's comfort made Harley feel a little more at ease, but she still didn't understand why Sirius wanted to kill her, although she knew it was because she was Voldemort's enemy. What she didn't understand was why Sirius wanted to kill her. Will he join Voldemort? Isn't he his father's friend?

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