The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 50

Chapter 48 Serial

Chapter 48 Serial

Hiruko Yingyin’s face changed, but it was too late.

Xiuyan, who hugged him fiercely, has put the pistol on his back waist!

“Bumpy bump!” The pistol shot again and again!

Hiruko Kageyin, who was tightly hugged by Xiuyan, suffered all the damage caused by the bullet.

His hypothetical device is still cooling, and there is no means of defense at all.

However, the mechanized Hiruko Kageyin is obviously more powerful than in the anime. In other words, he was significantly strengthened in this mission world.

The subsequent damage caused by the bullet passing through or staying in the body is also completely not negligible.

But for Hiruko Yingyin, a guy with a fully mechanical incarnation, the bullet damage seemed to be just bullet damage.

Xiuyan directly fired five pure poisonous bullets, but he didn’t keep it because he didn’t have many chances to hit Hiruko Yingyin with bullets.

“His skills are good!” The girl suddenly shouted.

As soon as Xiuyan’s eyes came, he quickly moved back!

brush! Hiruko Kageyin’s imaginary device suddenly opened!

However, Xiuyan had already evacuated enough distance.

“So it wasn’t you!” Hiruko Yingyin had already woke up in an instant.

“Damn it!” Xiuyan, who had just retired, rushed towards Hiruko Kageyin, and shouted at the same time: “Lentaro, Haruko, stop him!”

“Don’t dream!” Hiruko Yingyin was at the forefront, and the speed was vaguely the fastest.

Xiuyan’s set of injuries just now seemed to take a long time, but it was only a matter of a few seconds.

At this moment, Hiruko Yingyin took the lead in attacking, and the lagging Xiuyan naturally couldn’t catch up.

Hiruko Kageyin had discovered the problem, and all his movements seemed to have been clearly seen by someone like that strange guy.

Including their own weaknesses.

As long as this person can keep providing information to Xiuyan and Rintaro, he will never have an advantage.

Therefore, Hiruko Kageyin must get rid of that eye!

He had been hearing that voice, and he had already locked Huang Mao and the girl’s position.

“Run!” Xiu Yan shouted.

The yellow-haired girl who reacted in classical Chinese raised her leg to run, but Hiruko Yingyin had already reached the door and raised her pistol at the same time!

But at this time, the chasing Xiuyan suddenly stopped, and shouted: “Use that!”

Huang Mao had been scared long ago. Hearing these words, he suddenly remembered the black thing Xiuyan had handed him.

With a touch of the button on this thing in his hand, Huang Mao didn’t even think about it, so he pressed it down!

“Boom!” An explosion followed!

Hiruko Yingyin suddenly changed color! But it’s still too late!

The huge explosion flame swallowed him directly!

Rintaro and Haruko ran to Xiuhiko’s side and stopped abruptly. Rintaro was even more unbelievable: “Xuhiko! What are you doing! Aren’t those two friends your friends!”

“I didn’t say that they were my friends.” Xiu Yan curled his lips and sneered: “Don’t worry, they can’t die.”

As soon as his voice fell, a man and a woman had flown out of the room.

“It seems to be fully protected.” Xiu Yan secretly said.

That’s right, what Xiuyan uses is the protection mode of the novice mission.

He didn’t know how this protection mechanism was triggered before, and what restrictions there were.

However, no matter how it is triggered, at least, the girl who is the eye will not die.

As for the yellow hair… Xiuyan didn’t, or rather, didn’t care about his situation. Isn’t he passive?

And Huang Mao cursed with a grim face at this time: “Fuck you! This is the **** remote control!”

“You can’t die again.” Xiuyan pointed to a house somewhere: “Hidden there.”

“I **** don’t believe you anymore!” Huang Mao cursed.

“Then you just wait.” Xiu Yan didn’t persuade too much.

But the girl reacted very quickly. She hid directly in the room and reported: “Hiruko Kageyin has 700 remaining health points! All skills are transferred…”

As soon as she finished speaking, a red figure suddenly rushed out of the flames of the previous explosion. His body was leaning forward, and one stepped into the room where the girl was!

