The Ancients World

Chapter 221: A Social Event X

Chapter 221: A Social Event X

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I turn off the stat screen and see the confused looks on their faces. As natives of Gaia, they see their stats differently, while the way they do is unknown. "Now, you can put a number to that power. If that helps in any way." I actuality, it probably doesn't. While I'm at a very high level, my stats are at an insane level. They are the true reason for my power. Not to mention I have tier-up quests stacked now. Something you want to avoid, and I've fallen into it. It's just going to be something that I'll have to fix in my travels. It's going to be a long time.

Sally's revenge is my only priority right now, and it's not like any of the men that hurt her can stand against her now. Let alone me. "I was wondering something... It's important for our journey after we are done here in Zenith." I direct my question at Amelia, while she is a newer noble. She undoubtedly knows some things about people in her society she doesn't want to meet. She nods for me to continue with my question. "Do you know a Baron James in the Pleer kingdom?" Sally goes stiff as I ask.

I know it makes her uncomfortable, but it's necessary right now. Amelia shakes her head, denying she knows anything. "Zenith doesn't do any business with the Pleer kingdom due to their lax care for slavery. More and more people that migrate from that country are learned to be slaves, and it's going to be under a lot of heat once the war is over." She doesn't have any useful information about the person, but she did have it about the place. Her eyes glide to Sally in understanding. It's hard to get things past Amelia.

She stands up and comes over to our side of the carriage. She proceeds to wrap Sally into a big hug. "Now I understand. I'm sorry for what's happened to you, Sally. I'm sure that your world has been a dark and treacherous one. I want you to know that you can come to me with absolutely anything at all." Sally wraps her arms around Amelia, and they hug silently as I hear Sally's low whimpers. "You make me proud, son. Helping her the way you are." She turns her head towards me with a smile. I'm doing what I think is right.

Sally has all the right in the world to go after all the men that put her through that life. To punish the race that abandoned her, to avenge her fallen mother who gave everything to make sure her daughter lived. I decide to show some humanity, and I join in on the hug, making sure Sally knows I here too. "They'll all get what's coming to them, Sally. All of them will suffer and die. We'll be starting our journey tomorrow after the wedding. Look forward to that moment." I know I'm looking forward to the moment.

Sally's sobs have now gotten very audible. She is such an amazing woman. I'm lucky to have her by my side. After a while, we all pull away, and Sally dries her tears. Amelia decides to sit between us. "So... How many times have you two done it yet?" I can't help the blush spreading on my face. That question was out of completely nowhere, and I have no idea how to respond. I look at Sally, and she is looking down towards her feet and wiggling. Her eyes are slightly wide in embarrassment. I never thought I'd have a conversation like this with one of my parents.

I take a breath to calm my beating heart. Do I answer honestly here? Do I tell her it's none of her business? "We've had sex twice..." My mind stops working for a second, and I turn to Sally and see her deep blush. I can't believe she answered before I did. I look at Amelia, and she just smiles and pats Sally on her back. She proceeds to ask how it was for our first time. I had no idea people do this in Gaia because this isn't normal for people from earth. "He is really long and thi-!" I cover her mouth before she can continue with any more embarrassing details.

Amelia laughs at the pure honesty of Sally. It takes a moment for my blush to go down. "That isn't something you should be asking us..." The weirdness of this situation makes me think that this truly is common for the natives of Gaia. Amelia quits laughing and gets up. She quickly moves to her side of the carriage again. "Since I'm going to be helping the sick and poor, I'll have to activate my title once it's time. There will be a lot of commotion once I do. Crowds and swarms of people will form." I shouldn't expect any difference here in Zenith.

I was hoping I'd never have to do this again, but sometimes things are unavoidable. We still have to get gifts for Jackson's wedding. "I don't doubt they will, and I appreciate that you are doing this for me. I have a lot of people that depend on me, and most of them don't have the means to protect themselves. Let alone keep them from getting sick or injured." People don't get injured and sick out of nowhere. There is always a cause, be it a person or not. Amelia doing this is really good, but there may be something more going on.

It's not my job to find out. "It sounds like you have a real problem on your hands, mom. One that isn't so easily solved. I suggest someone finds out the cause of all this is, cause the next time I'll be here is a long time from now." These could be the final times I see Amelia. I don't know for sure. She nods her head in agreement and looks out the window as we slowly enter the city. The carriage ride was nice, but it doesn't beat flying. Nothing ever will. Once you have experienced that freedom, it's impossible to stay with another form of travel for long.

The carriage slowly makes its way through the roads of Zenith. Heading towards the poor district. I look out the window and notice several different people are looking at the carriage in excitement. Many wake up or warn others that Amelia is here, which means she brings things to try and help. "Take us to the usual spot. That way, they can gather in mass." Amelia commands the carriage driver to head to a place where large amounts of people can gather. Many people begin to follow the carriage. Parent's carrying sick kids and kids helping sick adults.

After a couple more minutes, we make it to a large area with lots of free space. It looks to be a place where people come to relax in the day. I see some people of higher class quickly leave at the sight of the crowd. Typical. "Stop up ahead." The carriage driver does at told, and the carriage stops. Amelia exits the carriage first, and Sally follows. I'm the last one out. Amelia is shaking hands and greeting people she is familiar with. I follow her to a higher area so she can speak, and I'll just wait until I'm needed.

She takes a deep breath, preparing a speech. "I'm here to bring salvation back to some of you. Others, I bring a renewal in faith." Many silently listen, trying to understand where this is all going. She points towards me. "This is my son. He is very special. His name is Slayer Zern." Many whispers break out and many look at me, wondering if I'm that Slayer Zern. "Your guesses are right. My birth son is The Son of Arch-Angel Michael. He's here at my request to heal and help many of you. As he did in Bellvia." The looks between people, most don't believe, though.

She turns to me so I can demonstrate to the people. I activate my wings and divine title. Many fall to their knees, bowing and weeping. "Bring your sick and wounded. He'll heal them all." Many being to chant that Amelia is a saint or is a Goddess. I stand in front of her and wait for people to start coming forward. The first is a desperate couple and their sick kids. There are two of them. I hold out my hands in front of the family, and I use my strongest healing and cure skill. They look good as new, and the kids soon wake up.

We spend the next hour or so helping as many people as we can, and the crowd keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm not sure if the people here now are really sick, but many are talking about how Amelia is my mother. That'll be interesting information for the nobles who don't like her.

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