The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 89

A Glimpse with the Royal Family [Part II]

Four hours later.

No, it’s just too long, right?

My uncle is frowning with the pipe in his face.

Hmm… Feels like an hour of bath, an hour of support, an hour of makeup, an hour of checking?

We arrived in the morning, but it is already noon.

I guess Lana and the others are hungry… and they’re here without breakfast.

I’m pretty sure the royal side is preparing for a dinner party.

It will increase the time for dialogue.

To Farrah… or to the kids we keep, me and Lana teach table manners.

It’s subtle when asked if it’s perfect, but you should be able to eat the least, maybe.

I just didn’t know you’d be the first to show off… Farrah, come on…

“Thank you for waiting.”

I raised my face to Lana’s voice.

The maids of the castle bow their heads in obedience.


Oh, oh…

Brilliant gold dress……!?

Even though it’s going to be a sight and dinner party with royalty, how about that de flashness, or a word that looks so good and beautiful on Lana that I can’t think of it in an instant.

Green hair can be seen in a gold dress.

So, Farrah behind it.

This is a green dress.

to Cutchcock’s expression, but Lana, her hair and the color of her dress are the opposite, so they’re very much together… yeah, something, no more vocabulary work.

“That’s the Duke’s Lady…”

“Aren’t you coming up with some better thoughts?

“Sorry, my vocabulary is dead.”

“Then you have no choice!


and a rough nose and a doya face.

And the lady mode from the beginning.

“Will you be forgiven…”


Carl Rate brother’s gaze hurts.

You’ll have no choice, your vocabulary is so beautiful that you die.

Looks like Lana got through…

“Can we compliment you, by the way? Miss Elana?”


Er… my uncle was trying to praise me so much… no, well, Carl Rate brother anyway… my uncle, yeah… right?


Well, then I won’t be a ‘nobleman’ in a long time either.

Stand up and reach for Lana.

Give me your hand.

“Escorts, please. Farrah’s on the other side.”

“Huh? Ugh, yeah”

Flowers in both hands.

I wonder if I’m going to die tonight.

That’s what I’m thinking, but I have to go.

The maids will be guided to the front between the sights.

In front of the room were the knights who served as escorts.

As they open the door, my uncle and brother Carlrate go in first.

Escorting Lana and Farrah, he finally went to see with His Majesty the King.

Behind my uncles breaking knees and greeting me, we also break knees and bow our heads again.

Farrah must have asked Lana how to do it, she bowed her head to imitate it.

“Long time no see! Oh! Your developed wheat bread! That’s good stuff!

“What? Oh, yes, thank you?

The most open, what?

Lana looks up surprised.

I look up just a little bit too… Yep, whatever that is. Depends on how disgusting it is to stretch down your nose…

What’s happening?

Carl, when I look at Brother Rate, he looks like he’s going to lean down and cry… no, he’s about to cry with half a laugh, so?

More and more mysterious!?

“Rosalie says she’ll have her own shop, she’ll burn prototypes of original products… hehe…”

“As, well, Father! Now that story!

“Oh, oh, I’m sorry!


I see, were you loose enough to eat my daughter’s hand cooking?

… Wakaru!

Farrah had also recently learned to bake and was happy to be able to make it to a level where it was okay to feed me.

That’s it, isn’t it? Your Majesty, is that you!?

“Kohon!… Then again… I heard that someone with the ‘Holy Glow’ appeared, but it was…”

This is my daughter.

My uncle looks back at Farrah.

I nodded at Lana and stood up with her across Farrah.

As we stood, Farrah also stood up in horror and looked straight up at His Majesty Germain.

Breathtaking sound.

The air tingled.

“…………… Golden Eyes……! The unmistakable glow of holiness…”

… Is’ Holy Glow ‘still about the color of your eyes?

I didn’t know royalty was all breathtaking……

Farrah looks baffled and holds Lana’s hand hard with me.

It’s okay, I laugh in the sense that, but I remain anxious.

“Um, Your Majesty… this girl, in fact, with ‘no protection’…”

“‘No protection’? Oh, well… But aren’t those gold eyes confusing?

“Yes, suddenly this color…”

“Definitely. It used to be slightly dark brown.”

I have the technique of dyeing my hair, but not my eyes.

When His Majesty Germain nods, he orders Farrah to come to his side.

But Farrah leans down and gets scared.

I have no choice.

“May I join you?

“Uhm, good. Pull over.”

Nodding, I tried to take Farrah and Lana took a step forward as well.

Naturally, I’m coming with you.


That’s just great.

With that in mind, I climbed near the throne with three (…) people (…).

His Majesty Germain rises and approaches Farrah.


His Majesty’s right eye, which was green eyes, glowed.

The same brilliance as dragonstone… this is… the same as’ dragonstone eye ‘in my right eye?

“… there is no problem. Guardian dragon Sergios welcomes this daughter to the top.”


“This girl is undoubtedly the beloved son of a guardian dragon with a holy glow!

His Majesty’s declaration that the air between the billies and the sight will be pressurized.

The twenty knights, who had refrained on both sides, break their knees and drown their necks to Farrah and His Majesty.

With this proclamation, Farrah was recognized as the “Holy Glow” who appeared in the “Green Dragon Sergios” … the “Guardian Dragon’s Beloved”.

Seriously……! Doesn’t it matter if it’s ‘no protection’ or something!?

“… but therefore we have no right to speak freely.”

“Girl, you said your name… Farrah? How do you want to live?

His Majesty kneels before Farrah and looks at him and asks.

That’s right, you only have four daughters and you know how to handle girls.

Farrah, questioned, has a troubled face.

