The Ancients World

Chapter 167: Heading back to The Holy City

Chapter 167: Heading back to The Holy City

All that's coming is sure to cause major shifts in plans for everyone. The biggest is all the players returning to their original continents. Space and isolation in smaller towns and cities are about to become harder to find. I bet many players are level 50 now too, and many will be heading to their capital cities for their tier-up quests. "I want you to know that new people are going to be coming back in the billions! I don't know what the church told you! New people like me get notified differently than you would!" I should explain some of the things I've been hiding from her on this journey. She knows that I'm a new person, but there are some things that she should know about.

Sally doesn't respond or acknowledge my words. We are flying too fast for a semi-normal conversation. "Can you explain all that after we land?! I don't want to talk about something so important without looking at you, face to face!" I nod my head in agreement. Talking face to face and not yelling sounds like a good idea. As much as I love flying, talking to another person at full speed is difficult. Since we aren't going to talk about that, I have a couple more new notifications to go through. Both of them are new active skills I got from obtaining my mana aura. I open the notifications and see the new active skills I have.

[Divine Pressure Exertion]

[Description: A skill that allows you to oppress and possibly kill people with your mana control and power. The quality of a mana aura makes it stronger or weaker, and as you can see, you have Divine Pressure Exertion. The higher your control over your mana aura, the more powerful this will become. At the current level of 5%, you can kill anyone with a lower level and weaker mana aura than you. It wouldn't be this strong if not for the quality of your mana aura.]

[Divinity Pulse (Bloodline)]

[Description: Another skill directly tied to your mana aura control. Divinity Pulse is an exclusive skill provided by your direct line to The Almighty Father.]

[Effect: Channel your divine power into an outward explosion. Instantly kill all hostile enemies within a 400-kilometer range. All enemies that are at least 2 tiers higher can resist.]

[Cost: 140,000,000,000 Mana]

These are going to make my combat more versatile. Divine Pressure Exertion will make dealing with weaker enemies easier. The one that makes me really think is Divinity Pulse. It's a bloodline skill and is exclusive only to my family tree. That mana cost is absolutely outrageous. Considering its power, I can't really complain. It'll make killing huge numbers of enemies easier. Now the next thing to think about is how to raise my control over my mana aura. There are a few key ways to do so. The first one is to use it as frequently as I can. The second is finding a teacher. You can find a player to share knowledge with you or have an NPC teach you.

The third is the hardest but the most effective one. You can enter a conflict engagement contest. These are specific areas on the continents where you can fight stronger enemies than you who use the same quality mana aura. They are just products of the system, though. When they die, you absorb some power towards mana aura control. They are challenging because the stronger you are, the harder it is. I know some good ones, but I'm in no rush for power anymore. Having health in the billions helps with that. I should see the skills I already have and see if any of them have changed at all. I open the player interface and see my information.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.82]

[Exp: 1/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+3 more]


[Strength - 2095][Endurance - 2045][Dexterity - 2125][Speed - 2240][Focus - 14,660]

[Mana aura control: 5/100%]

[Health: 16,560,000,000/16,560,000,000][Mana: 146,600,000,000/146,600,000,000]

[Stat Points: 10][Armor rating: 500]


[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.9 325/900] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.9 225/900] [Slash Lvl.22 4600/13000] [Parry Lvl.3 80/300] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight] [Divine Pressure Exertion] [Divinity Pulse]

None of the skills I have changed, but they will change in power once I reach 20% mana control, that's if I ever do. Who knows how long it will take to go up one whole percent in mana control at a divine quality level. I wonder if any of the communications will work again when the players return. I doubt it, though. Once mom, dad, and Marcus make it back, they'll likely go for their better classes I told them about. Hailey has her legendary class now, and she also has gained attention from the people in charge of the war effort. She must have taken my advice and is staying hidden. Her life will be much more convenient without interference from others.

I'm going to miss that when it's gone. I'm going to have to invest in a hood, as I said earlier. I bet when the announcement to both the players and people of Gaia happens, much attention will fall on my in-game mother. Amelia might have trouble with this announcement. Many with average intelligence have probably questioned her sudden nobility. Once my identity is revealed, many will connect the dots. Especially people in Zenith among the nobility she has been with. Anyone I've been in contact with will be questioned and probably even punished for keeping the secret. Anyone who does know is in the coalition, though the church wouldn't be able to touch them without permission.

How did famous people from earth deal with attention? I can't stand the thought of being a point of interest among many people. The solitude and privacy I've had till now, it's been the only reason I could progress so far and fast. There hasn't been interference from people interested in me because they don't know my name or what I look like. Sally will also gain a lot of attention once her connection to me is revealed. I wouldn't put it past the elves to try something with that. Another reason Sally to hate them is their possible efforts to get rid of her. They won't like the idea of another elf girl having the promise given to the elves. Especially a half breed. Once I'm done helping Sally with her mana aura, I have another quest in bellvia to do. I pull it up to read it.

[Quest: The False One]

[Description: You have found the truth about Bellvia and their involvement with the Dryads, and you have found out about the curse and who made it. You will have a choice to make. Only one of the following objectives can be completed.]

[Objective 1: Expose the Kingdom of Bellvia and have them pay for their crimes.]

[Objective 2: Find the weakness of the curse and use it to free the Dryads and return them to Ancients World.]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Rewards: Hidden]

I have another quest in Bellvia directly tied to this one, and I pull that one up next to this one.

[Quest: An Abomination]

[Description: Find the research and notes of Ulma Runa on her development of the curse.]

[Objective 1: Find Ulma Runa's lab in Bellvia's capital and bring the notes and research papers back to Flint.]

[Objective 2: Hidden]

[Quality: Epic]

The key to this quest is Ulma Runa. Whatever she has to do with these two quests is the answer to the biggest question I have to answer. How do I free the dryads? They are still locked away in a separate place somewhere. The main focus for right now is finishing what we already have. That's finishing my divine mana aura quest and help Sally get hers. I wonder what quality hers will be. I can't remember if she told me or not. "What is the quality of your mana aura, Sally?! O can't remember if you told me about it or not!" I hear her laugh. I don't have a perfect memory, and this is a perfect example of that fact.

She moves up my back and leans her body fully down. Her mouth is right next to my ear so she doesn't have to yell. "It's a legacy mana aura. I want you to know that I'm really grateful you are helping me get it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me..." She finishes that with some embarrassment in her voice. She gets even braver and kisses my cheek. She is a smart cookie. The only time she tries physical intimacy is when we are flying cause I can't say anything about it. Well, I could. I just don't want that awkward tension when I say something. Flying in silence for the rest of the way seems nice.

{Next chapter will pick up right outside of The Holy City. No reason to extend the trip.}

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