The Ancients World

Chapter 232: Journey to the Barony of James III

Chapter 232: Journey to the Barony of James III

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

We've been traveling for several hours, and the endless forests are becoming a sight I'm growing tired of. I couldn't imagine how annoying it'd be to travel on foot. I shouldn't really be complaining, as they say. Once you become accustomed to a certain standard of living, you change. While I'm not a rich snob or a pompous noble. I'm, in fact, finding that the slower things are, the more frustrated I get. It's a bad habit that I've developed, and now I can feel that festering of frustration in the back of my mind at how slow this trip is. Despite the fact, we are flying at 430 mph.

Gaia's size is truly staggering. The rumors of it being ever-expanding were very popular back on earth in my old future. I've thought about this during my trip to Zenith for the first time. The Dwarf's land across one of the several oceans is largely unexplored. As are many other lands on Gaia. Add that to the player continent that was created for our arrival here, and you have a place that's been calmly settled and timid in its development. They have been around longer than humans and have only progressed little in terms of technology.

I'm guessing there will be many players with dreams of rebuilding a modern society. Recreating patents for inventions they'll steal from our old home. Who is there to dispute such things? The laws are different here in The Ancients World. Any original inventors of life-changing products are long dead. Someone can probably create a phone using magic in a few years. Anyone with an understanding of engineering could probably do it. I'm not one of those special snowflakes, though. Players are to bust trying to find their place here to be worried about, that though.

[Worldwide Announcement: The Kingdom of Zenith has left the coalition of kingdoms and is now completely independent! Zenith is entering an alliance with The Dryads and is the first kingdom to do so since The Dryads return! They are also the only kingdom with exclusive trade with The Dryads!]

[Worldwide Announcement: The Kingdom of Bellvia has been kicked out of the coalition! They are alone in their war against the Dryads and possibly Zenith! The Kingdom of Bellvia is desperate for all the help it can get!]

[World Mission: Bellvia has lowered their standards for players to join them! Anyone is welcomed now! Increased rewards and exp boosts are now available to players that join Bellvia!]

[Worldwide Announcement: The coalition is debating an entire dissolution of their faction! Many Kings and Queens are debating if they should rejoin the church or go independent like Zenith! These events will cause major shifts in the ongoing wars!]

[Worldwide Announcement: There is a massive imbalance in forces for the war effort due to the current events! The church and coalition have lowered their standards for players that can join in the wars! Any player is now able to approach their local church branch for missions regardless of level! Rewards are a huge boost in exp gain and access to standardized Rare armor and weapons!]

[These messages will repeat for 2 minutes!]

My thoughts are completely derailed from the several announcements going off. It seems like there are plenty of developments everywhere. "Whoa... Do you think we had anything to do with this..." Sally has probably just got done hearing the church's version for the natives of Gaia. I think my actions have had an effect on this outcome, but a lot of things have to fall into place for a big change like this. It was likely a plan that someone has been rolling out for a long time now. Jackson moved way faster in his goals than I thought.

I knew that he would do something but leaving the coalition and gaining total independence. Not to mention a powerful new alliance and exclusive trade. It'll bring money, commerce, and attention to Zenith. Helping it grow and develop even faster. A masterful move, he completely changed the future of Zenith, and it's in a positive light. He definitely used his relationship with me to do it in some form. However, it's not like he or I have to do anything. Just the fact it exists is enough to discourage a lot of new enemies.

I take a second to think about all the new things that players will have access to. The growth of power among the players will burst. This is going to cause problems in itself. "We had a little bit to do with it, but I doubt it's a big reason. Many Kings and Queens will probably want independence too. No ruler of an entire kingdom wants to be put in check by a council or a power structure like the church. I think this is just the beginning." The things to follow this are going to be numerous and fundamentally changing for many things.

As Cera and Sally continue their travel in the evening. There is chaos between players and natives of Gaia. All these developments affect people differently, but its no doubt that it massively benefits the players. Many councils are meeting to discuss and argue about needs and wants. One of a select few rulers has no more meetings to go to anymore. For he is now completely independent from anyone. Jackson is sitting on his throne and look at the court. Many nobles are talking, and Jackson's wife and queen comes out and sits next to him on her throne.

I look at my beautiful wife and see her wearing the feather Zern gave her in her hair as a decorative piece. She looks at me and smiles. "I take it we are about to have an important meeting with our subjects?" I smile as Tessa says that. We are having a meeting with all the nobles in my capital. The rest spread out across the kingdom couldn't get here in the time I set. I don't hold them accountable. They won't get to voice their opinions, though, since they aren't here. I'd like to hear all my subject's ideas, but I have to settle for the nobles.

The last of the nobles walk through the doors, and it's Amelia with an escort of guards. Ever since she has revealed her identity as Slayer Zern's mother, she can't go anywhere in the city. People swarm and both her carriage. Hundreds begging for help. It weighs greatly on her, and I don't like the fact that she has to deal with such desperate people. That's the crown's fault. That problem will be solved when this kingdom is fully fixed. Now that we are independent, we can focus on making the capital and kingdom better than ever before.

Before I can respond to Tessa's question, she stands up with excitement and dashes towards Amelia waving her hand and smiling. I sigh at the childish behavior. Sometimes it slips out of people, and many people look up to Slayer Zern. The fact that his mother is a personal friend and bonafide high ranking noble of Zenith makes things safer in the capital and kingdom. We won't be openly attacked or targeted when she is here. Not if they want the wrath of Slayer Zern or Arch-Angel Michael himself.

After a few minutes of the nobles talking and catching up, I stand up and clear my throat. Getting all of their attention. "We are calling this meeting for two reasons. The second will be revealed after the first." Many stay silent and prepare to help in any way we can. "We are in an alliance with The Dryads. Even though they have not asked for help in their war, I have offered. However, the only thing they have requested is knowledge." The Dryads want to learn about the advancements that have happened since their time.

That way, they can be more effective in the war. "This request is easy to fulfil, but they have not said anything about accepting help in terms of military power. That might change, but at this point, it doesn't look like it." We continue to discuss this subject for a good 2 hours. What we can trade, how we can help upgrade their infrastructure—anything at all to improve relations. While we are allies, that's only because I gave them back their legendary item that Slayer Zern took from their ancient kingdom. It was only fair to do such a thing.

Now it's time to broach the second subject. "Now that we are done with the first subject, it's time for the second." I clap my hands, and multiple butlers come out and prepare tables and food and start to play music. "I think it's only right that we celebrate our independence from the coalition and church! Let's remember this day as a fantastic turning point for Zenith!" Every noble claps and cheers in a modest way. The future is bright, and I intend to make Zenith one of the greatest kingdoms in the world. Bringing it back from the state Harold put it in.

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