Hiruko Yingyin who suffered a loss did not give up. He was a little bit broken at this time, but it didn’t affect him!

She is going to kill this woman.

“Hey!” Xiuyan yelled to attract Hiruko Yingyin’s attention, and let him see the remote control in his hand: “For you!”

With that said, Xiu Yan held the remote control and pressed it down fiercely!


The roar of the explosion appeared again!

The result was the same as the previous time, the girl was thrown out by the explosion.

“Come to me!” Xiu Yan reminded.

The girl seems to have trusted Xiuyan now, she quickly got up and moved towards Xiuyan.

Rintaro was already silly: “What…what’s the situation?”

He turned his head abruptly: “Did you?”

“Just control the direction of the explosion.” Xiuyan didn’t have time to explain anything, so he could only babble: “It’s very simple.”

“Is that so?” Rentaro looked admired.

[Lentaro’s favorability rises]


Xiuyan didn’t know what to say anymore. He deliberately wanted to increase Ms. Mu Geng’s favorability, but the result was a decline in favorability. Now, for a strange word, Rintaro is rising here.

“Hiruko Yingyin has four hundred lives!” The girl ran to Xiuyan, not forgetting to report Hiruko Yingyin’s state to him.

But at this moment, a thumping sound has been heard.

Hiruko Yingyin had slowly walked out of the room with the flames.

At this time, his limbs have all turned into a pure black color. The traces of the two pistols are no longer known.

Every step of the way, there is the sound of metal touching the ground.

“You…how did it!” Hiruko Yingyin walked out of the flames in a low voice.

“Lentaro.” Xiuyan did not answer, but spoke to Rentaro.

Without saying a word, Rintaro squatted on his leg and rushed towards Hiruko Kageyin.

“It’s the second form.” The girl already said next to Xiuyan: “I didn’t see the specific changes, but the attack power increased by fifty points.”

“Just don’t be touched?” Xiu Yan curled his lips.

Seeing Rintaro rushing towards him, Hiruko Kageyin ignored him, the strongest pain directly stopped Lentaro, and Hiruko Kageyin seemed to have completely focused on Xiuhiko.

A blast of air surging, his body suddenly rushed towards Xiuyan.

However, Xiu Yan took out another black detonator from his pocket without any haste.

Hiruko Yingyin suddenly changed color when he saw this, and his forward body stopped suddenly.

He has suffered twice from this thing, and it is nothing to lose himself, but he is obviously seriously injured, but the other two people have nothing to do!

With a glance of his eyes, he has already seen the lonely yellow hair.

With the idea that killing one is one, Hiruko Yingyin twisted his feet and rushed towards Huang Mao.

Huang Mao, who was still resenting Xiuyan, was taken aback for a moment.

“Lying on the grass…” He just let out a sigh.

Hiruko Yingyin had already flashed past him.

ps: I found that everyone is quite interested in the records, then try to update the text and the records.

ps: The monthly pass 350… owes one more and pays it back when I go home.

Big brother’s experience 2

This new ‘artist’ seems to have discovered that there is a problem in communication between the two of us.

So, he chose to ask: “What about the others?”

I pointed to the next room: “The meeting room is running a group.”

The guy responded and walked into the conference room.


I was stunned.

and so…..

Ignore me?

wait! Don’t you ask who I am? ? ?

Anyway, this guy walked directly into the meeting room and ignored me.


I chased it in.

Huh, do you want to know me?

“This is?” I walked to the rabbit and motioned to who the artist this rabbit is.

“Oh oh, I am Chang Feng Qi Sing.” The artist replied by himself.

“I am Mengjingchan.”

Damn, I finally said my name.

“Oh, you are not an editor!” Chang Feng suddenly realized.

Is there an editor still at work at eleven?

Will such a book guest be accused!

However, after Changfeng came, the group soon finished running, and the toy group just returned from outside.

At this time, a group of people and I discovered a more important thing…

It looks like we haven’t booked a hotel.

Because it was a day earlier, the boss hasn’t arranged a place to live.

