The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 121

First Day of the New Year [Preliminary]

January 1st.

When the “Holy Fall Scale Festival” is over, it enters the New Year’s Eve party as it is.

Yes, keep it up……


“Nice to see you again this year, Ne ! Brother !

“Gu! ‘s, too much to drink, Leggles! Come on, man!

“Nice! Mr. Cullough, too. Yo?

“Damn it, dude, Euphran! Get the kids upstairs!


Mr. Coolow and Leggles drank completely too much.

And I’m in the mood for the guessed Darges and Klana as well.

The children began to groan on the couch, and only Mr. Coolow’s servants were likely to move if it wasn’t for me.

Huh? Lana?

“Hehe hehe, I can’t eat anymore… cheese, no!”

I am so drunk on the couch.

Lana carries it last.

I think I’d be scared if that glare came when I was carrying Lana… or whatever, I feel like I should let her sleep like that.

‘Cause I’m sleeping too comfortably.

Nevertheless, Mr. Coolow is surprisingly splendid!

That’s carpenter, even hand carved decorations.

Each of the upstairs columns is also carefully crafted and painted in rare colors.

Dragon paintings may even be painted to the corner of the ceiling, or maybe more luxurious than Lana’s home in the Duke’s house if she sucks.

Is the furniture in the guest room handmade by Mr. Coolow, too?

I can tell they’re all top notch.

… No, everything is more expensive than a lousy aristocratic mansion without a joke, this mansion…!

“Use this one”

“Thank you”

Nevertheless, the number of servants is still very small.

About three people with mostly chore help.

I also hired help from town to make today’s meal.

He doesn’t even seem to be resident, and Mr. Coolow’s servant seems to be passing through town.

That would mean that only Mr. Coolow and his wife live in the splendid mansion there.

I have a noble mansion because it’s supposed to be a representative of the town, but maybe I’m using a small house that’s practically remote and this one is only used at these events?

But it’s well cleaned.

I guess the management is decent.

“You’re adorable ”

A servant squeaks as he looks out at Thetar and Al, Nittan, who lay in bed.

… Speaking of which…

“Um, Mr. Coolow says your child is…”

“Oh, I am now attending an aristocratic school in Wang Du. I’m supposed to graduate next year, so I’m sure you’ll be back in the spring.”

“Oh, you did. I didn’t see it, so I thought maybe it wasn’t.”

“No, there are three of you”

…… Huh? All in aristocratic school?

“Yes, since I was an older child, only my oldest son, Master Crossed, will be back next year”


Yeah, there were a lot of surprises……

The eldest son, that means if the eldest son returns, the eldest son will carry on Mr. Coolow’s trail.

Um, graduating next year is one of us, huh?

Instead, Yale Rate should be enrolled in Wangdu’s aristocratic school next year.

To get used to it, I should go to Wang Capital a month ago… so I need to prepare something else for the ale rate too .

Hmm? That? Then maybe?

“What’s a Yale rate fiancée…”

“Yeah, this is my second daughter, Lady Elaine. We are enrolled in the Aristocrat School this spring, so I think we will be looking forward to seeing Yale Rate enrolled next year.”

“Oh, I see”

I kind of knew Yale Rate had a fiancée. Was it Mr. Coolow’s daughter?

… Carl Rate, as forgetting about your brother’s fiancée for now… if you’re going to be involved in the rest of your life, should I ask you more?

“I’ve never met you, what kind of son or daughter are you?

“Right, Master Crossed is a serious and honest man…. Do you say it’s a little too serious or too sturdy… do you say it’s highly presumptuous… do you say it’s too serious…”

I’ve told you twice that I’m too serious…

There’s only one sign that you’re already a jerk?

“My oldest daughter, Lady Kate, looks like your wife…. be very, very firm. Very…… Yes, do you say that there is no more handshake than Kate?”

This one’s a pretty bad sign, too.

No, a stopper?

Oh, is that still decent?

“Lady Elaine is already loved by her brother and sister… very innocent… and her rapport with Yale Rate seems like the hope of the world…”

Wait. I’m blind.

Mr. and Mrs. Coolow’s eldest son and eldest daughter are too arrogant for their second daughter’s infallibility to stand out or something like that?

