The Ancients World

Chapter 250: Rivers Of Blood I

Chapter 250 - Rivers Of Blood I

As the players are waiting for the ensuing battle, NPC's are in a panic. The announcement they heard from the church is causing unrest all over Gaia. Anywhere there's a large population of players is going to be attacked in the next 30 or so minutes. To the NPC's, the new people are to blame for the coming destruction, aka the players. It's not a false claim from the NPC's. They have a right to think that. After all, cities and towns are about to be attacked because of the players. They aren't specifically after the NPC's, but that doesn't put them in any less danger.

My many brothers are in a panic. The large storm approaching the city will cause much destruction. Kaden, my oldest brother, is trying to get a hold of me via magic. I'm in a safe place from the city right now, and I say let it get destroyed. Not only will that cause problems for the illegal activities going on. It'll take money out of all my brother's pockets. I don't invest in the city, while many would claim it's a safe venture. I don't want my name and reputation attached to the slave trade going on in the black market here. I have zero risks allowing this to happen.

Yeah, some innocent people may die, and I can deem that a worthy sacrifice for slowing down or halting business entirely for my brothers. For a time at least, cause they'll get repairs done fast. "Kelly!" It seems Kaden has gotten tired of my silence and has decided to visit me personally. The doors swing open, and he barges into my office. "We need your help! You're the only one without assets invested in the city! Give us access to your funds!" I keep a calm and neutral expression as he makes it to my desk and slams on it with his hands.

I lean back in my chair, letting Kaden seeth in anger further. My brothers have no power or authority to demand anything from me. "Kaden, my dear idiot brother." His expression morphs into a face of surprise and shock. I've rarely spoken to any of my brothers like this. Let alone the oldest. "The current situation you find yourselves in is your responsibility. And your's alone. I suggest once the damages are tallied after the coming battle between the new people and the monsters, you ask the king for help." His mouth forms into a scowl.

He is struggling really hard to keep his composure. What I say is completely fair, and he can't do anything about it. I don't keep my money in the banks controlled by my brothers. I keep it hidden on my estate. "The City of James is just as much your responsibility as ours, dear sister! When the people find out about this, they'll forsake you!" I highly doubt that. I'm the only member of the James family that isn't totally and completely feared. People actually respect and talk to me when I walk the streets. This situation is turning more and more in my favor.

If the coming fight between the new people and the monsters causes significant damage. I can use that to my advantage and take out my brothers. Politically take them out. They'll lose lots of money and demand that people pay for it. That'll cause serious unrest that I can use once I set my plans in motion. "Kaden, the people will be so busy blaming the brothers. That they won't even consider me. After all, you and the rest of the boys have invested heavily in a lot of businesses. They'll be crawling you when it's all over." There is no situation where they come out on top.

My victory over them is almost secure. The only piece of the puzzle I'm needing is Slayer Zern. If he truly is coming here or is already here. Then convincing him will secure my usurpation of the Barony. While at the same time killing all my evil and scum brothers. "The rest of the family won't forget this, Kelly. You'll suffer consequences." I scoff as he stands up straight and exits the room. This is a win for me, and not only are my brothers distracted by many different things. I've received a letter from the king of Zenith.

After I sent letters to the capital and to the king in Zenith about my concerns with Slayer Zern coming here since he's traveling with a female elf that used to be a slave here. I haven't gotten word from my king yet, but Jackson was kind enough to inform me of a way to get Slayer Zern's cooperation if he is here. It turns out that Slayer Zern is a very hard man to read and also very intelligent. As long as I don't approach him as a threat and make my allegiances obvious to him. He won't do anything to me. He might even help me once I tell him my plan.

I stand up and walk over to my window that has a view of the city in the distance. The current place I'm at is a mile and a half out. It has a wonderful view of the city. I watch the storm move closer. I can see movement and monsters in the rain. There have to be hundreds of thousands. My butler walks in and places some tea on my desk. "Are you sure it's wise to defy your brothers openly? After all, the planning you've done, doesn't this risk it?" He brings up points that I've considered. They can't stop what is to come.

The evil and lies they've wrought are coming back to haunt them, and I'll take great pleasure in being the one to deliver that to them. "It's nothing we need to be concerned about at this point. My father's slave empire in The City of James is going to fall soon. With it, my brothers, the ones who keep the tradition. All we need to do is place the parts we need to, move pieces when they need to be moved. Their destruction is guaranteed at this point." My butler takes his monocle off and clears it with his napkin.

As Kelly James watches the coming storm slowly make its way towards the city, many players make final preparations for the battle. Most shops have closed around the city, and NPC's are refusing any requests from players that are still open. The players waiting outside the city by the wall are counting the seconds in their heads. All of them are nervous and eager, except for one. Cera is sitting on a stump as the water pours down. The edge of the storm has increased in rainfall and is soaking the players close to it.

The rain feels good, better than the last time I was in a situation like this. The falling water is clean and isn't polluted in the slightest. I look at the dark approaching supercell, and I appreciate how beautiful it is. The rain falls on my face, and I take a deep breath, smelling the water as it's a little warm. "RAAAARRGGHHH!!" Many monsters are screeching in the distance, voicing their desire for blood and battle, locked behind the time slowly counting down. They'll be a mighty flood once they descend upon us.

So many thousands of monsters will stain the lands red and make the rivers flow with crimson. Lightning flashes and thunder shakes through my body, a sensation I have only felt in my last battle against the monsters like this. A sensation I never experienced on earth, one that I wish I could. "They sure are getting rowdy out there..." Two players are talking behind me, and they are also watching the storm. Witnessing the monsters writhe and screech at the thought of getting their hands on us.

One player sighs and unsheaths his weapon. "I hope that I can get enough exp to reach 20% mana control. I got it a few weeks ago, and the amount of time it takes to raise it is annoying. I'm only at 13% right now." I feel personally attacked by the topic but in the end. I'm lucky enough that this event might raise my mana control by 1%. These guys probably have weak mana auras and will gain more than 7% control. At least he will. "By the way, did you ever get to find out about that new magical device that lets you connect with players around Gaia?" Well, isn't that interesting.

I had no idea something like that was being worked on. "Rumor has it that it was made by J&X since they are still alive in this world." This is very interesting. I haven't heard any news about J&X in a long time. They must be trying to make up for their wrongs in some way.

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