The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 63

The moon runs fast.

I’m going to town with Mr. Coolow, and I’m bringing Lucy out of the grazing area.

… the little ones?

Oh, you’re just skipping and interested in hide-and-seek.

There’s some shrubs and they don’t seem to be far from home, so, well, fine.

I told Lucy, “I worked in the morning. See you ? ‘They looked like’ but now it’s not a carriage.

Attach saddles and reins to get under the arch.

Around there I finally said, ‘Oh, it’s been a long time since we’ve been alone?’ Seen with such eyes.

Ignore Mr. Coolow and Mr. Coolow’s riding horses.

Well, it’s certainly been a long time since I’ve been riding because I’ve had a lot of carriages pulled lately?

“I always thought you were a good horse.”

“Hmm, well… because I’m drawing dragon horse blood once”

“What? So you fly?

“No, the blood isn’t that thick. I hear there’s a dragon horse on the far side. But I guess I’m tougher than a normal horse, and I need exercise.”


“Oh well… that’s a former nobleman”

Okay, okay, you’re smart and beautiful.

Yes, yes, I know, so don’t hold your head.

… Well, perhaps the third man Cool Gun will be given a dragon horse.

It’s my fifteenth birthday that I got Lucy.

The fact that it wasn’t “Dragon Horse” clearly made me realize, “Oh, I’m not a trail in this house, am I?”

I wasn’t disappointed in anything, and I was really accepted because I originally thought it would be hard to pick up traces and stuff.

Now I’m glad the horse I got is Lucy.

Let’s go, then.


Thirty-minute road by carriage, but that’s for carriages.

When the horse runs and travels alone, it is nearly fifteen minutes short.

Mr. Coolow’s horse is a pretty good horse too.

Little did I lag behind Lucy.

… slightly… I’m concerned about the feeling that Lucy is using color.

“Whoa, is Hersus here?

“Hmm? Oh, Mr. Coolow. See you then. There you are… what? What about that red-haired brother?

… Ha… again.

If you look at my hair color, look me in the face.

Some people in this town…… mainly a reaction with these old people.

But maybe it’s better because Mr. Coolow was still with us.

“I’m a rancher along the border,” he said as he approached the counter. Clawbears would have come out, wouldn’t they? “He explains the circumstances.

The old man in the shop softened his attitude a little thanks to the director of this town for his immediate explanation.

Take a little look inside the store while you two talk.

There are many different types of guns decorated, but they all focus on functionality.

Naturally, I don’t put a single hunting gun or anything like that that I decorated in vain like a nobleman.

The shelves in the counter are gun accessories.

Size and type of bullet.

Goods needed for care.

And then there’s the case for carrying.

“I see. Yeah, if that’s the case, how about this?

What I’ve taken out is a shotgun dedicated to slug bullets.

He brought this because he was a former nobleman and would have handled guns before.

Slug bullet only. The one where the shotgun is a shotgun but the bullet only comes out one shot at a time.


The rifle can only be held by Gachi Pro.

Suitable for hunting long-distance prey, but very dangerous if you take it off because the bullets really fly too far to long distances.

“Chi may not be powerful enough against Claw Bear, but it would be somewhat better than an air gun. It’s reckless at that point when you’re a beginner and you’re dealing with Clawbear… but if you think about the worst case scenario and I recommend it, I’ll do it.”


Well, I think it would be reasonable.

Automatic loading formula among those dedicated to slug bullets.

It would be deadly if you had a bullet clog, but you wouldn’t have to worry about that so far because it’s well maintained and brand new.

Claw Bear says he’s around forty kilometers an hour, and he doesn’t have the time to be packing bullets that he’s bringing to his opponent like that.

Well, the rumor is five meters.

Exactly, maybe slightly later than normal size… but still, it would be hard to pin that physique guy down in one shot.

I also decided to buy a box of bullets and a locked case to avoid being touched if I had children.

“That, you even sell swords and knives?

“I rarely come around here, but sometimes the adventurer of the stream comes.”


An adventurer… etc, but in short, a traveler.

I’m just more used to fighting than regular travelers, most of which earn road banking by hunting bounty necks, caution sticks, etc.

“You’re an adventurer…”

… and there are rumors that they are ‘without vanishing protection’.

I don’t know if it’s true.

I’ve never met an adventurer.

However, I do think ‘no protection’ would be difficult to stop in one place,

Thinking about it, I feel like it’s harder than I think to protect Farrah.

But Doultonil’s uncle and Mr. Coolow were worried about ‘persecution occurring where they weren’t looking’.

If you return the back, you will never tolerate persecution in the sight of both of us.

I can’t help but be neglected of the color of my hair and eyes in this country where ‘red color’ is repelled.

I’m getting used to it, so it’s good to have a face.

You usually respond when you talk to me.

So that’s really the result of the virtues of my uncle and Mr. Coolow, the ruling arm as an exchanger.

Outside of this town, outside this territory… the hard place to live without protection is that there are no such understanders.

Farrah, apart from this territory… shouldn’t let it out anymore.