I don’t seem to be all right at all!

“But… this house is very young as a house of nobility”

“I would ask Euphrane and Elana, if they can, to give Crossed Boy guidance on how to live as a nobleman and so on. As someone who serves aristocracy, I am an amateur… I don’t know what it is… and I think the boys have struggled in aristocratic schools…”


I see, when you say it, you will.

I hear that Mr. Couloh is a poorly understood disciple of Dultonir’s uncle, who was given the title as the ruler of the ‘city of Exi’.

Mr. Coolow, if you don’t get your oldest son to work hard, that bowl could come around this way……!

You will need all the support you can get.

And slowly, we need to get the Viscount House to upgrade!

Me and Lana for the rest of our relaxing lives!

“Really? Well, if there’s anything we can teach…”

“Thank you”

“But then, first, Mr. Coolow needs to hire a proper servant. Best of all, butler…… if you have few servants in the first place, you can even squire. The mansion is very splendid, so invite the nobles of the surrounding area for a ball once. Disclosure as a trail is mandatory if your eldest son is to return”


“Of course you should consult the Durtonil family before you do that. But what is baron status basically a generation. It is mandatory to ask the Royal Family about the Baron’s title. We also need the process, so if we’re going to do it, we better hurry. To Master Crossed, where’s your fiancée?

“Oh, yes, no, Crossed Boy. My fiancée… I was talking about looking in the school…”

I see.

Couldn’t you even find it at school?

Um, when my wife is undetermined for tracing, there is no tracing problem.

Nobility is basically ‘home’, ‘blood muscle’.

That said, this way of thinking was once the nobility had the protection of guardian dragons.

This country may not be, and that won’t be the case anymore.

“Blue Dragon Arcedios” should be changed around there too… well, I don’t know because that’s what the Allefalds do.

“If you don’t have a fiancée, you’re looking for an early daughter-in-law”

“Oh, you are”

“Well, I think we should share this story with Master Crossed again next time. You’re willing to do it yourself.”

“Right, right”

It’s late in the evening.

I need to leave Lana on the couch, and put Klana to bed.

I was flustered with my first drink, so I’m a little worried.

“Speaking of which, how does this country celebrate the New Year?

“Huh? I’ll keep eating and drinking all day and making a scene. We need to reduce the amount of preserved food that we eat in the winter. It’s good to ship to other countries, but we ship from other regions to other countries, so we have trouble leaving it behind.”

“…………… right”

That’s right……

You’re already a hungry country……


The festival Lana said before?

If I look like this, I guess I’ll be able to accept it.

If you’re so aggressive about eating and drinking, it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem with one or two more festivals.

“But it should be about time for a mayhem. From around this year onwards, festivals and so on will have to be solemn.”

“? What is the Great Apocalypse?

“Oh well, Master Euphran is this year… no, it’s already last year… you were just here.” Green Dragon Sergios “pinches the Great Apocalypse once in a five-year cycle. The abundance will last for five years, but the following year it will be inactive, the following year it will be in a period of great inactivity, and also after inactivity, the abundance will last five years… This cycle is said to be the period of ‘rest’ for the patron dragon Sergios to enrich the land again”

“! Is there such a period…”

And three years!

You didn’t know that……

But if you say so, I’m convinced.

Even the field making book says, “The soil needs to be rested from time to time. If weeds start to grow, it’s a sign that the soil has been enlivened”.

And when the blemishes are present, the blemishes move, which creates an air passage and softens the soil, etc…

That’s what happens when you’re usually rich.

“So you should keep it well stocked this year. Well, thanks to the fridge and freezer, it’s going to be a lot easier to save this year.”

“I’d appreciate it if you could say that. … but then you will really need to store more food for livestock”

“Yeah, livestock people seem tough every time. I would add a lot of livestock during the abundance season and feed it during the mayhem, but the timing also seems difficult”


I didn’t really want to know that……

But livestock……

“Oh, me, I’ll go home once the sun rises. We need to feed him.”

“Oh, you had livestock in the house of the Euphrans.”

“Yep. So if Lana didn’t wake up at that time…… thank you for everything”

Okay, I’ll take care of it.

Note, seriously, I didn’t wake up.

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