The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 42

At the Time of Separation [Part II]

“Ugh!… Wow, wow!

“Oh, it’s true, it’s amazing”

That’s what they said, so if you go out on the terrace designated as your brother, that’s one of the air gardens.

It’s a big, green park.

Lana steps down the stairs and steps into the garden.

Except for the cobblestone road, it was lawned, and I saw a brick-loaded tall wall through a gazebo, bench, and table.

No, you can call it a wall.

But also the sight of bees planting trees in the castle and flower beds… that’s Green Dragon Country, wow.

“Fran, look at the sky! The sky from the ranch was amazing too, but this place is amazing because the trees won’t get in the way!

“Oh, that’s true”

The ranch is surrounded by trees.

So the visible sky was limited.

Still, the starry sky looks amazing.

But there’s nothing to block here, so I can see it to the end.

The lights of a private house in Castle Town.

Summer night breeze with a green scent.

Lana sneezing down the stone fold path.

One spin in the stars and moonlight with the wind together.

The way you twirl around like that in the faint light…… your breath leaks.


“Speaking of which, we need to get dressed before we go home, right?

“Oh, you’re right. Brother Carl Rate, I thought you forgot.”

“You’re gonna keep your man waiting, aren’t you? Do you remember the room you dressed in?

“Hmm, somehow? Either way, if you move on your own, you’ll have trouble when Brother Carl Rate returns, so you’ll have to wait. Even though I asked for a message, I was very tempted.”

“Oh, hey.”

The central square of the castle stretches beneath your eyes.

servants running around there.

The voice I hear is a rush.

Sorry to bother you, but I’ll have to ask you to wait for time to pick up your clothes.

I’ll get dressed when I get back to the inn, and the dress and the courtesy have to come back tomorrow.

Well, and…

“I haven’t seen you in your dress in a long time. I don’t think you’re gonna hit a bee if you let me indulge you a little bit more, do you?

“Ha!? Kiku, what are you suddenly saying?”

I wonder if it’s a little tense out of openness, me too.

Besides, wearing a courtesy dress really turns on something like a ‘nobleman’ switch.

This is the first time I’ve realized this myself.

I see, is this what Lana was saying: ‘Consciously change your language’?

“Hey, I’m a little… no, I’m pretty neat”

“… but are you really glad?

“Well, that story?

“Because… Fran…”

“I don’t care what they say, I’ve already acquired the citizenship of this country.”

“Why are you doing this?”



And, face up.

Why didn’t you tell me about Lana in her last life?

Tilt your neck.

I really don’t know.

Why are you steaming it back?

“To Fran, because, you know, meeting… looking for a good marriage person over here, that kind of thing, you can do. But I won’t… How can you be so… bothered to stay with me…?

“? Talk about what? I’m married to you, aren’t I?

“Oh yeah…! Yeah, but that was when I got out of Blue Dragon Arcedios… in a protective sense… wasn’t it? Your father asked me, and I had no choice… Now, I… I’m getting used to life, and if the store opens, I can live by myself… eh, so… so Fran… you can live as Fran pleases! If you can do whatever you want, I’m breaking up with you! If I had dragonstone tools that I wanted you to make, I’d ask you to do it as a job and pay a legitimate price!


… hmmm… hmm?

I wonder what?

Something, like, faintly different about not having a conversation?

Why are we talking about that……

Oh, speaking of which… Lana is…


I knew it was me…

You mean you want to break up with me?


… Why would I be surprised?

You wanted to tell me that’s not what I meant?


But I can’t think of any other reason.

“Hey, why are we talking about that… well, not… er…”

“… me and my wife, Fran, don’t you like it…”

Tung, Tung, and I say that with my left and right fingertips stuck together and my eyes out of the way.

I thought you didn’t like it?

“I don’t hate it, though?


So, suddenly it turns bright red.

Yeah, yeah?

Hey, what is it?


“You were here.”

I thought I’d ask you one more question, the sound of the shoe ringing on the stone fold.

Allefald dressed in pure white courtesy……

Open your eyes.

And explore the signs around you.

… alone?

“What about no escort?

“What are you going to do?

“Hmm? What?

“You’re going to betray me!


Is this what you mean by exaggerated?

Maybe it was the eclampsia that caused him to tilt his neck.

I’m talking about betraying everything…

“What –”



“Leave it to me.”

Cut, suppress Lana, who became, and turn back to Allefald.

