The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 988

Chapter 988 I didn’t plan to reason with you (two

Chapter 988: No plan to reason with you (two in one)

“A substitute.” Etzgerald arranged his cloak: “It’s just a troublesome substitute.”

“A little trouble?” Adrian went wild: “Template person?”

Etzgerald nodded: “Yes, template man.”


“You already knew it!”

“of course.”

Adrian’s eyes widened: “Since you know that Xiuyan is a template person, why don’t you solve him directly!”

Etzgerald looked at Adrian strangely: “What are you kidding? Even Adam in the Garden of Eden can’t take action against the substitute, not to mention me? I have tried a lot, and even stumbled him on the task. But it was useless! There is no way to use any means within the rules!”

“Then draw it up!” Adrian said, “Didn’t we get to the template person too, haven’t we?”

Etzgerald spread his hands: “But this kid is a staunch politically correct guy. I have looked for him when he needed it most, but he seems to have a natural resistance to us. He didn’t agree.”

Adrian was taken aback for a moment, and then tentatively asked: “He is… the group of thieves?”

Etzgerald shook his head: “No, this is also a strange point for me. Those guys have also looked for Xiuyan, but they were also rejected. Since he contacted Adam, they have rejected a lot of things. Maybe he and that A group of thieves have cooperated, but they should also be sneaky.”

When Adrian heard this, he couldn’t help but snorted: “It’s not because of your ability!”

“Whatever you say.” Aitzgerald said indifferently: “Anyway, something has happened, and we are thinking about how to solve it.”

“I’m going to kill him!” Adrian’s face turned black: “Even if we can absorb the rules, we, as Pluto, can’t resist him!”

Etzgerald covered his forehead: “Hey, I said you kings of the Quartet, can you think about other things besides fighting and killing? I just said that this may be a trap! A trap against us! Although the new rules open the door to the Garden of Eden, they also give us restrictions! The Pantheon! As long as you kill a Hades, the surrogate is eligible to enter the Pantheon! You know what this means!”

Adrian raised his head: “Kill the Hades? It’s a foolish dream!”

“I…” Etzgerald looked at Adrian dumbfounded. For a long time, he looked at him and said, “Okay, okay, do you have confidence? Indeed, it is impossible to kill the Hades. Things. But this is not the Hades! It is not even the world of the living! This is the Garden of Eden! Although you will not die, the rules of the Garden of Eden will determine your death! This is the rule that cannot change you! And the most important thing is not this. ”

“What else?” Adrian looked impatient.

“The master is injured.” Etzgerald said: “The master said, something has been taken away from him, let us be careful.”

“This is impossible!” Adrian, who had just heard the news, almost didn’t jump up: “As the master of the underworld, how could he be injured!”

“But this is a fact.” Etzgerald said: “Of course, the owner also has his own gains. Originally, this matter should be implemented after we broke through the wall of sigh, but after seeing Xiuyan’s performance today , Our plan is going ahead.”

“Plan?” Adrian frowned: “What plan?”

“Are you interested in this?” Etzgerald tilted his head: “I thought you king of the Quartet never cared about this kind of thing. Even if you know it, you won’t go into it.”

“Of course I don’t care.” Adrian said of course: “But I must know that I can not interfere, only execute, and I don’t even need to understand a bit of it, but I must know what it is!”

“Yes.” Etzgerald looked at Adrian and said helplessly: “Do you know? When I came here and saw you, my head was big! I would rather be half Alfred. Virtue!”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Adrian snorted coldly, “What the **** is the plan!”

“This.” A bottle of potion appeared in Etzgerald’s hand and said: “With the privilege of the creator, the number of Pluto who comes at the same time can be increased to 1.5. So… Adrian , You may need to go back.”

Hearing these words, Adrian instantly looked angry: “Don’t even think about it! Except for the master! I won’t make room for anyone who comes here!”

Etzgerald tilted his head and smiled, “What if it’s Bedvia?”


“Damn it! Didn’t the contract master never care about things here!”

Etzgerald glanced at him: “This is the master’s order.”

Adrian stiffened, and then smiled: “You said it earlier! What do I need to do?”

“Go back!” Gillard glanced at him one after another: “Get out of position.”

“Good talk! Good talk!”


At the head of the Wall of Sighs, the two agents are facing each other!

One of them is the representatives of the three major alliances and some minor alliances, and the other is the representatives of the sr district and some minor alliances.

Shen Wansan was standing in the forefront at this time, the old man’s expression was calm, and a gas shield in front of him vigorously resisted the violent black thunder firmly.

