The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 999

Chapter 999 Wow

Chapter 999 Wow…A new breakthrough (two in one)

There was a short silence on the substitute’s side, and then, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami erupted from the substitute group!

This is a very morale-raising battle!

Nothing is more reassuring than a huge victory.

At this moment, many people have a thought that this group of undead creatures are nothing more than this.

The battleships in the sky began to buzz forward, and the battleships actually kept pressing their speed, because all major alliances knew that battleships were the last refuge for everyone to leave the Wall of Sighs, so they didn’t dare to get out of touch with the ground forces. Otherwise, at the speed of the battleship, he would have reached the gate of the Hades Palace!

The substitute troop began to dial again, and the unpleasant voice that pressed the ice **** fell into the substitute’s ears, but it was extremely pleasant!

Even more morale-boosting, the two people who killed ten miles of undead in an instant just returned to the large army unscathed!

In Deucalion, the sledgehammer was tense healers and nine substitutes.

The most injured of these people was a female surrogate.

The natural ability of this substitute is to share, which can help the designated target share a share of mental energy consumption.

And it can connect with others to share.

After Xiuyan learned about this, he raised the girl’s attributes.

Don’t look at Xueyin as if he is okay now, but the ten surrogates under the magical punishment ice burst just now were almost stripped to death by that huge mental power!

“Tsk tusk.” Zhao Mingzhi lay halfway in his chair, grinning and said: “Your alliance will steal the limelight.”

Xiuyan didn’t care about it. “Then you go next time?”

The expression on Zhao Mingzhi’s face was stiff, and then he smiled: “Just kidding, kidding.”

“There seems to be nothing moving in the Hall of the Hades.” Casio said, “There was a bunch of undead just now, now it’s gone?”

“I think it’s time to wait.” Xiu Yan responded.

“By the way, how is the situation in the Garden of Eden and in the south?” Xiuyan asked, “Xue’er, you are in charge of the broadcast in the south, right?”

“Same as expected.” Xue Er said with a smile: “The team that was still groping has speeded up, and the response is good.”

“Yuan Shanshan.” Xiu Yan asked: “Where in the Garden of Eden?”

“Not bad.” Yuan Shanshan replied, “I feel like watching a football game.”

“That’s fine.” A smile appeared on Xiu Yan’s face.

But will Hades let Xiuyan and the others go there? of course not!

Fifty miles away from the Palace of Hades, the army of undead reappeared!

This time the substitutes have already rushed up! This is a good thing.

However, bursts of roars and tremors of the earthquake also appeared!

I saw a big mountain suddenly appeared behind the palace of Hades!

But the Twelve League members know! That’s not a mountain! It’s a blockbuster…S-class creature!

“Roar!” The first to appear in the eyes of the surrogate was a group of s-class carrion dragons!

Yes it is! group!

That’s it! There are about ten, let alone! And behind them, there is a group of creatures named in the Garden of Eden!

“The big show is coming.” Xiu Yan squinted and said coldly, “Ships! Prepare to break through! Don’t be left by these beasts here!”


On the southern defense line, Shen Wansan couldn’t help but sighed as he watched the northern broadcast: “Pretty!”

“This guy.” Wang Mingyang thought thoughtfully from the side: “Isn’t it a pure s-zone agent anymore?”

“Don’t talk about zone s.” Eins shook his head: “Even if there are a few in our zone that can do this step?”

“Rules.” Daniel grinned: “Give us this thing and we can do this too.”

Shen Wansan’s eyes swept across the crowd, and he shook his head helplessly: “Okay, don’t discuss them anymore. Who can tell me what happened to the natural disasters now?”

“The news just arrived.” Dennis said, “It’s ready, now… just waiting for the guys behind to follow.”

“That’s fine.” Shen Wansan nodded. At this moment, this old man who had only wise and cunning eyes in his eyes had a little more vitality!

“Everyone!” Shen Wansan looked at the crowd and said slowly: “Decades of **** battle! Tens of thousands of lives! Countless hatred! Today, it’s time to find these guys in the underworld to settle it!”

There was a buzzing sound from the flying sword in Wang Mingyang’s hand, and the old man’s eyes flashed with determination: “It’s been a long time since I waited for this moment! I thought it would be impossible to wait until this moment until I die!”

