The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 78

episode thetal

The day after the “Hunting Festival”, the hunted prey is processed.

That’s the Meat Processing Festival.

The hunting and meat processing actually take place almost every day in the coming period, but they say today is the only day when all the cute people get together and take place as a festival.

Also, the big city begins today.

Store opening to fill the boulevard.

Items I don’t see.

More enthusiastic and lively than I’ve ever seen before.


“Wow! Hey, are you sure you want to buy anything today!?”

“I’m not buying anything, Thetal. I’m a winter shopper, so cheese, sausage, salted tapon fruit, alcohol and…”

“Yes! We’re here to help you pack!

“By the way, if you get lost, it’s like waiting in front of a fountain in the square. Well, I don’t think there’s such a dodgy kid?

“” Oh, yeah…… ”

There were so many people in this town.

I took the kids and tried to get them all out…… huge busy.

Sheetal and Al get grossed up when I say that while looking down…

Exactly. No one gets lost in this crowd, I don’t think.

That’s a miracle.

“Amélie got it, too?

“Amélie’s a jerk because I’m watching.”

And, as always, Nico Nico Boquete Nittan pulls the hand of a soothing Amelie.

Yada, what is this boy man?

“Brother, brother, can I hold hands?



That’s what I’ve been saying, Quon.

When I got my hands on it for no reason to say no, Al and Lana looked back with great momentum.

… I know Al, but what happened to Lana?

“Ah! Quon, sloppy! Me too!”


“” Huh!? ”

Is that it?

Thetar also looked back.

Lana’s face is strangely drawn, but you were planning on buying something heavy, too?

No, when you have something heavy, you’re gonna have to let it go, right?

I’ll hold it, luggage.

So I hope you’re relieved.

“Well… if you get lost… that’s tough…!

“? Yeah?

Is that it?

Lana suddenly got grumpy.

Why? Why?

“Bring Quon, Farrah and Fran properly!

“” Yeah! Let me do it, Elana, sister!

“What, am I gonna get lost?

That’s how Quon and Farrah pull their hands and move on to the market as Thetar and Al stare at them.

I didn’t know Thetar cared about Farrah… I’ve never known her before.

Along the way, I came across a rack I hunted yesterday that was going to be publicly dismantled.

I stop and watch.

but when I noticed it, Farrah and Thetal stuck with trembling on their legs.



No, Farrah knows.

It’s a girl.

Beriberi, the peeling skin, the body, the guts that are removed and left behind are grotesque.

I can’t help but be frightened by that.

But no way. And the boy Thetar?

… Well, I don’t think men and women have anything to do with that even though it doesn’t work.

“Hey, let’s go somewhere else.”

“Right. Lana, I’m taking Farrah and Thetar to get some cheese.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah? Then I’ll get that rack of meat. I promised Laurent I’d teach him how to make dried meat and smoke, so he had to buy ingredients.”

“Oh, did you? Yeah, okay. Then I’ll go before the fountain when I’m done…. Is Lana okay too?

“Yeah, yeah… I won’t look directly at you, so it’s okay…”

Don’t push me…

Kuon said “er”, but she chose to stay with Lana and the others because the demolition work seems interesting.

I’m going to go buy cheese by acting differently, but the problem is that it’s very difficult to walk.

Both of you, it’s too sticky on your feet for me to walk.

No, there are demolition shows of yesterday’s prey all over the market, so I can’t help it.

Also, some livestock have to be reduced in number before winter.

“Green Dragon Sergios” is not so harsh in winter, but it is treated as a “food bank” by other countries because it is a country that does not usually have trouble with food.

We have food for ourselves, as well as food to sell to other countries.

But…… how can civic life be so different from the civilian population of ‘Blue Dragon Arsedios’ when it is such a blessed country with food?

The most important reason for this is water.

“Blue Dragon Arcedios” holds the source.

Therefore, four countries other than “Blue Dragon Arcedios” on the torso continent pay large sums of money each year to buy water as annual royalties.

In that sense, dragonstone tools such as Lana’s devised refrigerator and freezer could also be seen at the feet of “Blue Dragon Arcedios” and cheaply bought.

Not so much. Water is an important resource for this country.

… Well, that’s all for Blue Dragon Arcedios, which has nothing to be proud of other than blah blah blah ‘water’.

Other countries know that, so they pay with some disdain.

When I went to another country with the help of diplomacy, one person would always laugh, “It’s tough in a country with only water.”

“Blue Dragon Arcedios” is a land of water.

But it is also a country with only water.

“Dragon Howl” always passes straight through like it was aimed at “Blue Dragon Arcedios”… and the damage associated with it is terrible every year.

If you get too arrogant, ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ may be the one you can see at your feet.

“… there was”

Well, as I leave the worry of ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ to Allefald.

