The Ancients World

Chapter 120: The dungeons V

Chapter 120: The dungeons V

{krialer, please let me know if you want an NPC or player named after you. You are the top donater this month and now its time for your reward. You have until the 31st of march to reply to this.}

{Mark any errors}

I can easily kill this boss with one strike of my sword, what concerns me is the darkness nexus that created this thing. I've only heard rumors of darkness nexuses and what I did learn is very limited, one of them being they are extremely difficult to find. Just because this thing is here doesn't mean that the darkness nexus is. "I'm going to take care of this thing, its to strong to let any of you near it." I draw my blade and get ready. I slowly start to make my approach and gauge the situation, I've never fought a nightmare fiend before and I'm staying on the cautious side. The closer I get the more agitated it gets, its also ready to fight. It launches at me and tries to strike, but nothing can hit me since I'm way faster. I use my slash skill against its chest and I cut right through it killing it. I get notifications about exp and other things, but I don't bother looking at the moment. As soon as the nightmare fiend dies the area lifts from oppressive darkness. We all get a special screen from the system.

[Congratulations! You're party is the first to clear this cities dungeon! All of you will receive custom rewards of epic quality or lower! I'll wait for you all to fill out the requests!]

[You have cleared the dungeon!]

[Transporting out of dungeon in 30 seconds!]

[This dungeon can be replayed an infinite amount of times!]

Dungeons can be replayed and used to level up. Special dungeons like the Devils Willow and the Ruins of Bandit Lord Husk are one time dungeons. There is a lot of diversity and that is something I love about Ancients World. "Lets return to the office room before we fulfill our rewards. I want to talk to you guys about what you should request from the system." A few seconds after we said that we are transported back to the entrance of the dungeon and we are surrounded by players. I look back at the barrier and see text on it saying the dungeon has been cleared. Many look at us in disbelief, I can believe that reaction. "Most of you aren't ready for this dungeon so a word of advice. Get to at least level 25 before trying this. So can you all please move, we would like to go home now." The group of players part and we make our way out of the area. My family is being very silent right now, I'd like to know how much they leveled up. Speaking of levels and stats I'd like to check mine.

+20% exp

+100 slash exp

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.51]

[Exp: 65/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+3 more]


[Strength - 2095][Endurance - 2045][Dexterity - 2125][Speed - 2240][Focus - 13,545]

[Health: 16,560/16,560][Mana: 135450/135450]

[Stat Points: 270][Armor rating: 500]


[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.7 325/700] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.7 225/700] [Slash Lvl.17 4600/8000] [Parry Lvl.1 80/100] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight]

I read the notifications about the exp I earned throughout that entire dungeon. 20% exp for my entire level is pretty good considering I was much higher level then everything in there. Not having that half exp debuff is nice, and once I make it back to my continent I'll be leveling up fast. I also want to know what my families levels are now. "How much did you guys level up? I'm guessing around 9 or 10 times?" My sister looks the happiest out of everyone. She was the highest level right under dad, so they both have pretty good levels now. Hailey comes up beside me and whispers her level to me, she made it to level 24 after that dungeon dive. That means dad might be around 25 or 26. My dad just says his and its at 25, mom and Marcus are the same level of 21.

I'd like for all of them to be higher levels, but this will do fine. We make our way back to the building slowly, we enter the lobby and head for the stairs. The part I hate about this place the most is the stairs. We make it to our floor and room after a 6 minute trek up the stairs. I take a seat in the single office chair. The rest of my family finds spots for themselves, they all take a break and just relax. They are all exhausted since they had to fight creatures around their level. I'll let them rest for a little bit before I start to tell them what to ask for from the system. Now that the power leveling is done the bittersweet part of this adventure is right around the corner. I look at my mom and I can tell that is all she is thinking about. As the Adamo family takes a load off Sir Erikson is in the lobby of a giant building.

I was told this is where they went. The people in this lobby said they are a few levels lower than the top floor. The person everyone has been searching for is up there, with his entire family. I make my way to the stairs and start my ascent. This is a good place to keep away from others, if what happened in the park didn't happen then he would still be anonymous. As I'm climbing I hear a voice from behind me trying to catch up. "Hey! I want to talk to him to! I have some things I need to say!" I know that voice, I turn my head and see V reaching the steps I'm on. Story has it Zern slaughtered him and his group. He probably isn't going up there to cause any problems, but I want to speak to Zern alone.

I make a sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. If he doesn't take no for an answer then I'll have to kill him here. "I want to speak to Zern alone. If you want to speak with him then you will have to wait until I'm done." He nods his head yes and starts to walk up with me. "You will wait at the end of the hall until I'm done speaking, once I take my leave you can talk to him." I give the order without looking at him. V is a talented young man, with a good head on his shoulders. If anything he is coming up here to apologize. We spend the next several minutes walking up the long stairwell. I need to be very careful with my words, he can easily kill me. I just want to leave a good impression and try to talk about joining my guild. If he indicates I'm pushing to hard then I'll stop.

We make it to the floor they are on and I can hear laughing from one of the rooms. Must be having a moment with his family, hate to interrupt it. I make my way to the room as V stays at the end of the hall like we agreed. I make it to the doorway and look inside, I see a happy family of 5. They all stop what they are doing and look at me, I look between them and see the man I came here for. He is a heartbreaker for sure with those looks. His whole family is beautiful, ever since being stuck here I've gained my youth back. I wish I had these looks though, talk about a beautiful family. "May we help you with something?" Who I assume the mother speaks first. I don't want to be rude and just enter without permission. I give a gesture asking to come in and she nods her head.

I walk into the medium sized room and see the love and dedication a mother puts into it. "You have a lovely home." She looks at me knowing I didn't come here for anything related to that. This family is something you don't see often. "I came here because I heard about what happened in the park. Zern has left an impression on many people." The lady gives me a confused look. I look towards the young man and see him looking at me with calculation. He must be seeing how I'll handle this situation. Why is he acting like this? Does his family not... Talk about being secretive. Keeping it from your family takes a strong will. "I was wondering if I could speak to that young man over there. I'm here to ask about what he knows about the gentlemen in the park." The mother gives me a look of disapproval. She must not consider them gentlemen.

The young man who is Zern stands up and walks in front of me. He is slightly taller than I am. The pressure he gives off is crazy. "If you want to talk to me you are going to have to wait until tomorrow. If you are that serious about talking meet me at the old hospital. I want time with my family right now." I listen and nod my head yes and make my exit. I start to walk down the hall and see V getting ready to head to the room to. I stop him by his shoulder and shake my head no. He takes the hint and starts to head downstairs with me.

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