The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 19 If you know how to speak, speak more.

On the train, Harley asked curiously:

"What is a prefect?"

She knew about broomsticks, but Hagrid told her that first years didn't need to buy broomsticks because new students weren't allowed to bring them.

As for the prefects, they should be similar to the monitors, Harry thought.

Cassandra explained in a scripted manner:

"Prefects are students who are appointed by the principal or dean of each college and are given special rights and responsibilities. Each college will select one boy and one girl in the fifth grade to serve as prefects, and they will continue to serve until graduation. This position. So each college will have 6 prefects at the same time, and there are 24 in the whole school."

After a pause, she added:

"In addition, prefects, like professors, have the right to deduct points."

Harley was a little hard to understand:

"Points deducted? Test scores?"

Cassandra said absently:

"It's college points. You'll understand when you enroll. Don't ask me!"

All she wants now is to write home quickly and ask her father to buy her a broomstick, and it must be the latest model of Nimbus 2000!

Not expecting an answer from Cassandra, Harley looked up at Ash.

Ash thought for a moment and said simply:

"Hogwarts has four houses, and each house has separate house points. During the school year, different behaviors of each student will increase or decrease the house points, and at the end of the school year, the house with the highest score will Win the Academy Cup.”

If Harley realizes something, she will get extra points if she behaves well, and points will be deducted if she violates the rules and regulations. This is easy to understand.

And although the points deducted are from the college, the students whose points are deducted will definitely be squeezed out by other students in the college.

"I don't want to do this. I have to try to avoid making mistakes." Harley thought.

Harry suddenly thought:

"I wonder if my mother ever served as a prefect when she was in school."

Mom is such a gentle person, so it should be fine, right?

Harley hesitated. She wanted to know the answer, but didn't know who to ask.

Ash? He would be happy to tell him the answer, but he might not know it.

Ash saw Harley's hesitation, accurately guessed her thoughts, and said softly:

"I have read some past information about the school. Your mother Lily once served as a prefect, but your father was not. Well, as Cassandra said, while being given special rights, prefects also have to bear the responsibilities Responsibilities.”

He emphasized the word 'responsibility', not everyone can take on the responsibility, and not everyone is qualified.

"I know." Harley smiled slightly, she was still very happy.

Her mother was indeed as good as she thought. As for her father - she had long given up any expectations.

After all, if she could treat her aunt and the others like that and still be hated by Professor Snape, her father wouldn't be a good student even if he thought about it.


Cassandra suddenly looked at Ash and asked suspiciously: "Did you buy Nimbus 2000 on purpose just to beat me?"


It took Ash a while to react, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

"Of course not. To be clear in advance, if you don't use Nimbus 2000, I definitely won't use it either!"

"Hmph." Cassandra snorted softly, feeling very good, but she still said harshly:

"Who wants you to give in? I can definitely beat you even without Nimbus 2000!"

The train had already left London and was speeding smoothly on a railway with a history of more than 100 years. Outside the window was the scenery of fields filled with cattle and sheep.

Harley asked curiously:

“Why are there no people in these fields?”

Cassandra said matter-of-factly:

"Because these lands had been purchased by the Ministry of Magic when the railway was first built, of course there would be no Muggles. On both sides of the railway, the lands you can see now all belong to the Ministry of Magic."

Cassandra didn't look proud when she said this, because she didn't think it was anything special. But Harry was inevitably a little surprised. How many pounds would it cost to buy so much land?


Cassandra frowned and said with some seriousness: "You have to get used to this and don't show surprised expressions casually. This will make people think you are like...a Muggle. This will make Ash and I both embarrassed." !”

She doesn't want her friend to be a blustering person who yells at everything he sees. Although Harley's performance is not that exaggerated, if someone sees it, she will not mind exaggerating it.

Harley was silent for a while. This time she did not contradict Cassandra, but nodded seriously:

"I will."

She thought for a while and then said:

"But you also have to promise me that you won't call anyone a mudblood again."

Cassandra blushed suddenly and muttered:

"Will not."

"You promise?" Harley's eyes were a little suspicious. Did you just want to say mudblood?

"I promise!" Kassandra shouted in embarrassment: "I promise, right?!"

Cassandra felt that she had suffered a loss and glared at Harley and said:

"Then you have to promise me too!"

"I promise."

Harley nodded slightly, then smiled.

Sure enough, although Cassandra is a bit arrogant, her nature is not bad.

Harley asked curiously:

"Cassandra, which college are you going to?"


Cassandra still had a blush on her face, but she still raised her head proudly and said:

"Although which house a new student belongs to is determined by the Sorting Hat, I will definitely be sorted into Slytherin, and so will Ash."

"As for you."

Cassandra looked at Harry, frowned and said:

"While I wish you could come to Slytherin, I think you will probably be sorted into Gryffindor."

"Why?" Harley asked confused.

Cassandra said:

"Because your parents are both Gryffindors, as their child, you will most likely be assigned to Gryffindor."

Harley's mood suddenly dropped, feeling a little tangled and depressed.

The troubling thing is that she wants to trace her mother's traces, and it would be good to go to Gryffindor.

The frustrating thing is, why are you all in Slytherin and I can only be in Gryffindor?

Cassandra saw that Harley was not very happy, and she tried to comfort her:

"Don't worry, even if you are sorted into Gryffindor, I will make an exception and let you be my friend!"

She wanted to speak to comfort her, but her expression was very arrogant, and her words were more like condescending charity.

This made Harley even more depressed. Although she knew that Cassandra meant no harm, she didn't know whether it was good or bad to have such a friend - she felt that she would be often annoyed by Cassandra in the future, because she was not You can tell every time if Cassandra means no harm.

Ash looked at the unique interaction between the two and said with a smile:

"I think what you need to worry about most is not being sorted, but getting lost."

"Lost?" Harley asked with some confusion:

"Is Hogwarts big?"

Cassandra raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said proudly:

"I've been to Hogwarts and am very familiar with it. But you, Harry, you really should be careful."

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