The Ancients World

Chapter 260: The Night Before Revenge

Chapter 260: The Night Before Revenge

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

We find an inn that'll take us, but I had to overpay several-fold. We climb the stairs and enter the room. A single bed for three people... Can't say I expected much. I sigh and make my way towards it, and I lay down. "At least it's soft..." I whisper just loud enough for Hailey and Sally to hear me. Sally walks over and takes a seat right next to me. Hailey and Sally are looking at each other. The atmosphere is awkward between the two. "I'm going to have to sleep in the chair, aren't I?" As much as I want to sleep on the soft bed.

I'm thinking they don't want to share a bed with me. I know Sally doesn't mind. Hailey, on the other hand, will mind. "No, it's only fair that the actual third wheel stays out of the way. I'll take the chair. You guys can have the bed. Just promise you won't do anything while I'm in the same room." I silently thank Hailey. I was really not wanting to take the chair tonight. Sally looks at me, and I can see that she's very happy with the arrangement. I unequip my sword and armor. Leaving the only thing on my body underwear.

I'm not sure how I'd fare in this new land without all the things I have, and the most underrated is definitely the inventory system. I watch Sally stand up from her spot, and she takes her armor and weapon off and tosses them aside. She's only in her underwear now too. She cuddles up next to me, and I can hear my sister groan in protest. "You're just jealous." Sally chuckles as I make fun of Hailey's comfort. While we won't have sex, we will sleep comfortably. Hailey walks over to the chair and sits down. She's going to be cranky tomorrow.

I lift the sheet and blanket over us, and we get under it comfortably. The light outside slowly falls, and an orange hue fills the room. The setting sun giving one beautiful thing to us before it goes away for a while. "I swear if I hear anything weird coming from your bed... I'll tell mom the next time we see her!" Now it's my turn to laugh. I'm not sure how my mother would react to me having intimate moments with Sally. My father would be proud, but mom always said that if I ever wanted to date a girl or settle down with one, she'd have to approve.

While Cera thinks to himself about things not pertinent to the situation, Hailey is also thinking about things. Mainly the amount Cera has changed since the last time she saw him. She would've never expected her strange brother to find a girl that was right for him. It turns out he did find one, an elf girl that it. In her opinion, that's an upgrade to whatever he could've gotten with a woman from the earth. What she finds heartwarming is how easily Cera accepted her past. Women who go through what Sally has aren't treated the safe afterward. Cera isn't doing that.

I'm proud that my brother has come so far, and while I was skeptical of Sally too big with. After I learned more about her, it was easy to see. She's suffered the fame things Jasmine has here in The City of James. Both of them were slaves that had everything thing taken away from them. Sally is so much stronger than I could ever be if something like that happened to me. I'd choose death over being a slave. I look out the window next to me as I sit in the chair. I watch the sun slowly lower over the wall, and the orange hue gently fades away.

I close my eyes and think about how easy this has all gone, minus the little detour with the monsters. I can see that our reunion won't last long. I have things I need to do after I'm done here in The City of James. He's always off on some extremely difficult mission. More often than not, I wonder if our parents are doing the same things we are. After coming to this world, they had no experience with it or games like it. Marcus is so young too, and I'm glad he has mom and dad with him. I don't think he'd be able to fend for himself.

My new friends and allies are all waiting for me back with Jasmine. The war is progressing, and even more players are joining the front lines. The exp and rewards are too delicious to resist. The average level of the players is around 100 now, while I'm around 170. It's not that far behind. The top players and grinders are right behind me. I wonder what level Cera is now? He will be at a higher level than me, but I don't know by how much. My thoughts slow down as sleep begins to overtake me. However, what I dread starts.

There are sounds of kisses coming from the bed, and I absolutely refuse to open my eyes. I'm going to make sure he pays. "You sure she's asleep?" I hear Sally's voice whisper to my brother. Ugh, this is disgusting. I want to leave, but I'm afraid of how awkward it'll be. The kisses resume, and my skin crawls. "Hmmm..." This is unbelievable. I slam my foot on the ground to inform them I'm sit awake. "See, I told you..." Sally quickly tells Cera she told him so. "Sorry, Hailey..." I sigh and don't respond. Whatever they were planning, I put a stop to it.

As the night has finally descended on The City of James. Kelly James is being healed at her private estate. After she left the confines of that building beaten, she was anything but in massive pain. Her plan worked. She has Cera and Saliandra on her side and tomorrow marks the ending of her brothers. Word has gotten out that Kelly was kidnapped and beaten. The rest of the story is she escaped and is the princess of the town now. Of course, the escape was just a fabrication. Her brothers can't be suspicious of her coming back unharmed from a kidnapping after all.

I sit in my comfortable chair with a subtle grin on my face as the mage continues to use healing magic. To my happiness, he was able to help the situation regarding my teeth. Who knew that Saliandra could punch so damn hard. I felt like I was going to die. The healer finishes as I look at him. "I'm all out of mana for tonight, Lady James. I can come back tomorrow if you wish?" I shake my head, and I wave him away. He takes his nicknacks and empty bottles with him. I'm presentable for the meeting tomorrow.

The leftover bruises and swelling will convince my brothers better that I was a real kidnapping. Once all my brothers are gathered in the meeting, I can signal Cera, and he'll know exactly where I am. As I tenderly press on the swollen parts of my face, the door to my office creaks open. My butler walks in with tea, cakes, and an ice bag. "I've brought you some refreshment, My lady." I smile as he wheels the cart over. He hands me the bag of ice first, and I lightly press it against my face. Its cooling touch hurts at first but soon numbs the area.

I pick up the tea and take multiple sips. "I take it that everything is going according to plan, My lady?" I nod my head and relax as the tension leaves my body. "I'll leave you to your privacy, My Lady. Call if you need anything." My butler lightly bows and leaves my office. I sip the tea and set it down. I pick up the cake and dig in. I swear he's trying to make me fat. However, I'd rather start getting fat than put off sweets for more than a day. I will have to reach out to the king once I've usurped the barony and make it official.

The king doesn't give a damn what happens outside the capital. Which isn't good, but I'm using that to my advantage. I sigh as I think about all the messes I'm going to have to clean up once I have the barony. It's a long and hard road ahead, but after a few years. The City of James will be coming out of the cesspools of crime and into the light of legitimate business dealings. No more black market presence and no more slave market here. I'm going to be incurring the wrath of my brothers of associates. That is a bridge I'll cross when I get there.

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