The Ancients World

Chapter 263: Sallys Vengeance II

Chapter 263: Sally's Vengeance II

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

We land outside the estate that I assume belongs to the firstborn son or the second. It's large and has regular guard patrols. We walk up to the gate, but guards stop us. "This is private property! Turn back or face execution!" I remove my hod for the first time in public. I'm not in the mood to deal with jackasses like this guy. He quickly draws his blade, and the other guards around join him on the other side of the gate. Hailey removes her hood as well. Sally hasn't, and I can tell she's getting more and more anxious as we get closer to the spawn of her torturer.

The guards are on edge, too, knowing something is off with us. "Normally, I'd give one warning before resorting to violence. I'm in no mood today. Make peace with God." They go rigid, and I can see how nervous they are in regards to my threat. I slowly draw The Witness, and the feeling The Witness is giving off is making some of the guards shake. One looks ready to talk, but I give him no chance. I swing The Witness, and it cuts through their armor and bodies like it's nothing. They fall to the ground in a pile of organs and body parts.

Some blood splattered on me, but it's not as much as I usually get on me. I look towards the massive mansion, knowing our targets are in there. "You ready for this, Sally?" I turn to her a final time to make sure she's ready. She removes her hood and nods her head. Her eyes are full of determination, and that's something that I'm seeing more and more in her. Overcoming her fears and moving on from her past. By doing this, everything in her life with move forward. There are many who say revenge doesn't help in recovering from something.

The ones who say this wouldn't understand the suffering that Sally has gone through, the hardships she's endured. Forgiving someone for something so cruel and evil is wrong in itself. Killing and getting rid of that evil, despite revenge or not. It's the right thing to do. "Then let us confront the sons of the man that took everything from you." She nods her head a single time, and we start walking the path up to the front doors. Hailey is right behind us, and she's likely going to want to say a few things to them on Jasmine's behalf before they die.

As the group of three walk up to the door and make their way inside. Kelly James is currently distracting her brothers. She's using every excuse and subject to keep them in their seats until the group walks into the room. It'll take them some time to find the room, but it won't be too long. It's not like the room is hidden. They just have to find the room that's large enough to hold a family meeting. The mansion itself is big but not hard to navigate. The mansion belongs to her oldest brother. She needed the gathering to be here.

I knew that this place would be the only one where all my brothers would gather. "Kelly, you have brought up enough problems and are now prolong this meeting for no reason at all. Why do you insist that we keep speaking?" My 4th oldest brother decides to try and speed up this meeting. It won't work. Slayer Zern and Saliandra are already on their way here. If not already on the property. It hasn't been on since I sent the message through the card, but I'm not going to get arrogant. I'm going to continue to play my part. Ensuing my ultimate victory.

All my brothers focus on me, all of them waiting for the correct response to keep them here. I have that response. "You all know why. The people are beginning to turn on you, and I'm doing everything I can to stop that from happening." That's a blatant lie. Not like they ever care to know. They would if they just asked around the city, but they haven't left their estates. "The people are blaming you for not taking care of damages. Soon, riots will break out, and I wouldn't be surprised if all of them came knocking on your doors." This subject gets the full attention of all my brothers.

They exchange looks between each other. Curious and surprised by my concern. It's all fake, of course. I don't give a damn about them. My brothers will rot for all the things they've done. "I'm surprised, sister... You never cared to meddle in our affairs before... Why the sudden interest now?" My second oldest brother decides to question me. He's the only one that could've seen through my plans if he wasn't so arrogant. Now it's too late. All of them are looking at me for a response. Now it's time for a masterstroke. To fully distract them.

I indicate to my face and my injuries. "My kidnappers were common people. They beat the shit out of me and demanded that I pass on a message to all of you. They told me to tell all of you that if something wasn't done soon. All of you would be burned at the stake for the whole city to see. I didn't escape. I was let go to give you all this message." I watch their faces contort and twist. The fake claims I have laid down completely convince them. I'm using their fear of death by the people to convince them this is the truth. It works beautifully. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and I see them.

As Kelly watches the three enter the room, many of the brothers don't know what's going on. They are concerned and convinced of other things. Unaware of their sister's betrayal, and now the plans have come to their end. Everything that has been worked towards is coming to fruition: Sally's revenge, Hailey's and Cera's quests. Sally's thoughts are erupting as she enters the room. Seeing the faces of the brothers. The sons of James. The man that stole everything. She watches as realization dawns on them. She's Saliandra. That means all their fears are true.

I watch fear completely envelop them. I stand next to Cera, and I observe all the men that have come from the corrupted seed of James. "You... You can't... Be..." I look and see a fat ugly man. His resemblance to the first James is there. So much so that my fear comes back, but it's gone as I feel Cera put his hand on my back. The man who raped me and stole everything. I will kill his sons and end his legacy. The pain at the thought that I couldn't give Cera my virginity since it was stolen long before he was born. It fuels my will and anger.

I watch Kelly stand up and walk over. She's got one last thing to do to ensure her survival. "I've got the information regarding the slave connections of my father. I've lived up to my end. I hope you'll live up to yours." She's directing all these questions to me. I slowly nod my head and move aside to let her pass. Her brothers are looking at her with hate and betrayal. Realizing what has happened. She played them, and now that Barony will be all hers. "I promise that everything will change around here." She leaves the room after those words.

The brothers are looking at us with incredible amounts of fear. "You're all going to die for what you've done." Cera is the first to speak, and I stare holes into all of them. Each one falling deeper into despair. Knowing full well there is no escape. "None of you will try to escape, and none of you are leaving this room alive. How you die will be decided by Sally. When you die will be decided by Sally. How painful your death is will be decided by Sally." His words cause them to go pale. "Now, Hailey, say what you need to say." Hailey walks out from behind us.

She stands firm and looks at the men surrounding the table. "I've been sent here by an ex-slave named Jasmine. I don't expect any of you to remember, but know this. She's another reason for your demise today." That's all she says, and she stands next to Cera on his other side. Cera places his hand on my shoulder and gets my attention. I look at him and deep into his eyes. He nods his head in confirmation, and now it's time to give these men what they deserve. People say that revenge doesn't help, but this is making me happy. I need this more than I thought.

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