I walked over to Alefald, which is situated a few meters away.

For now……


To Alefald staring…… spinning his arm around its shoulder to show his back towards Lana, he said in his ear, “Can you teach me how to dictate a girl?” I whispered.

I’m surprised at that. I get my face back.

No, Pocahontas, huh?


“No, I’m not sure what it is, but for now, I think it’s all because I don’t know how to dictate girls. So, Alefald, why don’t you tell me how to dictate to a girl?

………… What are you talking about!

They pulled me off for an awesome second, but they swung me off right away.

No, ’cause what?

Speaking of the former, I think the Alefalds who made me learn how to dictate girls will have a factor in this case.

Isn’t it natural for you to take that responsibility?

“Duh, how can we talk like that! I say you ignore my instructions… on the contrary, really become a citizen of this country, etc! That’s what I heard about you betraying me!

“Oh, yeah. What I can do to you is” betray. “I’ll do it one last time. Okay?

“Become!?…… duh, what…! Elana grabbed my weakness… that’s it…”

I wondered what you were talking about… Oh, I see, you got into Allefald’s ear somehow talking about Darges?

That was crazy, and my face was laughing on its own.

“Oh, they’re gripping me. Loved weakness.”


I really haven’t kept my poker face today, Allefald.

The one who’s going to be king can’t be like that.

Just kidding, I get stunned.

But it’s just funny and I’m not scared at all.

“Become… ho, I mean it, but I say I’m really in love”

“That’s why you’re saying it. You said that, didn’t you?

Oh, have you forgotten this?

What a laugh that was.

“‘I’ll change my fiancée. That woman’s gonna do it to you,’ you said, didn’t you?

Words I don’t think about her at all.

Words that deny her existence.

Words that ignored her thoughts and treated her as if she wasn’t.

I wrapped it in a joking tone, but my eyes were serious.


Oh, I won’t let you say that.

Remember if you forgot.

“You dumped her… my favorite person like that, so I can’t respect you anymore”

You were the one who originally had zero respect elements, but you made it negative.

“It wasn’t like that in the past. When I got lost in the rainforest, you came looking for me and reached out to me, and I felt more like a king… and now there’s no shadow to see.”

There is no distraction, and Alefald is looking straight at me with his lips shaking again about it.

The temper compliments.

It’s great that you’re going to take it right.

“So Alefald, I’ll be the last one. You’ll be king, won’t you? To the King of” Blue Dragon Arcedios “…. Don’t let anyone down any more. That would be nice if you called me a traitor…. but you’re the one who made me do that. More than walking as a ‘king’, that’s a ‘you’ lapse no matter how you scratch it. I can’t attract people’s hearts anymore.”


“So this is advice as a ‘friend’…. me for the last time. I can’t work under you. I can’t trust you with my life or my life. I can’t keep serving an incompetent king who doesn’t understand the minister’s mind, doesn’t even speculate. You didn’t understand my mind, you were to that extent when I couldn’t read it. Instead, I let you out of the country. – Oh, no, that’s funny.”

To the ‘king’ who made me think so, to that country… to your drawing future…

I want you to notice.

Staring at you with that meaning in mind, you’re distracted.

First, what you deviate from… is…

“Yes, then… sooner, if you say so…”

“No, no, you can’t tell me. He’s your fiancée, and he’s the Duke’s maid, isn’t he? Yeah, so it’s awesome in a way – I appreciate it. Because thanks to you I can stay with her all the time…. but nah, I don’t know how to dictate a girl because she was a working stuffer. So, tell me? The way girls dictate. Miss Riffana and I are getting along so much…”

“I don’t know! Why don’t you just language your mind!

… can you tell me?

“Language your mind…… how about that?

“Think for yourself! That’s uncomfortable! I’m leaving!

“Oh, yeah. Well, if I get another chance.”


I walked away so early.

Scratch your head.

Hmm, I’m not sure in the end.

Looking back, Lana was tilting her neck as she rambled the hatena mark on her head.

You won’t hear what I’m saying at this distance.

But Alefald’s scream should have been somewhat in my ear.

So what are you talking about, becoming?

“Thank you for waiting.”

“Hey, what are you talking about?

I knew you’d care there?

That’s right.

“Hmm… it’s hard to linguize your mind, isn’t it?

………… Well, that’s… that’s very difficult, isn’t it…? Huh? But why are we talking about that?

“Come on?”


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