I got to the store where the cheese I was looking for was sold.

You ate more time than usual because of more people than usual.

“What is this… a cheese shop!?”

“Thetar loves cheese, doesn’t she? I’m coming in.”

Yes, this is…… the only cheese store specializing in the ‘town of Exi’.

Wooden yet very heavy exterior and doors.

Product shelves lined left and right with round, wide and tall solid cheeses.

Next to the counter where the store owner is located, powdered cheese and equipment to powder or sharpen the cheese is sold.

Is the shelf next to it a cheese making tool?

Cheese…… or there are dragonstone tools to make dairy products in general, but now that the calamari is no longer serving milk, I need more cheese for winter.

Well, I mean… if you buy milk from a milkman, you can make other dairy products.

But it’s a little hard to buy milk for the current number of people.

Besides, professional aged cheeses have different flavor depth.


“Ah, there you are, Euphran. You’re cute with me today. Are these the kids from the example” Red Dragon Mishima Herdios “?


The owner here, Mr. Machida.

Slim, shiny skin like a woman shopkeeper in this country. Age unknown.

I mean, it’s grand and it’s thick.

… This guy has been a softer attitude to me from the start than any other ‘town of Exi’ guy.

So is your husband, but he’s only interested in cheese.

“Boy is Thetar, girl is Farrah”

“Nice to meet you, Atashi is a machida. All the cheese in this town is handmade by us!

“Oh yeah!? I love my cheese!

“Oh, that’s so nice!

While there are so many dishes that I have never eaten in Red Dragon Mishima Herdios, each of them has recently come to claim their favorite flavors and dishes.

Cheese lovers of Thetar are a bit of a jerk among them.

I began to distinguish between “Ah, this is the cheese I bought at the store” and “this is the cheese I made with dragonstone tools”.

No, well, me and Lana, we know the difference between cheese, don’t we?

Unlike yogurt and raw cream, all cheeses change dramatically in their maturation, so the difference in taste is that easy to understand though!

“Hey, how do you make cheese? Can I make it, too?

“Oh, are you interested in making cheese?

“Because it’s delicious! The cheese we make isn’t yummy either, but the cheese in the store is so yummy!


Makes me look happy, Mr. Machida.

Well, if only I could be complimented on my prized cheese.

… Do you ask Mr. Machida to babysit the Seatal and buy and carry the biggest disc-shaped cheese?

“Did you decide what to buy?

“Yeah, sort of. The Biggest This”


But how much would you keep with your current numbers?

Though it doesn’t seem to snow much… it shouldn’t snow at all.

It’s hard to get to town when there’s snow.

Is it easier to buy two or so?

“Excuse me, these two…”

“Why don’t we see what we’re making?

“Are you sure!?”

“Is that it? Um”

“Oh, wait a minute! You! A tour!


Follow Mr. Machida as Thetar jumps.

I had no choice, so I decided to look around the store a little more after seeing Farrah face to face.


This is…… ‘this for wine! Assorted cheeses’.

I see. Cheese for wine.

I was gonna make Lana’s birthday present a glass, but you didn’t think about alcohol at all.

Leggles said, “Next time I’ll bring a nice drink, yo,” but let’s ask Lana to make it before her birthday.

Prepare knobs by that too……



Phew… I was really surprised when I saw him outside the store.

Right in front of this shop was a glass workshop!?

… Speaking of which, I only come to buy cheese and I only buy cheese, so I’ve never relaxed around here before!

…… Farrah, can I have a look at the glass for a second?

“Fine! I’ll call you when the Thetars get back!



I stroke my head and then go into the glass workshop that was across the street from the cheese shop.

It’s a unique place, a little far from the rest of the store.

Amazingly colorful glass.

Not only glasses, but plates, windows, cups to pen stands, ashtrays, bottles…… a wide variety of products were randomly lined up.


Wow, I’m surprised!

Was there a counter in the shadow of the product shelf?

An old man like the owner watched as he stared at this one as he sprinkled the pipe.

Well, considering the color of my hair and eyes, I’m used to reacting in this country.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for a glass… of that, set, for a gift”

“For couples?


Hey, hey, hey!

“Oh, my God.”

“Sometimes I’ve seen a couple come into a cheese shop. I’ve never been here before.”


Damn, he looks like a merchant unexpectedly……

“Then how about this? It’s the one whose name can be carved. I’ll let you in in in a day if you get your order.”

“Hey, name…”

Well, maybe that’s a good idea?

But when I hear we can carve names, I recall that normally ‘couples’ would give each other bracelets and rings carving each other’s names.

Well, this is the culture of ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’……

………… So, can I ask you a favor?

No, let’s make it a glass.

If Lana could… have someone else she likes… the glass would be broken and finished.

