The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 25 Why is the Prime Minister laughing?

When Hagrid was about to greet the little wizards to go to the auditorium, he turned around and realized that they had almost fallen down from exhaustion.

A black-haired witch in an emerald green robe stood in the square in front of the auditorium and said seriously:

"Hagrid, you should pay more attention to the bodies of the little wizards."

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed.

Professor McGonagall shook her head and said:

"Thank you, Hagrid, leave this to me."

"Okay." Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left from the other side, leaving the freshmen with Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall looked like a thin old woman, but her expression was so serious that the little wizards were more nervous in front of her than in front of the tall Hagrid.

At the same time, Ash and Hermione, who had been lagging behind the team, finally arrived belatedly.

They'd obviously taken some time off along the way, so Hermione seemed to be in good shape.

This made Harley look at Cassandra with some resentment, "It's all your fault for taking me away so fast!"

Kassandra looked away feeling guilty, her face slightly red.

Professor McGonagall saw Ash, who was last, with a smile on his face, stepped forward and said:

"Mr. Ash Black, Dumbledore told me the same thing. Welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you will have a pleasant experience here."

The freshmen all looked over at once. From the moment they got off the bus, they felt that Ash was special - they were all freshmen, but two of the four people in his group could use magic proficiently, and they were very familiar with Hogg. Watts also knew more than them. There were some things that even Hagrid, who was leading them, didn't know.

And now, Professor McGonagall, who looked very serious, actually took the initiative to say hello to him!

Most of the little wizards couldn't hide their emotions, and most of their eyes were a little envious, even jealous. Harry and Hermione's expressions were very calm, as if they thought this was natural - Ash should have such abilities.

Only Cassandra was a little proud, as if she was the one named by Professor McGonagall.

Ash's eyes flashed with surprise and he said politely:

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall."

After the little wizards had rested for a while and were no longer so out of breath, Professor McGonagall led them towards the auditorium.

As they approached, Professor McGonagall stretched out her hands and pushed open the two heavy-looking oak doors, revealing the extremely spacious entrance hall inside. Fire pots and torches everywhere illuminate the surrounding stone walls as bright as day, and the high ceilings are carved with magnificent and beautiful patterns. Everything makes the little wizards who come to Hogwarts for the first time overwhelmed and excited. of whispers.

They climbed up the luxurious marble staircase to the upper platform, and in front of them was another oak door.

Professor McGonagall led them through the door, which opened into a huge foyer.

There are four huge hourglasses of different colors placed against the wall on the left side of the foyer, but they are not filled with sand, but with gems of various colors. On the right are the stairs leading to the interior of the castle, some going up and some going down.

But Professor McGonagall did not stop and led them straight through the second oak door directly ahead.

Inside the second oak door is a small room. There are four braziers placed in the four corners of the room. The flames burning inside illuminate the room brightly. There are two pairs of silver knight armor placed against the wall on the left, and there are two more pairs on both sides of the third oak door in front, both of them standing with swords.

On the walls on the left and right sides of the room, there is a huge square flag hanging on each side, with a huge 'H' letter on it, which is the logo of Hogwarts House. On both sides of these two pennants, there are also long strip flags of four colleges hanging respectively.

On the left are lions and badgers, on the right are eagles and snakes.

Professor McGonagall stopped in front of the third door, although they could already hear the noise coming from inside, which must have been other Hogwarts students.

"Welcome to Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall said loudly:

"The opening dinner is about to begin, and in a little while you will pass through this door and gather with other classmates."

"But before you take your seats, you will be assigned to your respective colleges."

She faced the little wizards and pointed to the flag hanging on the wall on the right:

"Gryffindor, Hufflepuff."

Then point to the other two flags on the right:

"Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."

She looked at the little wizards and said loudly:

"Each academy has its glorious and long history, and has also cultivated talented magicians."

"While you are at school, the College is your home at Hogwarts."

"If you perform well, you can add points to the academy."

"But if someone violates school rules, points will be deducted."

“At the end of the year, the kid from the house with the highest score will be awarded a supreme honor – the House Cup!”

"I hope you all bring glory to your academy."

"That sounds scary."

Harley, who was walking at the back of the crowd, whispered.


Ash shook his head and said softly:

"When you stay at this school long enough, you will find..."

"What did you find?" Harry and Hermione pricked up their ears, and Cassandra also looked over quietly.

Ash said with a serious expression:

"The most horrific punishment found in this school is the deduction of points."

Harley blinked, not understanding.

It's normal not to understand. Even the teachers in this school themselves don't understand what Ash is talking about. But as time goes by, Harley and the others will gradually discover that the most terrible punishment in this school is the deduction of points, but it can only be the deduction of points!

Yes, the only punishment for students in this school is to deduct points - the more serious ones are nothing more than confinement on weekends, that's all.

Although dropping out of school is often mentioned by professors as a threat and punishment to students.

However, in fact, only a handful of students have been expelled from Hogwarts since its establishment.

The most recent one dates back fifty years, when Rubeus Hagrid was accused of killing Myrtle by his spider Aragog. This resulted in Hagrid being expelled from school and having his wand broken.

Doesn’t the punishment sound severe? Do you think Hagrid is innocent?

Yes, Hagrid was innocent, Ash didn't deny it.

But Hagrid was accused of killing a classmate, and the most severe punishment he suffered was to be expelled!

Kill people!

A crime that would be punishable by death in the Muggle world, even in countries that have abolished the death penalty, would be punishable by life imprisonment. The punishment at Hogwarts is simply expulsion!

Even the reason for being expelled was not murder, but 'opening the secret room and releasing the monster', without any mention of murder!

This is enough to prove from the side that human life is not valuable at Hogwarts, although human life rarely occurs here - and this is indeed the case, because death does not mean the end at Hogwarts, and the dead can be saved in the form of souls Continue living in the castle.

And even human life is not valuable, and other behaviors that are not life-threatening are not even punishable.

And this kind of behavior, which is almost tantamount to connivance, directly leads to the fact that in addition to wizards, Hogwarts is also rich in campus bullying.

Snape is a classic example.

He was bullied in school for seven full years, and his only revenge against James' group was to report it to the teachers and have them lose points.

——The main reason is that he can't defeat James' foursome and has no other choice but to snitch.

Point deduction is the most severe punishment that Hogwarts can impose on students.

"It's just like child's play." Ash suddenly chuckled, although Harley and the others didn't understand why he laughed.

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