The Ancients World

Chapter 200: The Dice of Wayland

Chapter 200: The Dice of Wayland

I look off into the distance and see the silhouette of the abandoned mining site in the moonlight. Sally and I have been flying for a few hours at a nice slow pace, enjoying the freedom of the sky. "We are almost there. Time to find out what The Dice of Wayland actually do." Since we aren't flying so fast, there is no need to yell. I'm glad that I'm done in Bellvia. I hope I never have to come back to it. I slowly bring us down in the dark and land in an opening in front of the mining site. As I land and let Sally off me. The main doors to the mining site open, and I see Ghostzero. They did the job flawlessly, and I have no connection to them. He holds the door open, waiting for us to come in and join them. I toggle my wings off and start walking.

We make it to the door and walk-in. They have some lanterns burning on a table. Giving light to the large open room and showing off the items they took from the treasure room. "I see you guys went for a little extra. You guys can keep anything other than The Dice of Wayland." I walk up to the table and see the many legacy class items they have taken. I see two blue dice, and they have white engravings that give it a mystical beauty. I glace at all the other items, but the dice grabbed my attention the most. I lean on the table and look down at them. "I hope it wasn't too hard for you guys to get what you wanted?" Krialder and Creatureman shake their heads in a no fashion. They got what they wanted, and I got what I wanted. I inspect the dice to see why I went through all this trouble.

[The Dice of Wayland]

[Description: A pair of Dice that the legendary blacksmith Wayland created for anything but playing games. The legendary smith needed a way to catalog all his greatest works and their locations. The Dice of Wayland is actually an archive of the armor and weapons he has made and where he hid them. Be warned, though. To access this knowledge, you'll need to give a sacrifice—knowledge for knowledge, power for power. The Dice of Wayland is an incredibly valuable item, but even with the steep costs to use the item. Only a select few can and ever will use it.]

[Special Requirements: You must sacrifice personal power, knowledge, or items for the information contained in The Dice of Wayland.]

[Special Requirements: You will need to have a blood connection to Wayland or other deities of Overworld.]

[Quality: Divine]

[Durability: Infinite]

[Bonus: Since you wield The Witness, a weapon created by Wayland. The Dice of Wayland boosts its stats and has unlocked more information.]

I blink my eyes in slight wonder, they may have the look of dice, but they are actually a map to all his works. Along with an archive of his works, talk about an amazing item. It's the second divine item I have now, second to Fenrir's whistle. "What are you going to do with that item? When I first inspected it, I was a little shocked that the Bellvian royal family had something so valuable in their treasure vault." Creatureman asks me a question I don't really know how to answer. From the requirements to use, I'd say I'd never get a chance to use it. As I think I almost forget about the new notification regarding the heist of Bellvia quest. I see that it's now complete, and I read the information one last time before I forget about it.

[Heist of Bellvia's treasure vault][Completed]

[Description: Break into Bellvia's treasure vaults and retrieve The Dice of Wayland.]

[Objective 1: Once in Bellvia, find a group that can help you pull off the heist.][Completed]

[Objective 2: Meet at the location and retrieve The Dice of Wayland from the Crew.][Completed]

[Difficulty: Legendary]

[Rewards: Anything you can take from the vaults other than The Dice of Wayland.]

I take a breath as the quest is no longer a priority anymore. "I don't really know what I'm going to do with it... I never expected that the item would be something like this. I thought it would be some weapon or magic item that caused extreme boosts in power. The reality is much more than that. The knowledge locked in these dice is what nations would go to war for. I bet the Bellvian royal family and whatever left of the nobles are freaking out now that this is gone." I place the dice into my inventory and look at the three men. "I want to thank you all for your help. As I said, keep the rest of the items. If I ever do see you guys again, I hope it's as allies once again." They nod their heads in agreement.

I turn towards Sally and tilt my head for us to leave. We walk towards the exit as I hear them begin to talk, not a serious one. One about what they'll do now that they've had their revenge. I can relate to them. Getting revenge for something horrible done to you or your loved ones is unavoidable sometimes. The transgressions upon you can be that great, and it's okay to take that revenge, which they have done. We stand in the middle of the mining yard and look up at the stars. There is one last thing I want to check before we leave for The Ruins of the Dryads. I pull out The Witness from its sheath and hold it in front of me. I use inspect on it and begin reading the new information revealed about it and the changes to it.

[The Witness]

[Description: A legendary sword that has been around since before recorded history, all the greatest and most influential people have wielded this blade. Empires have risen and fallen to, and for, this blade. It has been held by kings, queens, emperors, and empresses. Along with Sword Saints of unparalleled power and recognition. The Witness is the most powerful of the one-handed swords on Gaia. There is no blade better to wield. The construction of The Witness isn't one know to all. Only a select few know its origins. It was crafted from the same divine metal as Durandal, Excalibur, and Caliburn. They are considered siblings since they were made from the same metal ore.]

[New Information: The blacksmith that created The Witness is no other than Wayland himself. Out of the all swords he created, The Witness plays a special role. While warriors could wield it, its true power would be revealed when The Son of Arch-Angel Michael finally claimed it.]

[More information will be revealed once you tier up.]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Durability: Infinite]

[Damage: 52,000]

[Unique properties]

[Has a very high chance to dismember limbs instantly]

[Has a very high chance to cause Curse of Decomposition]

[Description: Areas attacked by Curse of Decomposition will rot away till they are cured or the target dies.]

[Will always cause critical hit upon vital points struck]

[Will always ignore armor and defense ratings]

[This sword will gain more power every time you tier up.]

[There is no required level to wield this blade.]

[The Witness resonates with your angelic blood. +10000 focus]

[A synergy has been created between The Dice of Wayland and The Witness. Damage has been raised to 52,000]

It's a huge boost in purely damage. I can honestly say I didn't expect this information to be revealed. I'm now certain that something more is going on behind the scenes. It wasn't just chance that I found the world item. It was pre-determined. Why it was is not known to me, and why I was chosen isn't known to me either. I sigh and sheath the sword. I toggle my wings on and kneel on the ground. Sally climbs on my back and snuggles up. I launch off the ground and go at a moderate speed of around 50 mph. I'm not in a rush right now. We need downtime. I'll speed up the trip the day after tomorrow. I'm grateful to Krialder, Creatureman, and Ghostzero. I wouldn't have gotten everything I needed and more without their help.

I truly do hope the next chapters in their journeys are what they want. "I was wondering if we could stop by a stream... I want to get cleaned up if possible..." Sally whispers into my ear as she relaxes on my back. I don't see any problem with that. I nod my head and let her know the next time I see a stream. I'll bring us down. "Zern... Thank you for helping me in my personal mission for revenge... I'm sorry that I've dragged you into it too..." I chuckle to myself as she says that. I let the silence sit between us before I tell her it's okay and that I'll be there no matter what. We are a team and more importantly, important to one another.

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