Things that stay like bracelets and rings, they must be annoying…



and a sudden creepy laugh!?

The owner here sucks!?

“Oh, what’s your name?

“… I’m Euphrane, my wife, Elana”

Is that it?

You’re so embarrassed there’s gonna be a fire coming out of your face, aren’t you?

One, one, I call my wife or something……!

It’s not my first time, but something keeps embarrassing me, why?

“Euphran and Elana, right. All right, the price is thirty silver coins.”

“Eh, expensive”

“Hi-ha-hi-ha-hi-ha, you mean for couples? It’s for the Holy Scale Festival, right?

………… Huh! ”

Wow, I forgot!

The Holy Fall Scale Festival is an annual day when the Guardian Dragons scale down.

It is the last day of the year and the day when all nations will be busy at the festival celebrating the new year.

The scales of the guardian dragons will be a new ‘dragonstone’, helping to carry dragonstone tools and dragon powers all over the country.

Yes, exactly the important day of the year……

And I’m used to giving gifts to my family that day.

This would also be a common culture on the torso continent.

… family.

If you’re a couple, say, ‘Thanks again this year. Please stay with me next year’ meaning.


“Yes, no, because I have her birthday in November…”

“Ooh, what is it? Is it? Well, why don’t we make an appointment for the Holy Fall Scale Festival right now? On us.”

“You’re a good businessman. I get it. But what…”

Look around the store.

Something else would be a gift……

“… is this a glass ball?

Oval flat glass…… you can’t call it balls.

Very clear green.

There are other blues and yellows, even red and oranges that are repelled in this country.

A hole has been drilled ahead of me and the string has been passed… but the shape ahead is slightly strange.

Is this a lid?

“You have high eyes. He can be used even if he can’t get in.”


“Well, it depends on what you put in… but the guy who buys it always puts the antidote in it and doesn’t give it to him. In the spring, there will be a venomous bee called Yellow Poison Honey and a venomous snake called Red Line Snake.”


Are you in such danger?

… er, we’re in the woods.

No, you definitely are.

“The man who gives top priority to the safety of his opponent buys it. Oh, my God, are you serious?

………… Ha… you’re really good at business… What about the antidote, by the way?

“If you buy it at Melinna’s, you’re sure.”

“Mnh-mnh. So, how much for both?

“Two silver coins.”

Isn’t that what I’m saying?

I think they’re looking at my feet, but I even think that this is the smaller vessel, colored, quite a technical skill.

This is still a former nobleman.

I know that much.

“Yes, sir.”

“Every time. I’ll have it ready until the next time. The glass is the name of you and your daughter-in-law, and the only vial here is your daughter-in-law’s name.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you”

“Holy Fall Scale Festival” is a “Giving Together” event.

So I don’t have my share.

I can’t.

I don’t know if Lana has anything for me… but I want you to drink with me on my birthday and let me celebrate.

When I paid to go back to the cheese shop…… that, Farah is still in the store by herself……

“You, brother!

“Are you still obsessed?

“Looks like.”

Oh, man, I peek into the kitchen with some signs of a buzz.

That’s where I saw it…

“Wow, I mean, cheese makes a difference in how you process cow’s milk!

“That’s right! You swallow fast, boy! You’re gonna take our trail!

“Oh, that’s good. Because Atashi and the others couldn’t have children…”

“Ha ha, what do you say, kid…… no, Thetal. Why don’t you be my kid and take over this store?

“… uh…”

Thetar’s unexpected talent?

But Thetar is also puzzled by the sudden offer of foster care just as well.

I can’t help it.

………… Matilda, it’s time to shop. ”

“! Ah, oh! I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Come on, Thetal, don’t go back with your brother…. because you don’t have to think so deeply about the story of becoming my child!

“Ugh, yeah……”

That said, Thetar’s face totally remembers to catch on.

Surprised, Thetar…… I didn’t know you liked cheese that much.

Or isn’t that easy?

“Sorry to keep you waiting, what are you doing?

“Two of these. Hey, Mr. Machida. These kids, next year, they’re going to live in an institution that can be on the school side near ‘The Town of Exi’, but they can’t be unemployed forever, can they? I need you to be able to make your own money. So if Thetar turns twelve or thirteen, why don’t you hire me here as an apprentice? Seems like Seatal loves cheese.”

“!… oh… that’s a good idea… oh yeah, you should…! Let’s do that! Sheetal, when you get a little older, will you work at our store?

Over the counter, Mr. Machida laughs at Thetar.

Thetar also had a full smile after her surprised face.

“Wow, yeah! I want to work here!

“Let’s see! Oh, I’m looking forward to it!

“Good for you, Thetar”


Yanchan Boy One of those things, Thetar decided as soon as possible where to get a job.

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