The Apocalypse’s Great Merchant

Chapter 161 - She has changed


Lancome thought of the construction of the base. Now that the base wall has been found to be a big head to build, she can just free her hands and put another construction on the agenda.

However, it is really necessary to build according to what she expected, but also to find some necessary things to come back.

At the bottom of the eye, Li Tianzuo and Li Tianyou not only did not die, but fortunately awakened their abilities, just to be responsible for this with her.

And for her plan, Fangnan’s wood abilities should play a crucial role.

Li Tianyou’s awakened abilities are fascinating, and only through multiple contacts can he finally determine what his abilities are. It’s just that he and Li Tianzuo’s strength are too weak, so it’s time to exercise.

Fortunately, they all succeeded in awakening their abilities. Unless they encounter a heterogeneous level 1 or higher, they will not be at risk of infection even if they are injured.

Lancome has an idea and plans to leave as soon as possible.

The weather has become more and more bad, and soon there will be continuous heavy snow, and it will be more troublesome to go out.

You must bring those things back before the heavy snow falls!

Otherwise, it will only allow the ink shadow to transform some snowmobiles out.

“You should eat first, replenish your strength as soon as possible, and start with me after half an hour.” Lancome has already taken a bunch of food while talking, so that three people fill their stomachs as soon as possible.

Zheng Yue on the side frowned, not saying for the time being: “Lan sister, they are not hurt, will it be too risky to go out to do the task now? Is it better to wait for them to hurt?”

“No, time is not waiting for people. You look at the current weather. Our time is running out. I suspect that it will be snowing for a long time, and it will be heavy snow or even a blizzard!”

Lancome said solemnly, she is not alarmist, because the climate after the end of the world has become very strange, winter and summer are particularly long, either cold or hot, spring and autumn become extremely short, and very elusive.

It is very likely that today is still a cold winter, and tomorrow spring will bloom, even hot. Even in a day’s time, there may be morning and evening spring and autumn, hot summers and cold winters.

At the hottest time, the road can burn the car tires, and at the coldest time, the car engine will be completely frozen.

This strange weather is simply a life!

Only the more prepared it is now, the less suffering it will suffer in the future.

Lancome dare not say too specific, can only use “guess” to remind others.

Fortunately, everyone has completely convinced her, even if she is only guessing, the people present did not dare to doubt.

Thinking of what Lancome said, everyone’s face became dignified.

At this point, no one has taken care of the wounds on the body, and they all want to race against time. The more the survival materials are prepared, the better.

No one spoke, and the strange silence made the atmosphere in the room more and more depressed, and everyone’s mood became more and more heavy.

Suddenly, Li Tianyou spoke up. He grabbed a bag of bread and rip open the package and slammed it into his mouth. He said while eating: “Everyone is still eating fast. If you have enough to go out, I feel like I am going to starve. It is.”

His words immediately broke the oppressive atmosphere in the house, and Li Tianzuo and Fang Nan also gorged, and they all planned to fill their stomachs as soon as possible and set out to do the task.

It’s just that Lancome is hungry. She has been practicing from last night to going out, and she hasn’t eaten until now.

Lancome thought about it and simply took a few servings of his own food and let everyone eat it together.

Ink and Zheng Yue originally planned not to eat. They had not had breakfast until recently, and they were not hungry at the moment.

But as soon as the smell of the seductive smell was heard, the two did not intend to be polite.

After Fang Nan and others smell the taste, they can’t eat the bread and dried meat in their hands. The gap is too big! It is a pity that the habits developed after the end of the world made them have no stigma of wasting food. The three people could only depressed the food left in their hands and solved it faster.

The food that Lancome took out was quite a lot, just because the taste was so good, everyone ate very fast, and I was afraid that the chopsticks would not have to eat if they slowed down.

As a result, only three people in Fangnan had filled their stomachs in ten minutes, and Lancome gave half an hour to prepare for 20 minutes.

However, Lancome did not let them set off immediately, she was waiting for someone.

And just as they gorged to enjoy the food, Luo Luo also took people back to the place where they lived.

The small thing of opening the door was directly handed over to her grandson, and her grandson was excited. She thought that Luo Luo was not angry with him.

This idiot still doesn’t know, Luo Luo gave a different kind of blood, and the thoughts inside it may have fallen into a different kind.

Once he opens the door, the first person to suffer will be him.

However, his luck today seems to be very good. Not only did he save his life in Lancôme’s hand, but when he opened the door, there was no difference in it.

Instead, the beautiful Sisi was dressed neatly standing at the door, and her face was decorated with makeup, as if to greet them with triumph.

Sisi is beautiful, and it is even more beautiful after makeup. Even a smile gives a radiant feeling.

When the man present saw her, his eyes did not consciously light up, and even Yi Lai, who had already killed her, was no exception.

I’m seriously looking at the dressed Sisi, so she let him remember their first encounter.

Sisi is his big alumnus, and the place where two people first met was on the university campus. At that time, he was still a dumpling in the countryside. One person dragged his luggage and stumbled around the school.

The result was at this time, he saw Sisi.

At that time, her face was painted with a touch of makeup, wearing a fashionable and beautiful dress, with a smile on her back to the sun, and the whole person was as dazzling as it was shining.

At that glance, he was deeply infatuated with Sisi, and then exhausted the means, finally became her boyfriend Unfortunately, Sisi’s parents did not like him, she grew up together The childhood friend has always been glaring at her, making him feel very angry.

After getting along for a long time, there are more and more contradictions among them, and the quarrels have become more and more frequent, and finally they have reached the point of breaking up.

After breaking up, he regretted it. In order to save his thoughts, he also specially prepared a gift and ran to find Sisi compound. The result was that he was angry. When he went, Sisi had already invested in the embrace of the childhood, let him be how to let him Hard to ask forgive him, compound with him!

Thinking of the later things, the heart of Yi Lai’s heart became cold.

They have already lost their past, and Sisi must die!

Yi’s face is getting colder and colder, and Sisi has also changed his face.

She noticed the strong killing of Yi’s, this scum is really trying to kill her.

This place is afraid that she can no longer stay, she has to find a way to do it. Mobile users please browse m to read, a better reading experience. ()

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