The Apocalypse’s Great Merchant

Chapter 139 - Find something good

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Zheng Yue’s forehead gradually pulled out the dense sweat, and obviously what was being done was very difficult for her.

Lancome watched for a while, fearing that she was under pressure and simply picked up the medicine on the ground. She packed up very quickly, probably only took more than ten minutes, and the medicine that had been scattered around was cleaned up by her.

Just throwing the last box of medicine into the backpack, Lancome suddenly heard Zheng Yue’s cry: “Lan sister, come help!”

Lancome immediately took all the backpacks into the warehouse and walked quickly toward Zheng Yue.

“The luck is good, the virus is frozen, and it spreads very slowly. I have sucked all the viruses out now, but it is better to seal her wounds, or there will be new viruses coming in.” Zheng Yuefei quickly Say, when you finish, you start to gasp.

“I know, the rest is handed over to me.” Lancome said while taking the hemostatic powder and spilling it on Li Tianzuo’s wound. As soon as the hemostatic powder was sprinkled, it was dissolved by blood and turned into a film to seal the wound.

Lancome took out a waterproof band-aid and tore it on the wound of Li Tianzuo. This band-aid has a film that fits snugly on all four sides. It also prevents water and bacteria from invading and infects the wound.

After doing this, Lancome reached out and touched Li Tianzuo’s forehead, only to feel cold, and there was no fever reaction caused by the virus.

Obviously, Zheng Yue is right, the virus is really sucked out.

Lancome sighed and looked at the pale face of Zheng Yue. She suddenly laughed: “It seems that your ability is very useful. With this hand alone, you can become a seat in the military base.”

She did not say anything wrong, what is the most feared in the last days? One is that the food is not enough to eat, the other is the infection of the virus! Zheng Yue is able to **** in the virus that invades the body. This ability is simply a bad thing. If it is passed out, Zheng Yue will definitely become a fragrant incense.

Zheng Yue smiled and laughed at himself: “Not so exaggerated, but it is good luck. If she is frozen all over, the virus spreads slowly, the wound is small, and the rescue is timely, I can’t save her.”

In fact, this virus is very difficult to control, in order to **** the virus out, she almost cleans the body’s energy consumption!

If Li Tianzuo’s wound is small and there are not many infected viruses, she will not be able to save it.

This time, Li Tianzuo will be able to come back. It can be said that it is entirely by luck. Switching to the next time, she may not be able to do it.

Lancome did not care very much, but comforted: “Without pressure, you have done a good job. You can let Li Shi partner with you in the future. He is an ice abilities. You can just match.”

You know, not all people can survive the virus, or they will not say that they have died. Zheng Yue’s ability, but can save as many people as possible, shouldn’t it be happy?

Anyway, most people will become degenerate after being infected with the virus. It is no different from death. Zheng Yue only earns money if he saves one person.

After taking a shot of Zheng Yue’s shoulder for comfort, Lancome took Li Tianzuo into a hug and walked out. This place is still too cold for ordinary people like Li Tianzuo, and she has to hurry to send her back to the car.

Lancome is much faster than ink, and Zheng Yue has to trotting to keep up with her. Back in the car, Lancome put Li Tianzu to Li Tianyou, and snorted, “You take time to absorb the heart,” and then walked back into the hospital.

The aliens that had been killed before had not had time to dig out the core, she had to go back and dig out all the cores. By the way, she plans to explore the hospital alone.

After returning to the hospital, Lancome called out the eight treasures: “Babao, you help me see if there is any abnormality in this hospital.”

However, it was a small hospital. There were two level 1 aliens, and Lancome couldn’t care. She is very curious, is the two level 1 aliens appearing here by chance, or is it attracted by something here?

The eight treasures did not like to fly out: “It’s not just a broken hospital. What’s wrong? Hey? Wait, what’s that?”

Suddenly, the eight treasures exclaimed, Lancome had not had time to ask, it had passed through the wall and disappeared.

Lancome can’t catch up with the eight treasures, so I have to dig the core. When she walked to the pharmacy, the bean sprouts had already drained the ice system and she flew towards her as soon as she saw her.

Its flying is not a true fly, but the use of the roots as a support, grasping the wall or the ground for rapid movement. Because the roots are too thin, they can’t be easily found. At first glance, they are like a bean sprout.

As soon as the bean sprouts returned to Lancome, they raised their bodies and kept standing in front of her. Lan Lan looked at it and couldn’t help but pick the eyebrows: “Hey, are you growing a leaf?”

As soon as the bean sprouts heard it, he immediately shook his leaves with excitement.

Lancome couldn’t help but smile. She had already discovered that the bean sprouts grew very slowly. I didn’t know how many different kinds of seeds. Nowadays, it is still a bean sprout, just like the two watercress leaves just sprouting. It is now There are 5 more leaves.

Probably the leaves are too difficult to grow, the bean sprouts especially cherish their leaves, and they are very well protected every time, so Lancome can touch it. If you change someone else, even an acquaintance eight treasures will definitely not work.

“Let’s go, take you to eat delicious.” Lancome said that there is no pressure, anyway, those corpses are also a scourge, it is better to cheap bean sprouts, can also reduce pollution after the destruction of the body.

After walking up to the 4th floor, Lancome did not go to dig the core and handed the task directly to the bean sprouts. Anyway, the bean sprouts will give her heart to her every time she swallows a different kind of corpse. Those cores are especially clean and easier to dig than herself.

Left to the bean sprouts in a different body, Lancome began to contact the eight treasures: “Babao, where did you go? Found something?”

The sound of the eight treasures was a bit excited: “Host you come I found a good thing!”

Lancome turned his eyes blankly: “Where are you?”

“Oh, you wait, I will take a look.” Babao was silent for a moment and quickly gave Lancome an answer. “This is the 6th floor, the Dean’s room. You will know when you come up.”

Lancome had to climb the stairs again.

The hospital is small in size and has a maximum of 6 floors. She is already on the 4th floor and climbed 2 more floors. Later, she saw the eight treasures that came to pick her up.

Following the Eight Treasures, Lancome easily found the Dean’s Room.

“What did you find out?” Lancome looked around, but found nothing unusual. “Nothing special.”

Babao looked at Lancome contemptuously, picking up his wings and pointing: “What kind of eyes do you host? You haven’t found such a big chunk!”

Lancome’s eyes are somewhat disgusting: “What good things do you say will not be it?” Mobile users please read and read, a better reading experience.

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