The Apocalypse’s Great Merchant

Chapter 520 - Soaring in value

With the decision, Lancome began to get busy.

Because of the threat of Chu Yi, Shi Yunqi did not let her go back to school.

Lancome temporarily stayed in the manor castle and was busy with the preparations of the Lange Group every day.

In fact, half a month after she went to the original plane, the Lanshi Group was already registered.

In addition to the Lan’s restaurant, the group has other subsidiaries, factories, planting bases and breeding bases.

The planting base and breeding base were prepared as early as the Lancang military training, and the insect and animal waste treatment plant was also prepared at the same time.

In addition to the edible portion of the worm, there are many inedible parts, such as the outer shell, the internal organs, and even some poisonous meat.

Although these are not edible, they still have a rich nutrient content. Instead of throwing them outside to feed other insects, it is better to turn them into products.

At the time of the new military training, Lancome envisioned the production of these wastes into natural fertilizers and feed.

After she told Lan Yi and Shi Yunqi about this idea, both of them were very concerned. No matter how feasible it is, as long as it is proposed by Lancome, they will try hard.

Lan Yi has no connections in the empire, and Shi Yunqi is different.

The nine border planets are all his, he wants talent, and he can find a lot on the nine planets.

Although there were many people who left the immigrants, there are still many people who have not yet reached the immigration conditions, and even the high immigration fees have not been collected.

These people who had to stay because the immigration fees were not enough had once envied the lucky ones who had successfully left the immigrants. However, as the new military training of the Yunlan Military Academy was broadcast live, they never thought so again.

They are excited to find that they are the luckiest of those immigrants!

Don’t say that this person is not stupid, it is not so smart inside, can see the value of worm and meat in the hot live video!

Now is to drive them away, they will not go.

The luck of these people is also really good.

After the establishment of the factory, planting base and breeding base of the Lanshi Group, it was confessed to the outside world and solved the employment problem of many people.

On the other hand, those immigrants who have gone through the immigration fee have spent most of their savings. After buying a house and some necessary daily necessities, there is not much money left in their hands.

Even so, the worse is that their resume has brought them a lot of trouble, they can’t find a good job, even if they barely found it, the salary is not high.

The high tax deduction makes their lives worse!

Compared with the lucky ones who are stranded on the border planet, their lucky ones have already repented.

However, they soon discovered that everything is not the worst today.

With the official opening of the Lan’s restaurant, many imperial citizens ran to the Yunlan one-star tour where the Lan’s restaurant was located in order to taste the taste.

Yunlan Yixing originally did not call this name, but Shi Yunqi was more capricious.

With the new military training of the Yunlan Military Academy, he has arbitrarily changed the name of the nine borders, from Yunlan one star to Yunlan Jiuxing.

Whether it is the Yunlan Military Academy or his manor castle, it is built in Yunlan.

Even the Lanshi restaurant, which has just officially opened, has only built a physical store in Yunlan.

The store at Lan’s Restaurant is a towering hotel-style building with different themes on each floor and a completely different style of decoration.

Flower sea, grassland, forest, Genting Fairy Palace, underwater world…

Although other restaurants have similar themes, the plants and fish in the restaurant are all they have never seen before!

This gimmick is enough to make many people who have money and leisure rush.

Not to mention the delicious temptation!

The live video of the Yunlan Military Academy is too hot. Not only is there no one in the empire, but even the next-door federal has become a fan of Lancome and Lan’s restaurants.

Lan Yiben is a career woman. When she saw the encounter, she contacted all the travel agencies of the Empire and the Federation to discuss cooperation matters.

The Yunlan one-star tourist route was born.

Shi Yunqi was also awkward. When he saw the play, he discussed with Lan Yi, joined the hunting project in the tourism project, and cooperated with various military bases in the unmanned area.

All the hunters that Lancome played in the new military training, visitors have the opportunity to try!

Shi Yunqi is stunned.

In the past, people were asked to hunt and kill the beasts. They are now paid. Now, hunting has become a part of the tourism project. Not only do not have to pay wages, tourists have to pay for it!

Want to enter the no man’s land? Yes, buy a ticket first, there is a time limit for this ticket, and the time will either leave or replenish the ticket.

Want to hunt? Yes, you can buy a hunting qualification certificate first. This qualification certificate is still one-off. It will be void immediately after leaving. If you want to use it again, you have to buy it again! If it is a one-time trouble, you can buy it, or buy it in January and February.

If there is no weapon, the military base also provides rental services, whether it is combat suits, energy swords or energy guns, you can spend money to rent.

Because the live video of Lancome was too hot, not only did this hunting project not be opposed, but it was still popular!

Not only has it attracted the brain powder of countless Lancome, but many people who like to play with it have also been attracted.

Even after watching the live video, the students of the major military schools rushed to the school forum to ask for a practical exercise, and the location was set on the border planet.

The top leaders of the major military academies also began to be eager to see.

However, when they saw the charging standards of the hunting project, the mind was instantly annihilated.

Tete is treacherous, it is simply stealing money!

Even the imperial emperor Cologne and Queen Salina, who had been stunned for a long time, met, and couldn’t help themselves, how could their son open up?

When Lancome and Jun Tianyi came back from the original plane, it was more than ten days since the Lanzhou restaurant officially opened.

The people who came to travel all took photos with great interest and even opened the live broadcast. These photos and live broadcasts were placed on the star network, and the Lan’s restaurant was even hotter.

More and more people signing up for the trip For this reason, the Lan’s restaurant had to rush to open a branch, otherwise so many people could not receive it.

Fortunately, the branch has already been ready, and you want to open it at any time.

There are more tourists, and there are more people playing hunting. The military bases in the outermost areas of the no-man’s land are making a lot of money. The top officials are happy, they can’t see their eyes all the time, and they hate other borders. The peers of the planet show off.

Can this be forbearance?

Shi Yunqi received numerous applications from his men every day, reminding him not to be inferior and urging him to open branches in the remaining eight borders.

When Lancome came back, the branches of Yunlan Erxing to Yunlan Jiuxing were all in full swing, and they were completed and opened.

Lancome looked at her personal account and almost blinked the eyes above!

She has actually skyrocketed in value!

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