The Ancients World

Chapter 228: Jacksons Wedding V

Chapter 228: Jacksons Wedding V

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I finish my dance with Amelia, and we both head to where Sally is seated. We sit down at the table with her, and I lean back in my chair. "We'll leave in an hour. The Kingdom of Pleer is our next stop." Amelia looks very disappointed that we are leaving, and we only spent so much time with her. I look towards the dance floor as it's emptying and people are going to their seats to talk and rest. The party part of the wedding is slowly calming down. I do want one more dance with Sally in her dress, and the song is turning into a slow one.

I stand up from my seat and hold my hand out to Sally. She takes it fast, and we make our way towards the dance floor. Since it's empty now, it's only us. The song is slow and has a gentle pace to it. "Can I be honest with you?" She surprises me with that question. I nod my head and wait for her to continue. "I really am scared to face them... To face all the people who've done bad things to me... I don't like showing weakness in front of you..." She slowly whispers her concern out, and I hold her in my arms and sway us side to side.

She has every right to be scared, and it's okay to show weakness in front of me. "It's going to be perfectly okay, Sally. No one that did things to you is strong enough to hurt you, let alone me." She has become very powerful due to her class. Mastering her skills and learning to be creative with them. "The future path ahead is stained going to be stained in blood, but it's not going to be our blood." She stays silent at my words. We will be doing the world a favor, killing scum such as Baron James and the next target after him.

I inhale some of her scents, and it makes me smile. "We'll be freeing hundreds, if not thousands, from illegal slavery. We'll be saving women from a fate worse than death and saving many more from ever experiencing it." I list the positives that will come from this. There are many more positives, to be sure, but these are the ones off the top of my head. The dance floor empties further, and we have it all to ourselves. That reminds me that I need to handle something before we leave. I need to ask if anyone in this room has information on Baron James.

As well as The Kingdom of Pleer. It's about a 3 days trip at full speed, and all I know about it is its location. It's one of the places I never visited in my old life. "Those are all wonderful things, and I look forward to them. I'm just worried that I shut down when looking them in the eyes... The torture that they put me through... All I can be grateful for is they failed to condition me in any way." My blood boils as I hear those words. Knowing that someone I deeply care for and love has gone through such horrible things makes me want to... Do unspeakable things.

She lifts her head and looks up at me. "I love the part of you that sees past the tortured me... The damaged me... Many men wouldn't see a woman like a woman after going through what I have... You're not like that. Since day one, you have treated me like any person should be treated..." Her sweet words make my chest a little tight. Having such good qualities recognized in me feels really good. I lean my head down and steal a kiss from her. I pull away slightly and see that she would like some more. I lean down again, and we kiss.

Maybe we will get lucky, and news of me having a romantic relationship with an elf girl will reach The Elven Kingdom. How wonderful would it be if that would happen? We stop kissing and resume our slow dance. "I've never had anyone say that about me... Thank you for those words, Sally... Sometimes you can go your whole life with hearing something, not knowing you need to..." After a couple of minutes, the slow song ends, and the music stops altogether. We leave the dance floor side by side while wrapping each other in a one-armed hug.

The final amount of time we are spending in Zenith runs down, and I can see the depression sink into Amelia. We all walk to the carriage that's outside, and it's time to say goodbye for now. "This is where we take our leave and be on our way." I stand next to the carriage and talk to Amelia. She is freely crying and is trying her hardest not to beg me to stay. I open my arms, and she immediately jumps into a hug. "It's not going to be the last time we see each other, but it is for a very long time." That makes her cry even harder into my chest.

After a minute of letting all her emotions out, she finally pulls away and dries her red and puffy eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much... Promise me that you will be safe and never do anything stupid!" I can't promise that, but I'll do my best to stay alive. She sees my small smile and laughs a little. She turns to Sally and brings her into a hug too. "You're such a sweet and carry girl... Watch over him for me. He tends to do things the hard way..." Now how in the world would she know that? Sally nods her head as if agreeing with her.

They pull out of their hug and separate. I step away from the carriage and toggle my wings on. I kneel so Sally can climb on. I gave her combat clothes back, so she is ready for travel. "See you later, mom." She weeps hard as I say that. I stand with Sally on my back, and I launch off the ground hard. We make it to the evening clouds and can look down at Zenith as we start our journey. Sally brings her head up and leans it against mine. Everything is going to be about her, and we'll not stop until they're all dead.

I asked some nobles in the final time before we left about Baron James and The Kingdom of Pleer. It's a kingdom aligned with the church, which means if I get too close to any major cities in the country, they'll know I'm around due to the alarm. I have received little information about Baron James, only that he is an old man now. Likely on his death bed, but his family is still alive and is probably continuing the illegal business. "The orange sky is so beautiful up here..." I'm dragged out from my current thoughts, and I take in the sight.

We are getting farther and farther from Zenith. The puffy clouds we are flying through are ignited in an orange glow due to the sun. "I'm never going to get tired of flying. Being this free is something I never thought I could have." She is serious when she says those words. The future holds a lot for us, and most of it is battle. There will be times like in Zenith, and everything will come to a slow, and we'll be able to take a break, but now we are taking on many nobles and an entire royal family that is ruling the elven kingdom. I pull up Sally's quest to see it.

[Sally's Past]

[Description: Help Sally in her quest for vengeance against all the men that tortured and sexually assaulted her growing up. Help her punish the Elven Kingdom for their ways.]

[Objective 1: When the time comes, Sally will ask you for your direct help in this matter.][Completed]

[Objective 2: Once everything is done with your quest involving the Dryads, ask Sally what the first step in her revenge is.][Completed]

[Objective 3: Head to the Barony of James in the kingdom of Pleer][In progress]

[Rewards: Unknown]

[Difficulty: Legendary]

[Note: The great difficulty of this quest is the goals that Sally has set in revenge. If they weren't so great, then the difficulty wouldn't be so high.]

More objectives will be added once we are finished with the third one—another target, to be sure. "You and I are going to change a lot of people's lives by what we are doing. All of them will be for the better." I speak these words to help motivate her in some way. I feel her grip tighten slightly, and she nods her head in agreement. Barony of James, here we come.

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