The Apocalypse’s Great Merchant

Chapter 135 - Level 1 heterogeneous!

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The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and gradually, a petite figure comes out from the corner.

It is dressed in a beautiful red down jacket, pink blue jeans, furry little boots, and is very cute.

At first glance, this is a cute little girl.

But when you look closely, you will find that all the clothes, trousers and shoes are splashed with dark blood, and the appearance of it at this time is completely different from the cuteness, but it is quite terrible.

Its eyes did not bulge, but it was covered with black bloodshot blood, and the blood vessels on the face bulged, dense, like a tree root on the face.

When you are courageous, you can scare people to life!

Rao is Lanxie and he is very shocked. He was shocked when he saw it. She suddenly felt that these monsters were named “heterogeneous” and there is no reason. It is particularly appropriate to look at this monster, too much like a alien!

When Lancome looked at it, it was also looking at Lancome. The eyes covered with black bloodshot eyes looked at Lancome, probably saw the miserable end of the companion. After a few steps, he stopped and did not continue to approach, but looked at Lancome with jealousy. The ink knife in the ink.

Lancome wanted to wait for it to come over and see it suddenly stop and refused to stay close. Lancome had to take the initiative. However, she took a step, and the alien opened her mouth in shock and screamed in horror.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah”

The sharp and harsh screams stimulate Lancome’s eardrum, and Lancome suddenly has a sense of dizziness, and consciousness becomes chaotic.

Not good, its voice is strange!

Lancome was shocked and biting the tip of her tongue. The sharp tingling was instantly transmitted to her brain, and she was awake.

When she looked at the little girl again, her eyes were full of vigilance and alertness.

She has awakened her mental strength and can influence her with her voice, at least level 1 alien!

Lancome rubbed her eyes in danger. She never imagined that in this inconspicuous small hospital, she had hidden a level 1 alien!

What surprised her even more was that this alien was a little girl.

We must know that the strength of heterogeneity is directly proportional to the strength of human beings. The stronger the time as a human being, the stronger the strength will be when it becomes a heterogeneous.

Unless they are lucky enough to gain some powerful abilities when they fall.

This heterosexual girl in front of her is probably the lucky one.

Lancome had to be careful.

She tightened the handle of her hand and decided to start with a strong hand. But at this moment, the intimidating footsteps suddenly sounded around!

Lancome’s eyes swept away and instantly changed his face.

How come there are so many different kinds? Just a cursory look, there are dozens of them, and the latter is constantly being added.

As soon as these aliens appeared, the corridors that were not wide were instantly crowded.

Lancome screams badly. When the place is crowded, her strength will be limited. So she no longer hesitated, and started directly!

The constant stream of heterogeneous images is that the tides generally rush toward Lancome, and the sly little girl hides behind the aliens in a quiet manner, and the fierce and greedy eyes look straight at the Lancome who struggles to fight.

Lancome made a slap, but when the aliens were close, they would cut them directly. However, for a little while, the ground is already full of heterogeneous bodies.

These bodies were piled up at the feet of Lancome, and the black blood flowed to the ground, almost no place to settle.

Lancome simply stepped on the body and continued to approach the little girl.

“Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah”

Perhaps he was aware of the danger, the harsh screams sounded again, and the waves hit Lancome’s mind. However, Lancome is already prepared, and although her screams make her brain swell, her consciousness is not in chaos.

When the tip of the tongue bites, she fights even more!

kill! kill! kill!

Lancome holds the knife in both hands and struggles to cut it. The huge force and the sharp blade make it easy to split the alien into two halves.

As the aliens fell, the little girl hiding behind her face finally changed her face. It opened its mouth to the limit, and the blood vessels on its face became distorted. Then, the unprecedented screams of screams suddenly sounded, and the sound was like a sharp blade, constantly shooting at Lancome.

Lancome’s face changed, and the backhand pulled out the flying knife at the waist and slammed it toward the alien mouth.

The flying knife is like an arrow from the string, lightning strikes the alien, and it is necessary to shoot it. Who knows the change, a tall male alien suddenly blocks in front of the little girl.


Because of the high degree of relationship, the flying knife has not entered the male heterosexual belly. It’s a pity that this is not the key to it. The male heterosexuality just looked down and then madly rushed toward Lancome.

It grows very tall, and the claws look very fierce. Lancome immediately jumps up, and the feet are separated into a word horse on both sides of the wall, just at the moment when the males are coming, they slash!

The knife slanted down from the shoulder of the alien and directly opened its heart. It swayed and quickly fell down.


When the little girl saw this scene, the corner of her mouth suddenly split into the root of her ear, and the screams became more harsh: “Ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah

Lancome just fell to the ground and was stimulated by this sound, and the body slammed uncontrollably. Forced to bite the tip of the tongue, Lancome stabilized the body, and pulled out another flying knife and threw it out.



This time there is no dissimilarity to the little girl to block the knife, the silver flying knife is like a flash of light, the blink of an eye did not enter the mouth of the little girl, piercing its back.

The sharp tip of the knife pierced from the back of the head and fell deep into the wall behind it, nailing it to the wall.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the rest of the dissimilarity was like the pause button was pressed, and the action suddenly became stagnant.

When Lancome saw it, he endured the physical uncomfortableness. He rushed to the past without saying anything, and took the opportunity to wipe out the remaining aliens.

When all the different kinds of seeds fell, Lancome walked quickly to the little girl. Although it was penetrated into the back of the brain, it still did not really die. As soon as it saw its face instantly became abnormal, and when it raised its hands, it caught the Lancome.

Lancome did not continue to approach, but directly lifted the ink knife and stabbed it into the heart.


Soon, a heart with a black blood was dug out.

Lost the core of the heart, the little girl gradually stopped struggling, holding a pair of black bloodshot eyes unwilling to die.

Lancome looked at it intricately and sighed helplessly: “Sorry.”

Then she pulled out the flying knife and turned and left without turning back. After recycling another flying knife, Lancome had time to see Zheng Yue.

Zheng Yue was already in a coma, and her ears were still bleeding. When Lan Lan arrived, she was shaking unconsciously: “Good… so cold…”

Lancome’s face changed instantly.

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