You can never have a girl as an adventurer.

“Oh, yeah. Hersus, he’s gonna be at the Hunting Festival.”

“Oh! Seriously!

Oh, did you suddenly get tense?

In an instant, his eyes glow, and a full grin, Mr. Hersus.

Hit the counter with both hands, Zuzzi, and ride yourself out.

“That’s good! I was having trouble with not one young guy joining me!

“Ha, ha”

“Young guys these days don’t touch guns or anything sweet! Right, well, will your brother be attending The Hunting Festival! Ha-ha-ha! Well, good to see you again! Talk to me about anything about guns!

“… thank you”

… Well, and the Koyunori from this country is true… I think it’s easy for Farrah to live too… yeah.

“Guns are good.”

… I think that’s the place…

“Well, let’s go back to the ranch.”

“Ah, Mr. Coolow! Just in the right place!

“Ann? Oh, Diddy”


“Oh! Of the ranch! Hello!”

When I left Mr. Hersus’ shop, the butcher’s aunt spoke to me as soon as she left.

This aunt frowned on my appearance at first too, but now she’s totally recognized as a ‘customer’ because she buys in quite a bit of ham and sausage as a preservation.

And they also recognize the rancher.

… It’s complicated.

“I need to talk to you about the Meat Processing Festival and the big city.”

“Oh, oh. Yeah, hey, there was something about that one…. Hmmm…”

“Oh, I’m going home first. Mr. Coolow, could it be today?”

“Oh, oh, no evil. Next month we’ll have a big city and a meat processing festival.”

“Okay ”

Indeed, ‘Hunting Festival’ is the end of this month.

The big city and “Meat Processing Festival” are next month’s heads.

At the end of next month there should have also been a ‘harvest festival’.

Large cities are held with the involvement of pedestrians and chambers of commerce in various towns, so to speak, super large markets taking place simultaneously throughout this country.

The monthly market takes place even on the boulevard once a month, but the big city is not the ratio.

Ninety percent of the chambers of commerce in this country take part, exactly the festival.

And the Meat Processing Festival is a festival where wildlife hunted at the Harvest Festival is processed into conservative hams, sausages, and more.

I’m not sure where this is going to be a festival because I was in it for the first time and it wasn’t in “Blue Dragon Arcedios” either.

Yeah, “Blue Dragon Arcedios” had a “Fish Meat Festival”.

It’s literally a festival where fish are processed into winter preserved foods.

Maybe that’s the way it is, I think.

And then, because the “Fish Festival” of “Blue Dragon Arcedios” was usually filled with livestock for meat, I wonder if the “Meat Processing Festival” of “Green Dragon Sergios” is a version with no fish meat and a version with wildlife.

“Harvest Festival” goes without saying.

A festival that wishes for next year’s abundance, thanks to all the harvests harvested that year.

Something in this town. They bake super giant pizzas.

In “The Town of Eng” sausage and beer.

Well, they have characteristics in how they celebrate like that in each town.

Carl Rate told his brother, “You can have all you want with your beer! hehe! Euphran was also invited to participate in the” Harvest Festival “by the” Town of Eng “!?”, but I want to consult Lana to decide on the first alcohol to drink, so I’m putting my reply on hold.

… Speaking of which, you have Lana’s birthday in November.

What shall I give you this year?



What should I do?

Lana maybe…… I don’t know.

I knew if they found out about this, they wouldn’t pull a dong…?

Since I was eight when Alefald and Lana decided to get engaged, I’ve chosen instead of Alefald to give it away in Alefald’s name — –!!

Because Alefald wants to be a pain in the ass!

You can’t say no if your majesty asks you to see Allefald like that!?

… if they knew we’d been doing that before we met… well, that just sounds disgusting?


I looked up into the sky unexpectedly.

Yeah, this thing is… just disgusting, hey…

Well, that’s fine.

Even so, in November, on Lana’s birthday, she said, “How about a drink?” Let’s make a suggestion.

Because I remember the recipe for the cake by helping Lana make sweets… If you can accept to drink alcohol, a glass of birthday gift would be nice.

You know, the, uh, lovely pair… or, uh, what do you think?

Ugh, yes, no!

You’d better make sure you don’t like that, don’t you?

You won’t like it if they give you something you don’t want or anything!

Until now, it was royal money, and what I sent was rare treats and ornaments from other countries.

But I can’t right now.

financially and temporally.

Ordering from the Leggles must also be after you decide what to give away.


“Oh, oh, bad. See, Lana would have been my birthday in November, wouldn’t she? Think about what to give…”


“Huh? Ugh, um, well, yes…”

What I want to give you, what I want you to use, huh?

Maybe Lucy’s right, for sure.

Previously given in the name of Allefald, I also had to consider the authority of the ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ royal family.

But now I have no clue.

What I… want to give Lana, huh?

Then I’d still like a glass of alcohol with you, wouldn’t I?

Imagine my face getting hot and I’m so embarrassed…


“Wow, okay, I know. Let’s go home.”

Yes, yes, I’ll figure this out until October.

I told you I was rushing home today…

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