The hotel opposite the company is full.

And the one downstairs from the company is…

Love hotel.

The place where about six of us did not live was me, the rabbit, the toy, the black dragon, the king of Wu Meow, and the mochi.

Looking at the few remaining heart-shaped bed rooms, we were silent.

“Can’t you change places?” I asked.

can! can! can!

There is no hesitation in answer.

Then, we walked a short distance without bowing our heads to the fun and finally found a hotel with rooms.

There was also an episode in the middle of the elevator with ten people. Five rabbits were added to the elevator. However, the police started calling the police when Wu Meow got on.

To be reasonable, Wu Meow doesn’t seem to be eighty catties, okay!

The scene was very embarrassing.

The rabbit looked up at the ceiling and said it had nothing to do with me.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Majiu said: “Hahaha, which episode of Hidden Corpses with Conan Elevator looks like”

Then it’s even more embarrassing…

In the end, we can only divide it into two groups.

By the way, I was in a room with the rabbit. He asked me before, do you mind if I snore?

I thought of the generator that night in my university dormitory, and the snoring sound was like a super diesel generator.

Then I said confidently, “It’s okay, I’m used to it in college.”

Later I learned…what a price to pay for this habit.

After entering the room, I said that I wanted a code word, but when I turned on the computer, I started to play the comparison.

I was stunned that I forgot what I was blowing, but I just blew it for two hours.

During the discussion, the rabbit was mixed with a very creative new book.

Then we heard a knock on the door.

After opening the door, there was no one, but a small card was inserted.

An indescribable little card.

My goodness!

I was so moved and cried!

It’s not the first time to go out of the house. After going out so many times, I finally saw the legendary stuffing of small cards!

“It’s all net maps.” The rabbit glanced at it and commented disdainfully: “The quality is definitely not good.”

“Hmm.” I nodded aside.

But I was thinking…The rabbit seems to be very skilled.

At this time, the time has passed twelve o’clock.

It’s time for the daily tasks of Onmyoji.

When I was playing Onmyoji, the rabbit said: “Is this game fun?”

“It’s okay.” I replied.

I originally wanted to amuse this game, but after thinking about it carefully, the characteristics of this silly game are not the same as the burst rate, it seems that there are all kinds of liver, liver Yuhun, liver dog food, etc. A mess of liver.

Only idiots would like to play this kind of game, okay! !

Thinking of this, I looked at the brushed stone distance with joy on my face. There is also a dog food that has just reached the twentieth level.

“It’s okay?” The rabbit took out his mobile phone: “I didn’t think it, it’s hard to be half dead.”

“No sense of spirit?” I looked up, and the rabbit still took the snow girl to brush.

“Krypton has a single 648.”

“Huh?” I took the rabbit’s phone and looked at it.


How can I describe his style of God Record…

It’s terrible and it feels light.

The only effect of this single 648 should be to make the r card illustration book full…

“Change zones.” I can only comfort the rabbit so much.

Following my advice, the rabbit came to my district.

“Swipe slowly first. At the beginning, there are a lot of tickets. If you can’t get a good one, use the smuggling method.”

Then continue to lower your head and brush the task.

Until I heard a certain calling voice for the tenth time.

day! This is definitely not a ticket, okay!

“You are gold again!” I shouted.

“It’s still out of luck.” The rabbit didn’t deny it.

I stretched my head and glanced at the phone. Well, it’s another 648.

But this time the rabbit had good luck, three cards and one sr. Although there is no legendary ssr in the end.

“Damn! I don’t believe it!”

This product requires krypton again.

I stopped for a long time, when the rabbit said: “If you don’t have a girlfriend, you don’t have money yet. Where is your pursuit in life?”


Damn, I can’t refute…

However, there was still a group of people who stopped the rabbit.

His credit card is maxed out!


After the credit card exploded, we didn’t even bother to play. I just fell asleep after finishing the task.

Around four or five o’clock, I was suddenly awakened by a thunder.

Yes, these are the things I regret mentioned above.

How to put it, the diesel generator of my university seems to snore and I am used to it.