“Little friend Xiuyan.” Shen Wansan touched his goatee, and said slowly: “Why get angry? Is there any misunderstanding between us?”

Xiu Yan curled his mouth: “I can see the meeting you have just now clearly. How can there be any misunderstandings!”

“That’s also for the overall situation, isn’t it?”

Xiu Yan hummed: “I also want to take care of the overall situation!”

“Huh?” Wang Mingyang looked at Xiuyan displeasedly: “Is your Gu Quan’s overall situation just infighting!”

Xiu Yan nodded: “A bald head once said that you must first settle in the outside world!”

Shen Wansan nodded slightly: “But he lost.”

“But that’s correct.”

When Wang Mingyang was about to speak, Shen Wansan stretched out his hand to stop him, and saw the old man smiling and looking at Xiuyan: “What is the meaning of the word’An’ in the mouth of the little friend Xiuyan?”

Xiu Yan said sternly: “Hand over power, hand over people, hand over momentum!”

At this moment, even Shen Wansan’s expression was ugly: “Xiu Yan, are you deceiving me in the sr area?”

Xiuyan’s heart was calm at this time, which was different from Roger’s anger. He was very calm at this time. He only heard Xiuyan smile and said: “No, I just want to tell you that a bereaved dog must look like a bereavement dog! I respected everyone before. Senior, but after all, you are no longer in the S district! This line, you have to pay a price for the past, right?”

Wang Mingzhi’s eyes gleamed slightly: “Boy! You are too arrogant! Without us…”

“We can resist without your undead army!” Before Wang Mingyang finished speaking, Xiu Yan already said loudly: “Do you think I don’t know what happened in the sr area? I wonder, how can a defeated army command the new army in this world? reason?”

As he said, Xiuyan looked at the group of substitutes behind these old men, and said slowly: “And you, if you really intend to follow these people, then…you may not see the next time. The undead army has invaded!”

Xiuyan spoke to the small leagues in the S area behind these old men.

After a few hours of work and the meeting just now, these people from the sr area have attracted many s-area representatives.

The gap between the major leagues and the minor leagues is actually in the high-end combat power and average level, and the average level is good, but the high-end combat power is not good!

Without high-end combat power, the minor league will never be able to stand up!

The arrival of these sr zone guys just provided opportunities for these minor leagues! Although there are only more than a hundred surrogates in the northern defense line, the strength is not weak at all! If they are allowed to take the lead, there is no problem at all to pull out another major league! Less, it may be a base.

But they can compete for resources in Borderlands.

Although people in the sr zone cannot enjoy the benefits of the Garden of Eden, they can use the things of the Garden of Eden. This is the basis of the cooperation between the two parties!

After Xiuyan said these words, Shen Wansan already raised his hand: “Xiuyan, are you too much? The minor league does not have the protection of the major league, what happened to us?”

“Of course it’s okay.” Xiuyan smiled and said: “But we don’t allow it!”

Xiuyan’s words changed everyone’s color!

An agent standing behind Shen Wansan has already scolded: “My generation is acting for the agents, when do you need the consent of the big alliances!”

Xiuyan snapped his fingers, Haruko’s small body rushed out!

“Arrogant!” Pu Puying’s face went dark, he raised his hand fiercely, and a light curtain appeared!

Haruko slapped the light curtain, and the next moment, the light curtain shattered! And Haruko’s capture was severely shot on that substitute!

The generation traveler suddenly screamed and flew out. If it weren’t for Haruko didn’t start the void walk, then this guy might have been stunned!

Haruko, who succeeded in one blow, withdrew away!

“Xiu Yan!” Shen Wansan stared in anger: “Don’t forget what we said before! Listen to us on this wall of sighs!”

Xiu Yan snorted coldly: “I was almost killed by you guys after I believed this sentence!”

“You don’t obey the command and leave the line of defense privately! We still rely on us!”

“That’s right.” Xiuyan nodded: “I just rely on you, I can’t rely on myself, am I not an idiot?”

“You!” Shen Wansan was shocked when he saw Xiu Yan’s unreasonable appearance!

How did this **** take this for granted!

“Okay, Brother Shen!” Wang Mingyang stopped Shen Wansan, his eyes fixed on the other two people: “Zhao Mingzhi, Ling Tianyu, do you think so too?”

Ling Tianyu arched his hands: “Tianyu thinks that it may need to be considered at this time.”

