The Ancients World

Chapter 202: Return to The Ancient Ruins of the Dryads II

Chapter 202: Return to The Ancient Ruins of the Dryads II

I feel the sun shining into the tent, and a warm heat engulfs the inside of the tent. I open my eyes, and the gunk makes it a little hard. I peel Sally off me and exit the tent. I stretch out my body, and many pops run down my back. I look out to the vast horizon and see the endless sea of trees. We'll make it to the Dryads ruins by this afternoon. Sally still wants to find a stream, though, so there will be a tiny detour there. Once we do find a stream, I'm going to get clean with it too. I've realized that having chances to clean yourself is few and far between. I walk over to a log a little off from the camp, and I sit down. The sun has just risen over the mountains, and it's warming up everything. This world is so much healthier than earth.

It makes me wonder if earth ever had a beauty like this. If it ever didn't look like it was dying. Perhaps long ago, it did, many years before my time. A cold breeze comes through our little area, and it feels good in contrast to the rising heat of today—my mind shifts to my family and how they are doing right now. I know for a fact that both Hailey and Marcus have their classes now. Mom and Dad are the only ones left that need to get theirs. They'll be getting legacy classes for swordsmen themselves. I hope that I'll get to see them again but at this point. I don't see that happening. I don't even know where they are, and after I'm done with the Dryads, Sally and I are going to hunt down all the evil men that ruined her life and push the elves.

Out of all the things that I hope to do in the future, meeting up with my family is going to be one of them. As I stare off into the distance, I hear shuffling coming from the tent behind me. After a couple of seconds, Sally crawls out and looks pretty tired still. The sucky part is neither of us has eaten in quite some time. I could hunt us some food quickly and make us breakfast, but that might be too bloody for early morning. Sally walks over to me, half asleep, and sits next to me. She proceeds to plop her body on mine. I hear her stomach growl a second later, a long one too. "I'm sooo Huuungry... Do we have any food?" I shake my head, and she groans in protest. She holds onto her stomach as if to convey I need to do something about it.

I stand up from my spot and toggle my wings on. "I'll be back with some meat. I don't know what kind it'll be, but I'll have food when I return. You get a fire going so we can cook it." She looks at me in excitement, and I launch off the ground and fly around the area, looking for any food. I see some elk grazing in a clear a little ways off. I draw my sword and dive down towards a buck. I cut its head off as I land. The rest of the elk scatter as fast as they can. I spend the next 15 minutes gutting and cleaning the meat. It comes out really rough since I don't have any skills to help with that or the proper class. I pack the meat that is usable into my inventory, and I head back to camp. Now we really need to find a stream so I can clean this blood off me.

I gently land and see that Sally has a nice fire going. She looks over, waiting for me to confirm that I have food. I pull out two big pieces of elf meat, and she smiles. She isn't as picky as Hailey. I walk over to the fire with her, and we stick the meat on some sticks and hang them over the fire. "You sure don't know how to kill something cleanly, do you? How many times have I seen you covered in blood before... I think this is the third time, or maybe it's the fourth." She teases me about the fact I'm messy when it comes to this particular thing that I do. I chuckle and sit back down on the log, waiting for the food to cook. "I'm kind of excited that we get to free the Dryads. I've only learned about them from some books I read after I escaped." I should tell her about the boss we'll have to fight.

Speaking of bosses, we need to fight. The chamber that Elenore is locked in will be a tight space to fight a powerful boss. "The boss we have to fight is going to be powerful. When I first went to the Dryads ruins, I was too weak to face it. The power beyond the door was strong enough to fully convince me that I wasn't ready. So expect a tough fight once we do get there." She stays quiet and nods her head as she stares at the elk meat. I'm pretty hungry, too, and I can understand wanting to eat first before doing anything like discussing a boss battle. While the food cooks, I pull up the quest to refresh my memory on it. The quest changed slightly after I got that potion. So remembering the new details is important.

[Quest: The False One]

[Description: You have found the truth about Bellvia and their involvement with the Dryads, and you have found out about the curse and who made it. You will have a choice to make. Only one of the following objectives can be completed.]

[Objective 1: Expose the Kingdom of Bellvia and have them pay for their crimes.][Not Available]

[Objective 2: Find the weakness of the curse and use it to free the Dryads and return them to Ancients World.][Completed]

[Objective 3: Now that you are in Bellvia, finding the right person to talk to is important. How you do this is up to you.][Completed]

[Objective 4: Use the potion to cleanse Princess Elanore in the boss room at the Ruins of The Dryads.][In Progress]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Rewards: Hidden]

The potion was rewarded to me after completing An Abomination. All it tells me about it is it will free Elenore from the curse. I don't know where all the Dryads are. What The Secret Keeper of Titans told me seems a little farfetched. I'm brought from my thoughts as I smell the food and see that it's done. I stand up and talk both pieces of meat off the sticks, and I had one to Sally. She immediately digs in and looks satisfied with the food. I follow suit and enjoy it, while it isn't the best. It's not the worst. It fills you and has some flavor. "Thank you for going out of your way to getting us some food this morning! I don't know how long I could've lasted till the next meal we had." I smile at Sally's improved energy and enthusiasm.

We finish our food in a few minutes, and I pack up the tent. I toggle my wings back on and wait for Sally to climb onto my back. As she gets comfortable, I launch off the ground and reach above the clouds. I reach the full speed of 430 mph and look down towards the ground and through the clouds. I have to keep an eye out for any streams. After flying for around 40 minutes, I spot a stream breaking through the land. I take us down really fast, and Sally holds on tight. I land us gracefully next to the stream, and Sally gets off. Her hair is messy from the speed we were flying and diving at. She fixes it after running it through her hair a couple of times. "Too bad we don't have any soap, but this will do just fine." She proceeds to take off her clothes while I watch.

I turn away before she has nothing left. I hear her giggle and walk up behind me. "If you want to clean your armor, this is your chance to do so." She laces her voice with temptation, while we can't have any real fun because she is on her period. That doesn't mean we can't be physical. I release a tiny sigh and unequip my armor down to my underwear. I turn around and see she is wearing a bra and panties. I'm secretly grateful she is. That would be so much to handle. She smiles and dives into the stream. I smile and follow suit. The cool water is so much more refreshing and relaxing. It's clean and clear, not murky and polluted like earth. Sally comes up from the water and splashes me. I smile and spread my wings out. Her smile fades as she realizes what's about to happen.

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