But… this Nima’s snoring of demolishing the house is totally unbearable!

Snoring is still divided into three stages.

The snoring stage, the house demolishing stage, the strange snoring stage.

Without talking about the previous two, just talk about this strange snoring stage.

I closed my eyes and finally got used to the rhythm of the rabbit’s purring, and then…

Let me give you an image, you can make up for it.

“Huh hu huhu!!! Huhu!!! Huhuhu!!!…Ah ”

I didn’t make a typo, just “Ah ”

That kind of ecstasy voice.

How can you make such a sound when you snore?

In the end I don’t know how to fall asleep, but I think my sleep quality is very good.

Although it is divided into several periods of sleep, it is all deep sleep.

Because it’s not the depth, I can’t sleep at all.

In a digression, the guy in Heilong vowed to ask for codewords, but when he entered the hotel, he started playing The Witcher III or he was still rolling… So, if there is a fan of his book, it would be the book “Nieder Hogg”. Shu, believe me, his inability to code words is entirely due to the fact that he went to the Internet cafes to collect materials and added back to the hotel to play games.

Don’t say it was me.

When we got up in the morning, we were leaving the hotel just in time for a large group to come out for dinner.

Xueba took the lead and walked ahead, followed by the 20th and 30th.

Huh that posture.

Of course, if Xueba is not so (star asterisk), we should be at least young and Dangerous, but now it seems to be…Forget it, I still want to live.

Speaking of which, the guy who can see us should be proud.

This is a group of creation gods! ! ! Under everyone’s hands are thousands of lives and countless world lines!

Closer to home

Originally, it should have been a treat by Xueba.

Seeing that there were too many people, Xueba took a few of us and ran away without paying attention.

A dozen of us were left confused, and finally decided to go to a cafeteria that we saw on Meituan.

I’m speechless when it comes to this cafeteria.

Let’s tell you.

It’s raining in Hangzhou.

A dozen people!

I searched for twenty minutes with the Meituan map!

Life and death did not find this cafeteria 100 meters away from us!

Don’t you guys know how to call and ask?

After following them for three laps, I finally asked.

Everyone looked at each other, then lowered their heads and continued to look at the map…

Okay, I called.

I asked about the specific location, and then they told me my route.

I told what I knew.

We first need to find an elevator entrance to go up.

How to do?

Hmm… they continued to look down on the map.

Can the elevator entrance map be found out! !

As far as we can see, there is actually an elevator.

But at the door stood four girls distributing leaflets.

This group of people looked up at the elevator while looking down at their phones…..

Don’t trust A Zhai’s communicative ability when you are away from home.

After tidying up my clothes, I stepped forward: “Um, please… please… please…”

Japanese, how do you read the English in that shop?

Fortunately, I was witty and thought of Building One.

“How to get to Building One?”

The girl smiled and pointed to the elevator behind her: “Here is it.”

Ever since, holding the flyer, I led a group of socially impaired guys onto the elevator.

My heart is very tired.

I was tired and sweated.

what? tension?

What a joke!

We are the creation god, okay! Creation God! How could the creation **** be nervous! ! !

ps: There are still many interesting anecdotes in Hangzhou, such as many authors and editors who subvert my cognition. For example, when you go to the book guest, you will be holding a knife to the technical department.

When I took my ajuro pill and rushed into the technical department, I shouted, “Is this the technical department!”

Then half of the girls turned around: Yes. Is there a problem?

“I’m sorry I found the wrong place.” I ran away without drawing the knife.

ps: Then, everyone who likes to see and hear, please vote for a monthly pass… and if you want to know who you want to focus on, you can also tell me in a post. I will try to make a wave of key contacts.

ps: In the end, the recorded stories are also novel creations, there will be some artistic processing, please don’t hit my short report! ! !

ps: Then, it is trading time. This guy will also be written in the next chapter.

“My two-dimensional element does not need the perverted option in my brain”

I’m abnormal, but I’m also stronger.

Well, I’m sorry, everyone, I’m ashamed of the predecessors who have traveled to the second element…

Because I am a pervert!

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