The Ancients World

Chapter 158: The Holy City V

Chapter 158: The Holy City V

After walking around and searching stores that refused us service, we come across a little clothing store. It has some quality clothes, but nothing good. All we need is a hood for her, so this works perfectly. "This place might show us some hospitality. We could even get to look at their stock before getting shouted away." I try to make humor out of the current situation. The racism on earth was similar in many ways. Even after so much time, inequality existed everywhere.

Sally looks really down about the stores we've been to today. The only good thing about today is my clothes aren't covered in blood anymore. It took about an hour for all of it to go away, though. I walk up to the front door, and Sally follows close behind me. I open it with a creak and see the quality of the place. "If we can get anything here, no one in this city will..." This place must be for the poor people. With no poor district, life must be hard for those without money.

The counter is being taken care of by an older man with cracked glasses. I walk up to him, and he put down the book he is reading. "Will you be able to help us? We've been all over trying to find a place that will sell us something." He looks at me and looks at Sally. He sighs and stands up. He walks into the back, and I hear a muffled conversation between two people. The other voice sounds like a woman. It must be his wife.

They both come out of the back, and the woman gives us a hard look. "We can help you, but if people found out we helped out an elf, they'll burn down our shop. We'll need to charge extra for whatever you're buying. I'm sorry we have to do so. This city is ruthless when it comes to these matters." I nod my head in understanding. I can confidently say I hate it from the little time I've spent in the city. I wouldn't lose any sleep if this place were reduced to rubble.

I walk up to the counter and lay down 10 gold pieces. It shocks them a little, but I'm more than willing to overpay for such kind people. "We need a hood for my friend here. She needs something to hide the cute ears." I can't see Sally's face, but I bet it's red. The old man takes the gold and takes it into the back. The lady follows him, and I hear a machine turn on. "That sounds familiar..." I can't quite place the sound.

I close my eyes and think about what makes it familiar. I get a flash of my mother over a vintage sewing machine. "It's a sewing machine... I haven't heard one of those in ages..." We didn't always have the money for clothes coming from a poor background. Mom found an old sewing machine from the late 20th century. After having it repaired and refurbished, she used it to make our clothes. While a little crude, they were comfortable and made with love.

Hailey wasn't a big fan of them. A woman can't really get away wearing stuff like that, from what I heard. Being a guy allowed me to wear it with minimum teasing. Hailey was bitter about it for a while. "Sewing machines are common here. Many clothes shops even have magically enhanced ones to mass-produce clothes and fabrics. Many of the older slaves had to learn how to sew for their masters..." Sally explains some of the history of the sewing machine here in Ancients World.

To them, this place is called Gaia, and the history of this world is rich and full of things to find. This is the first time I've heard about a sewing machine in Ancients World. "I wonder how many more inventions and innovations I don't know about... I obviously missed things on the forum... Time is limited after all..." Sally hears my mutters and looks at me in confusion. It's not something I can explain that she'll understand. Earth's technology is far beyond Ancients World.

The idea of a forum isn't something that would translate over to the NPC's of Ancients World. I should stop calling them NPC's too. They are people now. They always were. We just didn't know. "What a forum? I've never heard of something like that. From the way describe it. You can trade information on it." Sally is a bright woman. Many people wouldn't be able to figure something out like that from just hearing the word like that.

I can put it in terms she understands. "You know how new people are special, right." She nods her head yes emphatically. "A forum is a special way new people tell each other important information about something. A forum can be used for any subject, and it was one of the main way's new people communicated with each other." She gives a contemplating look. Relating it to something in this world is going to be too hard.

The closest thing the people of Ancients World have to a forum is the church's announcements. That is also one way the people can't talk back to the church. "That sounds like an incredibly useful tool. How does such a thing exist?" The concept of the internet will be too much to explain to Sally right now. I give her a sideways look and she raises her hands in surrender. "Okay, don't tell me. I probably wouldn't understand anyway." I hear the machine turn off as she says that.

The lady and man walk back out. "This should do the trick, it'll make sure no one sees your ears, and it will cover the top half of your face. I'd say come again, but that is too risky. Sorry, we had to overcharge you, be safe on your journey." They give a slightly apologetic bow. I bow back in gratitude. As I raise my head and leave, I get a notification from the system. What I read warms my heart more than I'd care to admit.

[System Message: The Almighty Father and Arch-Angel Micheal are grateful to the couple known as Ruth Yelies and Eddy Yelies. They will be blessed with favor and have a better quality of life. Their grandchildren will also be given blessings at birth.]

So those are the names of those kind people. Once outside, Sally puts the hood on, and it's now impossible to tell she is an elf. The only giveaway is the long blonde hair. However, many wouldn't suspect her being an elf from solely that. "Let's head to the church and see if any of the older people know where I can find The Secret Keeper of Titans. I also have some mail to check once we get there." Sally nods her head, and she is in a much better mood now that she is hidden. As Cera and Sally make their way to the church. There is a meeting happening in the church. The Pope is leading it.

The vote will soon be cast, and we'll decide if deceiving the elves is the way to handle this situation. Many of the officials are whispering to each other and have probably already come to a decision. Almighty Father, forgive us. "We all know why we are here, and it's now time to decide. All those in favor of not tricking the elves raise their hands." No one on the council raises their hand. "All those in favor of tricking the elves raise their hands." Everyone instantly raises their hands.

I said I wouldn't stand in the way, and I'm going to keep my word. "Then it's decided. Harry, contact the elven kingdom immediately and begin talks. We'll have a meeting with them tomorrow if possible." Harry is in charge of relations with non-human countries. "I want everyone to know that I don't support this decision. I hope one day the damage from this action can be repaired, but we'll all be long dead by them." Those words make some of the members lower their heads, but it's too late now.

I stand up and leave before everyone else. Lucy left last night to return to her post. I make it to my office and sit in my comfortable chair. I take off my hat and place it on the table. "This is going to bring a second war to humanity's doorstep. We'll trade one enemy for another, and this makes me sick." I stare down at the pile of papers. All of them are the same things, supply requests. Troop requests and money requests.

I feel a burst of anger rise, and I shove everything on my desk off. "GOD DAMN IT!!!" I flip my table and walk over to one of my several bookcases. "WHY HAS IT COME TO THIS!!!" I begin to pull the bookcases down and let them hit the ground hard and break. This is the first time in my life that I've been this angry. After the adrenaline high wears off, I sit on the ground in the middle of the mess I made. I do feel better after all that.

I stand up and leave my office. It's been so long since I've been out of the upper floors of the church. I should go down and be with the gatherers. Many old ones are here. "Perhaps helping the common people will make me feel better about this tragedy..." I make my descent down the long staircase and enter the gathering chamber. I see rows and rows of people talking and praying. A smile crosses my face for the first time in a long while.

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