Well, even if a ten-year-old girl is asked that.

“… with your brother Yu, your sister Elana and the Krana…”

I thought for a moment, looked up at me and Lana’s face, then looked straight at Her Majesty and answered.

I am surprised to see the look on His Majesty’s face when I heard the answer.

“… right”

His Majesty Germain smiled very, very satisfied.

As if to see even my dear child.

Then he stands up, and when he returns to the throne, he sticks his hand out standing.

“Hold the example thing!

Is that it?

I have a really bad feeling about it.

One civilian brings a piece of paper he puts in a small, flat crate.

I lift that paper up with one hand and look down at me and Lana and laugh niggly.

… uhh…

I almost look back at my uncle unintentionally, but before that I saw my shivering Carl Rate brother in my eyes, so it’s Guru. These guys……

“Then it is settled. Euphran, Elana, I hear you were nobles in your neighborhood. Family names are Ditaliere and Ruthfett. Hmm, Ditaliere…… hmm, that’s not good. Is Ruthfett the Duke’s house… then you can’t. Bailey’s in my country, so no.”

… Is there still a royal shadow in this country that serves the ‘Guardian Dragon’ just like my house?

No, I’m not.

Why are you talking about your last name all of a sudden?

No way? Maybe? Absolutely a pain in the ass…!

“Yeah, it’s a hassle. Euphrane, Elana! I give those people one of the ancient words of ‘Green Dragon Sergios’, the family name of ‘Liverg’ with the meaning of ‘The Light Guide’ and the title of Baron! I command you to protect Euphran Leivag and his patron dragon beloved son, who has a holy glow as Elana Leivag, to bring increasing prosperity to this country!



I can’t…

Lana is surprised, but naturally the royal family will move that way, given the many dragonstone tools she has made so far and Farrah’s wishes.

Farrah’s hopes must have been communicated and set aside in advance by his uncles.

You don’t have to look. I can see you’re shaking your shoulders and laughing!

Especially when Brother Carlrate put something on me for a long time and said, “Why don’t you come and adopt the Durtonil family?,” he said.

I don’t know how serious you were, but it’s no wonder that this time it worked a lot.

Personally, I also felt “Oh, this might be hard to live as a normal civilian anymore” when I made “Denwa”… “Communication Ball Equipment”.

Of course I’m not willing to put it out there, and I stuck it out that I’m not selling it to the Leggles.

That’s dangerous, depending on how you use it.



“Your Majesty, does that mean that my wife Elana will also be awarded the title of Baron?

“That’s right. I give each of you a title. Your children will be born, and it will depend on your future contributions to give the children the status of Viscount.”

… “Red Dragon Mishima Herdios” with no concept of title and “Purple Dragon Divaldios” with no baron title itself, and “Green Dragon Sergios” with “Baron” having a higher status than the Viscount.

But the Baron’s title cannot be subjugated.

Because it is a ‘title’ given to an individual.

The granting of the status of Viscount means that for those who bring their roots down to the land, they will gain the status of nobility in the land and will be recognized and controlled by the nobility and the royal family.

Thus, in this country, the “Baron” has a higher status than the Viscount but the lowest authority… a very “convenient” title.

Oh, I thought I got away with the noble Gotagota of “Blue Dragon Arsedios” because of it…

“…… it……”


And I don’t have a choice.

As for His Majesty Germain’s thoughts, you’re gonna let us take Farrah, aren’t you?

My uncles have no problem with blood giving me the title.

On the contrary, even from the nobles of this country, those who deliberately possess the ‘Holy Glow’ … but can retain the Farah in the country without gaining the effort of adopting a special ecological Farah called ‘No Protection’.

Ah, shit, here it comes……!

I just thought Farrah would be adopted by the noblemen in that direction.

“It’s a great honor. But I’m surprised it happened so suddenly.”

“So could you please give us some time? I did not expect His Majesty to speak to himself on this occasion. We both want to talk properly. Forgive me today.”


Lana bows her head and answers with a grin.

Wow, seriously… that’s the former Duke’s warrant, I can never say.

But green-haired green-eyed Lana would have much more meaning and effect.

“Mm, well…”

Unexpectedly, Your Majesty, lightly rounded.

… Huh? You didn’t think we’d be happy with the vegetables?

No, definitely Lana told me, “Oh, yeah?” I guess so.

And then…


Farrah looks at His Majesty dissatisfied.

I wonder what it felt like to see me and Lana in trouble.

Because it’s surprisingly easy on your face, Farrah.

Your Majesty’s Girl’s ability to read facial expressions to her opponent… that’s just having four daughters.

“So, we’ll see about that later, how about lunch? What made you hurry, not hungry?

A queen slapping her hand to change the air.

Princess Rosalee also smiles and nods.

Sure… I’m hungry at the level that the sound of my stomach didn’t ring in my eyes a lot, it’s good.


Of course that’s all I can say about this one.

I nodded at Lana and told Farrah, “It’s rice,” I knew I’d be happy.

That’s right.

“This way.”

The door to the left between the sights is prompted.

That was the dining room in the terrace hallway, with a beautiful garden underneath.

That’s right, the courtyard of the castle in Green Dragon Country… nothing short of brilliant.

Princess Rosalee is visibly softened when she gets to her seat.

So I generally guessed.

When His Majesty Germain mentioned bread earlier, Princess Rosalee was in a hurry–

“Go ahead.”


Salad is what the servant leaves on the table.

This format was suggested by Lana when the Allefalds arrived… yes, it’s called a course ceremony.

Nico, to see Princess Rosalee laughing, apparently after all that research, look at the results.

This is a serious responsibility, Lana.

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