“Consider a fart!” Zhao Mingzhi glanced at the substitutes behind those people: “The s area is changing! How to change can only be calculated by our twelve alliances! I don’t want to go out to kill the enemy next time, behind I was stabbed! This place must be ours!”

“Yellow-mouthed child!” Wang Mingyang flushed with anger: “Don’t forget! You also need to be promoted!”

“The sr zone no longer exists, and the ascended zone will not leave in the s zone.” Xiuyan laughed and said, “and…I think it’s safer to follow us than you are after the ascending zone!”

Xiuyan’s eyes swept over the old men in the SR district, and he hummed: “Actually, I have been wondering why…why there are so many people in the promotion district, and the leaders of the major leagues have also been promoted. More than a dozen, right? Why are you in charge? What about the others? What about the people who have been promoted in the past two or three years? What about the previous generation of this alliance, and even the previous generation?”

“I didn’t understand it before, but now I seem to understand it.” Xiu Yan squinted and hummed, “Everyone…It’s really cruel!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Shen Wansan scolded angrily: “The dangers of the sr area are not what you can imagine! The mortality rate is even higher than that of the n area! Newcomers are promoted to the area, and there is no one!”

Xiuyan stepped on his feet, and a thunder blasted in the air: “But you have been alive, haven’t you!”

“That’s because we were soaked in the battlefield! We worked hard with our lives!”

Hearing this, Xiuyan laughed: “It’s like knowing what’s happening in the front line, but keeping your mouth shut? Holding the evasion method in your hand, but not teaching it? Well, everyone, all foxes on the mountain, don’t be here. Speaking of Liao Zhai. The sr area is not bound by the contract, and naturally requires some special means. But here is a land of no owner, it is the s area, let’s forget about your set of things.

“I have no other requirements now. The command authority of the Wall of Sighs is handed over. You can continue to stay at the Wall of Sighs, but you must obey our commands! I swear that there is absolutely no mortal task for you.”

Park Puying hummed, “What if we don’t?”

Xiu Yan seemed to have thought of this answer a long time ago. He looked at Zhao Mingzhi and Casio next to him, and asked, “How is your place?”

The two pointed to the distance: “Here.”

“That’s just right.” Xiu Yan raised one hand and said with a smile: “Come out!”

Then, a gale suddenly rose on the Wall of Sighs!

One after another warships showed themselves outside the forbidden space of the Wall of Sighs! The muzzles of these battleships are charged and all ready!

At the same time, on the ground, multifunctional tanks drove to the vicinity of the Wall of Sighs, and some surrogates below did not know what they were preparing.

“You can resist.” Xiu Yan looked indifferently at the sr area agent in front of him, the blade of thunder and lightning appeared in his hand, and then a thunderous sky descended!

This thunder slammed on Shen Wansan’s golden light curtain, and with a flash of silver light, this kind and that golden light curtain disappeared at the same time.

Next to Xiu Yan, one by one the substitutes drew out their weapons.

The headed Xiuyan and the others even took out their own regular weapons!

With a move of Shen Wansan’s hand, a golden abacus appeared in his hand. The old man’s expression was solemn: “Do you think this wall of sighs that can stop the Ten Thousand Spirits Army will not stop you substitutes?”

“Of course I can stop it.” Xiu Yan smiled: “But the premise is that you can activate the defense system! Xueyin!”

Xueyin’s body floated up and her voice was ethereal: “God said, use the ground as a prison and people as the yard, regardless of victory or defeat, everything can’t come out!”

With the fall of the word of God, a huge light curtain rose up on the city wall and enveloped everyone, just like an arena!

And Xiu Yan’s body floated up, and the sky was instantly covered by dark clouds!

Xiuyan smiled and looked at the group of substitutes below, as if joking: “Everyone, who else would like to try my electrotherapy! Do not accompany you for electrocution.”

ps: When I used the code word today, how do I think about the idiom I used…..

Foolish dreams…

Ah… I can no longer look directly at this idiom! ! ! Sure enough, someone’s book can’t be read, and I will tear up Cihai after reading it…

ps: Then…. I was pulled up by my parents early this morning and talked about buying a house and repaying the mortgage… The old man wandered around yesterday and brought back a bunch of real estate properties, and then began to calculate the down payment and monthly payment. How much or something. They also said that they would pay the down payment, so my monthly payment would be fine…I looked at it and said something…Wait, I have no money for the time being.

The second elder asked me strangely, where did your money go?

I started to count the money with them, but I couldn’t count the money.

What can I do I saved Ren Li, and these people have been deleted from their memories!

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