The Ancients World

Chapter 117: The dungeons II

Chapter 117: The dungeons II

{krialer, please let me know if you want an NPC or player named after you. You are the top donater this month and now its time for your reward. You have until the 31st of march to reply to this.}

I sit down in an old office chair and look at the faces of my family. Both Hailey and dad have made a full recovery, and the happiness on their faces goes to show the lack of pain. I look at my sister and see her smile, she notices my gaze and gets up. She walks over as mom and dad talk, she sits on the table next to me. "So are we heading out right after we finish in the dungeon. If we are I have to question whether or not you know where we are going." She makes a valid point, I don't know where to go to get back to our original continent. I have a hunch on how to find out. If we are the first players to clear the dungeon we will get a reward. What I'm hoping for is a custom request just like the monster swarms. If I can get an answer from the system instead of finding it through trial and error it will make our journey much faster.

I release a groan at the reality of the situation. I'm basically putting all my faith in the random chance that there is the reward. "In truth Hailey, I don't know which way to go to get back to our original continent. I'm hoping that when we beat the dungeon we'll get custom rewards, that way I can use mine to ask the system which way to go to get back to our original continent. I know how badly you want to get your legendary class, but don't be mad if it takes us awhile to find out which way we are supposed to go." My sister looks at me as if I've lost some sense or reason. If she has a better idea I'd like to hear it. I give her a look that conveys my thoughts and she opens her mouth to speak, but closes it just as fast.

She cant think of anything better either. The dungeons should be opening soon and I want us to be the first clears. I doubt many will be willing to jump straight into it like us, if anything many will be to scared. Only the hardcore players will jump in and try it out, even then they probably wont succeed. "How do you think we'll do in the dungeon. I don't really like that we have to rely on you for everything. I don't have that much experience with dungeons, the 2 that I have been in I was carried by a group of guys. Being pretty has its benefits." I laugh at my sisters use of her beauty. I think its brilliant, if I could've used my looks in my old future I would've. A group of men don't want to help an attractive man. She also begins to laugh, I'm glad I'll be able to have company for a little bit. It does get lonely out there by myself all the time, soloing has its disadvantages. However, its the way I am.

This will be a good experience for all of them. They can see how a dungeon functions and learn how to combat multiple enemies while helping each other. I help them through the hard bits and handle the boss. I'll make sure each of them wont get more then they cant handle. This is to be a learning experience, not a death march. "I have plenty of strategies and tactics that I'll teach you guys during the dungeon. The things you will all learn will be used pretty much in all combat heavy dungeons." My sister looks at me strangely. I can guess she must not know that combat heavy dungeons are only 1 type of dungeon. "There is more than 1 type of dungeon, there are lore dungeons, trap dungeons, solo dungeons. Many more that I could tell you about, but the most common and well known are the combat heavy dungeons. Just so you know the dungeon to get your legendary duelist class is a lore dungeon." She looks at me with suspicion, I don't think I've done anything to warrant such a reaction.

She move closer so nobody in the room can hear. "How do you know all this Cera... I find it hard to believe that you found all this out on your own from the little time the game has been out. If you have something important you are hiding you know you can tell me. Lord knows after all the things you've done for me the least I can do is be an ear for you." I appreciate her concern, but she isn't ready for the truth. I don't think anyone will. I will say I'm impressed by her deductions though, it runs in the blood from our intelligent parents. "Are you going to tell me the secret or not." She also got inpatients from our parents, I have it as well I cant lie. I look at her and just roll my eyes slightly. "Okay, okay. You'll tell me when your ready. Just remember your big sister will always be here for you." I chuckle at her cliched words, I know they are true. I will tell her about my class when its time to leave, she'll have to be okay with that. As I think about things a system announcement goes off.

[World-wide Announcement: The dungeons will be arriving in 10 minutes! I've marked the location of the local dungeon in the city on your maps! The first clears of the local town dungeons will get a custom reward from the system of epic quality or lower! Good lucky everyone!]

Looks like there is going to be a crowd. There is a possibility that we might not clear it first, so I'm going to make sure we are the first ones in the dungeon. I stand up from my seat and everyone looks at me. "Lets get a move on, I want us to be the first ones to clear the dungeon here in the city." I watch my mom and dad quickly get ready, I look at Marcus a little worried about him. He will have a hard time adjusting, so I'll be extra careful involving him. I'll teach him everything he needs to know about being a mage, while I've never been a mage I can impart the knowledge I do know on him. "I'll be waiting in the lobby for you guys. Dad, I think you should explain what's about to happen to Marcus. Make it quick to." I make my way towards the door with Hailey right behind me. We make it to the stairwell and start to descend.

I can feel my sister wanting to ask me questions, and I know that she cant help it. "Why are you keeping secrets from us? We are your family..." She is just not going to let this go is she. I'm about to speak, but she starts talking again. "If its something embarrassing I promise I wont laugh. I swear on my sword that I wont judge you for it." While I believe her she just isn't ready, and the more she bugs me about it the more she proves me right. "C'mon I wont tell anyone. Nobody will ever know what you tell me." What am I? A best girlfriend or something. I don't know how long she can keep this up, I admire the relentlessness of women. However, not when its used against me. They are masters at getting what you never expect to give and that's scary.

I take a breath and relax from my tense mood. She really does know how to apply the pressure. "You aren't ready for the truth Hailey. It would shatter you if you knew everything I did. So do us both a favor and quit asking me. I'll tell you when I think you are ready." She is only a step behind me and I can feel the shift in her mood. That probably wasn't the answer she wanted, and that's okay. I know she will prove to be ready for the whole truth one day, but until then she just needs to get stronger both physically and mentally. She is going to be the role model and hero to many people, and that's because she is who she is. Not because she'll be getting a legendary class. It will be a great day when we an fight alongside each other. "I know that you want to know Hailey, but you have more important things to worry about then what I know or what I'm hiding. Just focus on the important things." That is the final thing said about this topic.

We reach the lobby and wait in silence for our parents, after a couple minutes they make it to the lobby. They walk up to us and look both excited and apprehensive. "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to any of you. This is going to be a great learning experience for all of you." I say those final words and look at my map. The marker isn't that far away. We wont be the first ones to enter, but we will be close. This is going to be fun, and having my family fight with me is an amazing sensation.

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