The Ancients World

Chapter 174: Flying to Bellvia IV

Chapter 174: Flying to Bellvia IV

(I've been grinding this story everyday. So I'm taking a 3 day break from posting and writing. Uploads will resume on Monday May, 24th. I know many will be upset at this. However, I'd like to catch up on sleep and relaxation. I suffer chronic insomnia and it brings a heavy burden on scheduling chapters since I don't have a sleep schedule. I thank to all the people who understand.)

While Cera and Sally continue flying, and the church continues its meeting. Many players are getting right back into things—one of these players being Wilted Rose and her clan. Thousands of clans are reforming and rejoining. The separation during The Collision and its effects are being fixed. One thing that continues to fail is player-to-player communication. The situation for Wilted Rose is improving every day.

Now that everyone is back where they started, I can focus on the tasks at hand. Being the guild leader for one of the top guilds is becoming even more challenging. Now that our way to get back to earth is gone, we will have to find a way to communicate and rebuild if it exists anymore. Willow Tree is a beacon of light for many players in this time, and as its leader, millions are looking to me for guidance. I walk the streets of my capital city, heading to my destination for my tier-up quest. My top commanders and field officers are right behind me. "We'll have to split up at this point. Since I have a legacy class, I won't be going to the same area as all of you." They nod their heads and split off from me in their own directions.

I continue on my path in The capital city of Salamander. It's truly a city that can be compared to art. The main thing on every guild leader's mind is Slayer Zern. The person who holds the divine class. More legendary class users have started to show up too. Both Battlemind and Phoenix have emerged. There is no way to tell if any of these players have a guild yet. Many guilds would keep them a secret till the time to reveal them was right. I'm confident that these people aren't in guilds yet, but you never know things like that. It's been a little over a day since we have returned to our original continents and what intrigues me is all the changes since we were isolated. We heard the announcements, but seeing is different than hearing.

What I've heard about the war has grown into a situation that we players can reap the rewards. This war has presented an opportunity for us to gain lots of strength very fast. I look at my map and notice I'm getting close to my marker. I look up ahead and see an archery shop. I have a legacy archer class, and my tier-up quests told me to come here to speak to a master that resides in this shop. I finish the walk and open the shop door. The old man smiles at me. "You carry yourself differently, young lady. How may I help you?" I walk up to the counter and explain why I'm here. The Adamo parents and their youngest are resting on a hill overlooking a forest as this is happening. They are on their way to the nearest city. Violet is thinking about the changes that have happened in her family.

My little Marcus is getting so strong these days. Now that he has a legendary class, he doesn't need our help anymore. I can't help feeling a little empty at that thought. As the mother of my children, I'll always want a role in their lives, but Marcus is so much stronger than Chris and I now. "Honey, are you listening?" I get out of my head and turn my attention to my husband. He looks at me in both understanding and slight pity. He walks up beside me and takes a seat next to me. He wraps his arm around me and comforts me. "He is still a kid. Even with his new power, he will need us for a while. I'm proud that he is so strong now. Cera's information was perfect... It makes me wonder what else he knows..." Some nights, I would cry myself to sleeping, thinking about my daughter and oldest son.

I lean my head on him, and he kisses the top of my head. We look into the trees below us on the hill we are on a see a pillar of white fire explode into the sky. "He sure is having fun with his new abilities, makes me eager for what we'll end up getting. Now that we are back on our original continent, I bet you are wondering when we'll see Hailey and Cera." I nod my head, and he chuckles slightly. I've come a long way in regards to my children. However, I still want to see them soon. It's felt like years since I've seen them. "Sir Erikson said he'll help us find them. Now that we are in a guild, we don't ever have to solve problems on our own. We have so many people backing us up." He's right about that.

The Steel Legion guild has proved to be the best decision we made without Cera helping us. It's become a second home to us, and we've made so many friends. "When do you think we'll see our kids again, Chris... They don't need us anymore, and I get that, but I still miss them so much... I never thought I'd be separated from them in the way it's happened. This whole stuck here in Ancients World sucks..." I'm not alone in my thoughts either. Many wish to find a way back to earth in hopes of finding their loved ones that disappeared during our trip here. Watching people turn to dust like that makes me shiver still. Before Chris can say anything, we hear Marcus running up the hill and making his way to us. We stop our conversation and wait for him.

He makes it to us and has an excited look on his face. "Did you see that, guys!? It was big enough to reach the clouds this time!" I smile at his energetic attitude. I open my arms for him to come and hug me, and he does. I hold him and give him a hug full of all my love. "So are we going to Yelwich to meet up with Erikson?" Marcus asks us a question that we have discussed at length. We plan to meet up with the guild after Chris and I get our Legacy classes. I look at Chris to see if we should explain it to him. He nods his head, and I take a breath. "Are we going to eat something soon? I'm starving!" Before I can even start talking, he asks another question. I laugh a bit at his short attention span. Hailey was just like that.

I run my fingers through his hair and control my laughing. When we get to Alitor in a few hours, we'll stop at an inn or restaurant to get something to eat. I hope that sounds good to you?" He enthusiastically nods his head, and I let him go. I look over to my husband and see him smiling as well. I hold out my hand for him to grab it, and he does. We start our journey back to Alitor and enjoy the open wilderness that poses no threat to us at the moment. All three of us are around level 50 now. Marcus is at the highest level of 57, Chris is close behind him at 55, and I'm at 52. Ever since we got stuck in Ancients World, we have regressed into our mid-twenties and have regained our youth. We haven't been able to try anything out since Marcus is always with us, but we have time on our side now.

As we walk, I think back to the first two weeks that Hailey and Cera left us. I wouldn't leave the room in the tower for days on end, and I barely ate anything. Chris was worried I might die from starvation or dehydration. I didn't care because I knew I would respawn. He took care of me, though. I was such a burden to him, but he is the man he has always been and supported me until I was ready. "I love you, Chris. I want to talk to you about something important." Marcus is playing up ahead in view of us and having fun, so he can't hear this important conversation. He nods his head for me to continue. "I want to hear your thoughts on us having another child..." I watch him get all nervous and fidgety. I chuckle at his reaction. "I know I'm dropping this on you, but give it some thought. Now that we are young again, I wouldn't mind having more children." I'm not expecting an answer now or soon, but I expect one.

He tightens his grip just a little, and I respond with my hand. "If that's what you want, Violet, then I'm all for it. I want to wait until we are settled in this world, with a home and property. To raise the said baby, I don't want to do that when we are out having dangerous battles." I give him his favorite smile and kiss his cheek. That is something I can easily agree to. We have many years ahead of us, and having a child so soon isn't in my plans. I want to have one more after settling into this place and have made a home. "Marcus! Quit throwing fire around! we don't want this forest to burn down!" My husband yells to our son as he causes problems. We already have one to raise right now, so I'm going to focus on him.

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