The Ancients World

Chapter 204: The Dryad Princess Elenore I

Chapter 204: The Dryad Princess Elenore I

I land us right at the gate that leads into the ruins. Nothing has changed since I was last here. I let Sally off me, and we both stare at the entranceway. "Let's do this." She nods her head in agreement, and we walk into the same massive courtyard I did the first time I came here. There isn't anything out of place from the last time I was here. I see the cathedral that I entered when I went looking for the diaries that Wilmer needed. "That's the place. There is a powerful boss in the boss room. It's guarding Elenore's body." I finally get to see what creature is protecting the princess's sleeping body. The last time I was here, I avoided the fight because I could feel that it was much more powerful than I was, but I've gained a lot of power since then.

I wouldn't be surprised if I could easily overwhelm the creature, but I doubt it will be so easy to do. We walk up the stairs that lead to the front door, and I push them open. I look forward and see the doors that enter into the chamber princess Elenore is being kept. I make sure Sally is behind me before approaching. I'm not totally certain that she is strong enough. We approach the door, and I place my hand on it, getting the prompt this is a boss room and asking if I'm sure I want to enter with my party. I think yes, and the door slowly creeks open. As I stare into the room being lit by blue light, I see the boss monster. I don't know what it is. It's something that I've never seen before. It must have been here for a very long time. I use inspect on it as I draw my sword.

[Offspring of Evil Lvl.220 tier 4 Boss][Heavily Suppresed]

200,000,000/200,000,000 HP

[Description: Unknown]

It feels that it's been inspected and turns towards us. It has a hideous face, covered in boils and holes that insects come and go from. "Look who finally decided to come back. You have gotten strong, Son of Michael." The creature speaks in multiple voices, and it has an echo that reverberates in the chamber. It's obviously very old and has probably been here a long time. "I bet you're wondering why I'm talking to you instead of fighting you?" In truth, I am. I nod my head, confirming his suspicion. He smiles as his rotten black teeth show. "The princess isn't the only one here against her will. So I want to make a proposition for you. Just listen to what I have to say and take a couple of minutes to think about it." This sounds like the saying of evils soft first touches.

I nod my head entertaining the idea, and he turns to look back at the princess. "The curse that Ulma Runa put on her and the dryad people is powerful, and I have no doubt you have the cure. I was brought to this realm by Ulma Runa to make sure nobody ever freed the dryads. For a price, of course. However, Ulma Runa hasn't paid that price for my services." I can somewhat see where this is going. He either wants to be free so he can go after Ulma Runa or wants me to do something about it. "I'll let you awaken the princess if you break the contract that Ulma Runa and I have. It's simple, really. All you have to do is activate your title and use one of your special active skills." The creature sure does know a lot about me and my capabilities.

Not to mention his power is heavily suppressed. I don't know how strong he really is. I close my eyes, thinking about it. It'll save me the time of fighting this beast. It'll also go after Ulma Runa and probably return to where it came from. It sounded like it prefers that place more so than Gaia. "I can do this for you, but how do I know you'll keep your word? Your grudge against Ulma Runa sounds serious, but you are more than meets the eye. I'm not foolish enough to trust you without some proof of good faith in your words." The creatures and hods his head in approval. I guess this creature likes to play games, be them mental or physical. I watch his giant body move over to a chest in the room, one that doesn't fit. It leaks evil. It must be his.

He opens the chest and pulls out a scroll. I swear if it's a quest, I'm just going to fight this monster instead. "This is another piece that your sword is missing from its power. The Witness is a holy sword, but it lacks any of its holy properties. Where do you think all of that's gone? There are pieces of its power spread across Gaia. This is one of them. Take it as a sign of good faith." He tosses the scroll to me, and as I catch it, I can feel The Witness vibrating in my hand. I use inspect on the scroll, but nothing happens. "Place the scroll on the blade of The Witness. Their power will combine once again." I listen to the creature and combine the powers. A bright light explodes from The Witness. Once the light fades, the weapon is overflowing with divine energy. I use inspect on it to see new changes.

[The Witness]

[Description: A legendary sword that has been around since before recorded history, all the greatest and most influential people have wielded this blade. Empires have risen and fallen to, and for, this blade. It has been held by kings, queens, emperors, and empresses. Along with Sword Saints of unparalleled power and recognition. The Witness is the most powerful of the one-handed swords on Gaia. There is no blade better to wield. The construction of The Witness isn't one know to all. Only a select few know its origins. It was crafted from the same divine metal as Durandal, Excalibur, and Caliburn. They are considered siblings since they were made from the same metal ore.]

[New Information: The blacksmith that created The Witness is no other than Wayland himself. Out of all the swords he created, The Witness plays a special role. While warriors could wield it, its true power would be revealed when The Son of Arch-Angel Michael finally claimed it.]

[More information will be revealed once you tier up.]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Durability: Infinite]

[Damage: 52,000]

[Unique properties]

[Has a very high chance to dismember limbs instantly]

[Has a very high chance to cause Curse of Decomposition]

[Description: Areas attacked by Curse of Decomposition will rot away till they are cured or the target dies.]

[Will always cause critical hit upon vital points struck]

[Will always ignore armor and defense ratings]

[This sword will gain more power every time you tier up.]

[There is no required level to wield this blade.]

[The Witness resonates with your angelic blood. +10000 focus]

[A synergy has been created between The Dice of Wayland and The Witness. Damage has been raised to 52,000]

[Divinity Burn (Inherent Skill)]

[Description: A powerful burn skill that is fueled by divine power. Especially effective against anything non-deity.]

[Damage: 240,000 Over Time]

[This skill will active every third swing and burn the target for 12 seconds.]

I had no idea The Witness had more pieces of its power scattered around Gaia. "I can see now that you really just want to get out of this place. Giving this to me is obvious enough." I enter my player interface and activate my title. A bunch of new special active skills shows up, and I look through the ones that might work. I find one that may work. I walk up to the creature and hold my hand out in front of it. I use the skill, and a blue light leaves my hand and enters the creature. A second later, I see black chains appear around the creature and shatter. The creature takes a deep breath and pops its giant disgusting body. "I hope that you don't try anything now that you're free." The creature looks at me and transforms into a regular man.

He walks up to me and looks me up and down. He has the ability to change forms. Why he chose that disgusting one up till now is beyond me. "It's so great to be free after all these long years. I have missed this form, the one that fits in the best in this realm. Go and save the dryads. I have a deal to finish." He smiles sinisterly and disappears in black goop. As his presence leaves the area, it feels so much lighter and less suppressed. I turn and look at Sally and see she is shaking slightly. I would be in her position. I wasn't scared because I knew I could kill him if I used all my skills. Sally, on the other hand, wouldn't want to fight something named The Offspring of Evil. I turn and look at the sleeping Elenore, this is it.

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