The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 114

A little unhappy, the happiest of all, my story.

He was taken all the way to Dragonstone Craftsman’s School so that Mr. Coolow and the Leggles could drag him.

So I’m going to show you “Kota” that Mr. Grace and the others made while we were away.

Lana had somehow pulled the cloth out and had ‘Kota’ carried indoors.

So, something sews and sews the cloth…… that’s the ‘hand machine’ I made when I was new to this country. Named, Lana.

You still had it… or you’re sewing it all up, but what the hell…?

“I got it! Put this on the stepladder part like this…… table on top of it!

“Yes, sir”

Guiding the students, all they could do was… a table with a blanket between the board and the stepladder.


I’ve been weird since they showed me in blueprints. I thought it was weird, but when I saw the real thing, it was weirder than I imagined!

“Ko, is this it?

I’m afraid, there’s no point in Mr. Glyce asking.

There’s a blanket between the tableboard and the stepladder… no, well… that’s warm, you know?

“Done! Come on in and give it a try.”

“Oh, I won’t.”

“Then I’ll Atashi in, wa”

“Oh, oh, well, so am I…”

“I’m coming in too.”

Mr. Glyce, that’s just a rejection.

The students who helped me carry them also look at the table in its strange appearance with a subtle face.

But Mr. Coolow and Leggles were originally intrigued by the finished product.

I’m one of the makers… I’m going in.

“I’ll get you up and running.”

“E, wish y”

Yeah, and Lana starts Kotata.

At first, he said, “Hmm? It felt,” but gradually began to feel warm.

Hmm, it didn’t get hot at once, slightly… but they asked me to set the temperature slightly higher than the human skin… I see?


“Oh, it’s getting warmer and warmer, sir? The prototype immediately warmed me up…”

“Yes, we’re going to stay like this. of Nbi Ri. Spend some time here warming your feet with ice cream and mince…”

“Hmm… I’m definitely losing my temper for something…”


It does seem more confusing than usual.

He said he was still sitting in a chair, but there was something soggy about it… like twitching away something like his temper…


“Oh, hey, Leggles…… what’s up, are you okay?

“Ha!… Yes, I shouldn’t wa. I’m getting sleepy!


Mr. Glyce calls me out, and I’m happy too.

I lost my strength and I was really going to sleep!

“… this is not a good idea…”

“Ya, I sure am a mess, sir!

“Ya, yabe, I almost went to bed too!


I was just about to be made aware of it by the very gentle plumage!

After this I have to go home to the ranch and talk to the Kranas about Farrah’s future, unload it, and prepare dinner!

“… hey here, didn’t I produce some pretty nasty stuff no…? Right now, you guys are about to be conscious. Yo?

“Ooh… this guy is nasty…!

“hey what is that, is it ok…!?”

“E, eh…… brother…… even if you say you will be aware, it is a thing by the sleeper yo…… This is… when I go in when I’m tired, it’s mazuiva!


“Elana fell asleep and l!

“La, lana! No, I have to go home!

Don’t you betray your expectations!?

But this may have created something more dangerous than you can imagine.

I see that Lana is very good at what she says.

Very good stuff.

But this is also dangerous at the same time.

This is… ‘Kota’ makes people cripple–!

The one you shouldn’t go in when you’re busy!

“… this guy might be hard to handle”

“It may be easier to do business with noble opponents, but what about the ladies, sir? You can’t let me in with a dress, duck?

“You might not be able to get in if you have panniers. Like making it a bigger table?

“Then you’re going to need a lot of big wood. Oh, but I want one at home. Make an appointment.”

“Atashi also wants one at home wa. I’ll make an appointment, please, sir, brother.”

“No, no… okay. I’ll come in later and check…”

This feels like we need to talk… so we’re withdrawing today.

It’s definitely a good one, so for now, both Mr. Coolow and Leggles book one for the family.

We call it a prototype, made to order, just in a way that suits our home.

As Lana fell asleep, discussions with Leggles about the target audience were later.

I’m tired and I can’t help but fall asleep.

In the meantime, I’m gonna wrap Lana around with a blanket, put my hat on, and put her on Lucy and go home.

Your wife, who became like a doughworm, is so cute with this.

… Lucy looked a little frightened though.


“Oh, I’m up.”

I’m out of school, and I can see the lights in my home. It’s all in my arms.

Lana opened her eyes.

Well, I’d appreciate it if you woke up… I guess I could have watched you sleep a little more.

Rub a thin finger out of the blanket and rub it against your eyes.

Then he looked up at me… and narrowed his eyes.

“Look, Fran… the moon and the stars are so beautiful…”


Were you looking up at the sky, not me?

Oh, no, but… Lana’s right. A huge star and a round moon.

You were totally at night.

Lucy’s walking vibration.

Lana’s warmth in her arms.

The exhaling breath is white.

Winter, I think.

In such clear air, the stars are so bright that the day and the colour are not so bad.

“I… it was that month that I saw at the end of my previous life. But my heart felt beautiful was gone.”


“But I think it’s very pretty now. I can feel that… this is a very happy thing.”

That’s what they say, I’ll look up again.


Speaking of which, how was I?

Have you ever seen the moon or the stars and felt ‘beautiful’?

creatures… animals, my brother, and I think Lana are very cute, but the view… you weren’t very interested in the view.

But you do, I think it’s very beautiful if you ask me.

But maybe……

“Yeah, that’s beautiful”


“Because I see it with Lana… I think”


“Because I have you, you look beautiful. Lana… No, Miss Elana Ruthfett… was my first love, the sun itself. When your engagement was broken and you were thrust away… it was your heart that reached out. I think I’m very proud of that choice.”

“……… francs”

Lucy stops walking.

On purpose, I thought, I held my wife wrapped around a blanket.


“What is it… you look more like the sun than I do?”

“Think it doesn’t really matter what you look like…”

“That’s not true. Look, it’s so warm.”

Close your eyes with your cheeks tucked in tight.

Warm, very.

My heart is filled with… overflowing… such a feeling.

“I like…”

“…………………………… Me too, I like Fran”

I’ve probably always liked it, so I think I’ll still like it from now on.

Oh, really, I’m something a hell of a woman fooled me into.

Looks soft green hair and blue gentle emerald eyes.

A ladylike, talented lady.

But the class girlfriend is prized, arrogant and high-flying, full of rumors that I’m jealous and small in vessels.

But what do you think?

You reached out that day and since you were kicked out of your hometown with me, you’ve rooted for something that could be me.

I liked it, it’s lovely… I didn’t know it was so painful and overflowing.

Overlapping your lips with that overflowing thought.

If it weren’t for you, I’d never have known forever.

This is my story about being such a husband to her, a little unhappy and the happiest of all.

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