The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002 Find

Chapter One Thousand and Two Discoveries

“Idiot!” As the substitutes fell to the ground, many people in the Alliance had already scolded: “Before I came here, I said not to respond to this contract lord’s words in any form! Why has anyone forgotten it!”

The following changes are not even an appetizer for Bedvia. She looked at Xiuyan in front of her, shook her head and sighed: “Don’t even your teammates dare to occupy behind you?”

Xiu Yan snorted coldly, “That’s because I can’t be seen!”

In the next instant, Haruko suddenly emerged from behind Bedvia, the little girl’s eyes were full of anger, and the black shadow whizzed down with her paws!

However, Bedvia just stood there.

Haruko’s black claws slapped Bedvia’s body fiercely, but if you look closely, you can find that Haruko’s claws seem to be blocked by a thin film! And Esdes also appeared by Bedvia’s side instantly.

The saber in her hand gleamed with golden thorns, but the result was the same as Haruko!

The two knew the power of Pluto, so they retreated instantly after a blow, and their offense was like a horn. The next moment, a burst of artillery fired towards Bedvia!

And Bedvia still stood still, just as if she was not the one who beat her!

And the result is indeed the case, under the indiscriminate bombing, when the smoke clears, Bedvia still stands on this battlefield.

Even Xiu Yan’s unfavorable rules of thunder didn’t have any effect in front of Bedvia!

She frowned her eyebrows slightly, with a trace of unbearable expression on her face: “Why bother? Is there any point in doing this?”

The substitutes are all looking silly, and many people have begun to step back unconsciously!

Fortunately, everyone remembers the previous lesson, no one answered Bedvia again!

But the same is true… An emotion called fear is spreading!

Xiu Yan’s face also went completely gloomy, weird! It’s so weird!

Even the few Plutos I have encountered before are as invincible as Bedvia!

They may not avoid damage, but they will definitely fight back! Attack by attack! The original Styx is still fresh in Xiuyan’s memory!

This is why Xiu Yan thinks Pluto can be defeated! Because he has beaten it before! Even if the Pluto is no longer a smuggler this time, there must be a reason no matter how strong it is!

The current Bedvia is totally unreasonable!

“It’s boring.” The goddess-like Pluto yawned, and she waved: “Resolve them!”

The next moment, the gate of the Hall of Hades opened, and the ground began to shake! Behind the palace of Hades, the trembling voice kept coming!

The undead army reappears! And it’s several times the number before!

“This… how do you fight this?” Looking at the undead army that was stretched out in Borderlands and pressed towards here, all the substitutes who had just won the victory were panicked!

Someone has started to move backwards, and there is one person, there is a second! The third!

“Xiu Yan!” Shen Hai’s voice came out in the communication channel: “Let’s… retire!”

“Wait!” Xiuyan, who had already returned to Deucalion, gritted his teeth: “This is not right!”

“What’s wrong?” Shen Hai gritted his teeth: “The natural disaster has already begun to retreat. Do you really plan to resist these undead creatures?”

“She shouldn’t be like this!” Xiu Yan stared at Bedvia with unbelievable eyes: “Too strong! She is too strong! Just at least hundreds of thousands of injuries have been hit, she doesn’t There may be nothing!”

“The problem is that this has happened!” Casio said: “We have tried the regular weapons, but she is still unscathed! Xiuyan, stay away from her edge for the time being!”

“If she really has such strength, why is she building the Palace of Truth!” Xiuyan gritted her teeth and said, “With her current strength, she can directly push to anyone’s alliance base. Can anyone here be able to stop it? ?”


Does this need to be said?

Judging from the strength that Bedvia displayed at this time, let alone a major alliance base, even if they all add up, it is probably nothing!

Your attack has no effect on the opponent at all! Is there any more fights here?

“Maybe.” Carmen smiled bitterly: “She just wants to win in another way? Or, in her opinion, the Garden of Eden is so easy to reach, and it’s not worthy of her incitement?”

“Impossible!” Xiuyan said immediately: “You have less contact with Pluto! But I have more contact! The first Pluto I came into contact with was Kel’Thuzad, who was seeking the origin of the world! For this reason, the idiot even came into contact with Kel’Thuzad. Do not hesitate to step into the land of no owner!”


“And you know that the three people you meet next are not only to rescue Kel’Thuzad, but also to seize the source of the Lord God! Do you know what this means?”

As a witness to the two events, Yu Wenjin recalled everything he had experienced, and his heart moved: “Needs! This is a need! It is Pluto’s need for the original power!”

“The demand is because of scarcity.” Casio murmured from the side: “Otherwise…that Kel’Thuzad would not venture into Borderlands. Is it a demand that can risk life?”

“The second coming of the two Plutos is the same.” Zhao Mingzhi recalled the situation at the time: “They are willing to let go of all the substitutes for that thing! According to the news brought back by the sr zone! This is not normal at all! We are the sr zone The new force, let us either look down on the sr zone, or just…they really need that kind of thing!”

“Did you find the problem?” Xiu Yan squinted: “Since this Pluto is not afraid of us at all! What did his colleagues do before? The twelve Plutos of the Underworld, each perform their duties and command the Underworld. The gap may be, but How much can it be? Will the gap between them be so big?”

“Could they be better in the new version?” Carmen asked.

“That’s too big a difference!” Xiu Yan squinted: “It’s impossible to have such a big difference in strength!”


“Do you remember the other power? Outside the Garden of Eden.”

“You mean another little girl?” Yu Wenjin asked.

“Yes!” Xiuyan said: “They have cooperated with the Garden of Eden! In order to resist the Hades, everyone has the authority of the Garden of Eden, and Adam is the highest one. How can I let a Hades who can directly second the Garden of Eden come in! That’s straightforward. What’s the difference between Eden Garden?”

Liu Hong clapped his hands on the side: “Looking at it this way, they behave differently!!”

Meng Hao followed the interface: “It must be a wolf!”

“Get out!” a group of people scolded together!

“But…” Kled slowly said, “The facts are right here, including the last time. This guy… seems to have always been unpredictable. The appearance of the Garden of Eden playing between applause, seldom hands-on without talking, and we can’t hurt her at all.”

Xiu Yan was taken aback, then his eyes lit up suddenly: “What did you say!”

“Huh?” Kled looked at it, “Me?”

“Right, right, right.” Xiu Yan didn’t answer Klie’s words, but clapped her hands fiercely: “Very rarely! She rarely does it! Every time she does it is almost covered up, isn’t it!”

“What do you want to say?”

“There are only two kinds of people who rarely do anything and are unpredictable!” Xiu Yan said excitedly: “I have used me as a liar for many years, bah! The experience of social workers guarantees that these people either have real strength and don’t need to do it themselves! Either… or she is a weak man! Once she does it, she will be exposed!”

ps: I saw someone asking me today… I feel that the girls of Xueyin Chuyu were not well portrayed, and there was no difference in the later period. Actually… I also feel that way. I thought about it, and I think the female characters I created in the last book are pretty good. Look at Xueyin, Kyle, Lydia, the villain has jam……

Wait, I really want to know why!


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