The Ancients World

Chapter 193: The Heist of Bellvia XVIII

Chapter 193: The Heist of Bellvia XVIII

I look down at the kneeling church official, and I sigh. "Take me to the king. Now." Many people flinch at the seriousness of my voice. I don't know much about the ruling family of Bellvia, only that a man rules it. I hear no reason from the people kneeling. To make him answer faster, I use just a little bit of my divine pressure skill. Many slightly indent the ground, Sally is having a hard time just standing. "Take me to him now." I stop using the skill, and I hear everyone take deep breaths. The church official raises his head and looks at me from the ground. I can see many emotions run across his face, the most common being fear. His eyes dart between my face, wings, and title. I squat down and look him in his eyes. "If you are too scared to move, then you can stay there." I stand up and turn towards the palace.

I begin to walk towards it, and no one gets up to interfere. As I walk the main road to the far-off palace, the people begin to act weird. Many kneel on the ground as I pass, and others begin to follow, whispering to one another. They reach out to touch me, only to pull back in hesitation. After walking the road for a couple of seconds, I hear the sound of horseshoes clicking on the stone road. I look ahead, and I see several high-ranking soldiers heading my way. A commander is leading it without a helmet. I see his face change as he sees me. The group stops and blocks the road up ahead. They all get off their horses and stand-in formation. The commander gets stiff and into a military position as I approach. As if addressing me as a superior officer.

I eventually get close enough for us to have a conversation. He gives a hard look to the people following behind me. I would fly to the palace, but I'm buying as much time as possible for the crew to do what they need to do. I look at the man, and he gets on one knee with a hand over his heart. The soldiers follow suit and bow just like him. They aren't putting their faces in the dirt, which is nice. "My Lord... What can I do to help you..." He raises his head and stares at my title, his eyes trail over my wings. I look over him and his soldiers. They must have been sent by the royalty and nobles to buy some time to prepare for my arrival. I wonder what is going through the heads of the people in the palace by now. Word has already spread, more and more people are showing up.

They are coming out of the alleyways and streets to see if it's true. Every second that passes, more and more people show up. "I'm heading to the palace. You can get out of the way, or you can continue to buy time for them and die." He flinches at my words and begins to shake. Many people begin to whisper as the ones close enough heard my words. The commander stands up on shaky legs and steps to the side. His soldiers follow suit and make a path. I walk through the path with Sally by my side. The people try to follow me through. The soldiers prevent them. I look ahead and see another crowd of people already making their way to me. This is buying a lot of time for them. Hopefully, everything is going okay on their end.

I continue my calm walk, and Sally stays at my side. "I'm nervous about what will happen once we reach the palace..." I look at Sally and notice that her body is more stiff than usual. I can't see her face due to the hood, but I can deduce she is worried. I smile at her just a little and nod my head in reassurance. We make it to the new crowd and continue walking as a circle forms around us. The palace is still a bit of a walk away, but not that long. We walk in silence, and with every step, I take more and more people are showing up. As the crowd gets bigger, I hear shouting from a man to clear the way. I can see that the people in front of me are being pushed aside. The shouts to move get louder as the man gets closer.

Soon he in front of me clutching a sick-looking little girl, most likely his daughter. Once in front, he gets on his knees and begins to cry. "Please... I beg of you... Save my little girl... She's all I have left..." The man holds her close as he says that. I look at him, and the little girl—Sally tugs on the end of my leather chest piece. I don't have any healing abilities. All I have are offensive and defensive skills as I think that a system message shows up in my messages. I open it and begin to read. What I read is surprising, to say the least. I never knew this power existed with my title. Basically, when my title is activated. I have access to special non-offensive powers. Many of them are the best healing skills and cure skills. I look at the most powerful healing skill known in Ancients World.

[Revive Lifeforce and Cure-All (Special Active)]

[Description: The strongest healing spell in all of Gaia. It replenishes a person's missing lifeforce to full and heals all wounds instantly. It also cures all diseases.]

[Note: Only available when the title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael is being used.]

[Note: No mana cost]

[Note: Will disappear from skills once the title is hidden again.]

I look at the man and see the begging and pleading in his eyes. I squat in front of him and place my hand on the girl's head. I use the skill, and she is filled with a bright golden light that fades soon after I touch her. The girl is no longer thin and frail-looking and is now a healthy tan. Her eyes flutter open, and she looks into her father's eyes. "Hey, Daddy... I feel much better now..." The girl is no older than nine. He weeps even harder and hugs her. She wraps her tiny arms around him and smiles as they hug. Many whispers and small praises are said from the surrounding crowd. He looks back up to me as I stand and puts his head in the dirt while still holding his daughter. She has a confused look on her face.

I walk past the man and continue to the palace. It was not something I anticipated, but I did enjoy that. We walk for the next 3 minutes until we arrive at the massive metal gate separating the palace and the city. The crowd moves out of the way, and I look into the massive yard. High-ranking nobles and soldiers are waiting in extravagant robes and silks. Many women are dressed in amazing clothes, and men are wherein powerful armor of epic grade quality. The guards on the other side of the gate don't know whether to let me in or kneel. I pick up Sally and flap my wings once, and easily jump over the wooden gate. This simple action was enough to intimidate the people waiting in front of me. The people on the other side of the gate begin to beg to be let in.

I let Sally go and begin walking to the nobles and generals waiting for me. As I get closer, they get off their horses and do modest bows. They out one arm in front of them and one arm behind them and bow forward slightly. I stop and stare at them as they raise their heads. Many have faces that are both full of fear and the seeking of opportunity. "My Lord, welcome to the palace of Blasier. We are both humbled and overjoyed by your visit." A noble of high rank steps forward. Some of the people's faces twist in anger and disapproval. He walks forward and holds his hand out while lowering his head. "My name is Leonard Var Insessus. I'm one of three Dukes here in Bellvia." I reach my hand out and shake his. I admire he isn't cowering in front of me right now. That's worth a handshake.

I take a breath and stare him in the eyes. "I'm Zern. The Son of Arch-Angel Michael. Nice to meet you." His face slightly pales as I say my title and 'ranking'. "Perhaps a Duke can get me to see the king right now. Unfortunately, I don't even know the name of the king. So you can start by helping me with that." Many faces pale at my words. How insignificant they really are to me sinks in. In the presence of someone like me, their ranks mean nothing. He nods his head and stands straight up.

He takes a small breath and calmly looks me in the eyes as well. "The king's name is Kleager Ren Blasier the IV. He has two sons and four daughters, all of whom are waiting for you in the palace's throne room." I look towards the palace doors and smile to myself. Now is the time I get to find out information about the Dryads and Ulma Runa. Bring these quests to their ends.

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