A bunch of sr zone surrogates either look decisively in their eyes, or have sadness in their hearts, while others are full of worries. But no matter what kind, their hatred of Hades has deepened into their bones!

Former teammates, friends, fell one by one in the long battle for the city!

In the sr area, there is Pu-young Park, who is really unbearable and desperate to return to the underworld, but… as long as he survives that underworld catastrophe, that hatred exists in everyone’s blood. !

Therefore, there is no shortage of surrogates who are willing to bet their lives to avenge their former teammates and friends in the sr zone!

Xiu Yan had seen this point directly from Wang Mingyang’s hands!

So Xiuyan took advantage of this.

Shen Wansan’s group also noticed it, but…no one refused!

Even if there is only a slight chance of revenge against Pluto!

“A substitute is in place.” Eins said: “You can act!”

“Go!” With Shen Wansan’s order, countless gunfire roared out from around the Palace of Truth!

The surrogates in the sr area have already turned into afterimages and rushed towards the temple of truth in the plain by their own ability!

The Palace of Truth opened the shield and at the same time began a counterattack!

However, for this group of SR Zone agents who have been dealing with the Hades for a long time, the defensive power of the Temple of Truth is still a bit inadequate!

But at this moment, the whole ground began to vibrate!

I saw a bunch of undead monsters appearing from the ground and the sky!

“A group of three.” Shen Wansan said calmly: “If you can kill, you will kill, if you can’t kill, you will drag on! Leave a hundred people behind, and the s district representatives will immediately chase the big army after they follow!”

“Those people in area s don’t dare to deal with the s-level creatures inside!”

“Then hit the bloodline that can make them tempted!” Shen Wansan spoke extremely fast: “Attention, the second wave should come!”

Sure enough, with Shen Wansan’s voice, the gate of the Palace of Truth opened, and a team of knights had whizzed out from inside! There were also many substitutes who had previously submitted to the temple of truth!

“Undead creatures are handed over to us.” Dennis led a team of surrogates and broke away from the main force in an instant.

“Leave it to us by the substitute.” The voice of the Brotherhood over the natural disaster came from the communicator.

“We are responsible for intercepting the third wave of support.” said several representatives of the natural disaster camp.

Sure enough, behind the Temple of Truth, S-level creatures belonging to the undead army are roaring! And behind these undead creatures are the undead everywhere!

Shen Wansan grinned: “Reserve! Block the support of the Undead Army!”

The rumbling voice appeared!

That is a mechanical army made up of one after another!

In addition to these mechanical forces, there are also creatures like magic puppets!

In the southern part of the Palace of Truth, a familiar encounter with the surrogates of the sr zone has begun!

In front of the Palace of Truth, there is a siege battle most unfamiliar to the sr area representatives!

At this time, the surrogates in the sr area are roughly divided into four parts, one is the ambush soldiers who stay behind to intercept the Palace of Truth, one is responsible for handling troops in the Palace of Truth, and the other is responsible for the support behind the Palace of Truth!

And this last piece is like a sharp sword, bravely heading straight to the main entrance of the Palace of Truth!

It is Wang Mingyang who is headed!

At this time, the eyes of the old man were already full of blood!

The revenge goal that was once out of reach! Right now!


Even if he already knows that this Pluto may be only a ‘half’, but… at least this is the Pluto recognized by the Garden of Eden, isn’t it?

Killing the Hades and entering the Pantheon…the goal they once dreamed of was also the goal of despair later, and it was the goal of hope now!

As long as he destroys this place, he will be one step closer to his goal!

However, even if all the sr-zone agents are on their behalf, there are still a few they can stop!

The Temple of Truth is like a huge military camp, in which the undead is still being produced continuously!

At this time, everyone still ran into a nightmare knight of a hundred people!

I saw Wang Mingyang’s saber rushing out of his waist, and he himself jumped high, shouting angrily: “The sword is coming!”

His saber spent a circle in the air and stopped on top of his head, shaking violently at the same time!

Then, this sword is divided into two, and the two is transformed into four, and the constant value-added!

Wang Mingyang’s face flashed with hostility, and his mouth roared: “Broken!”

In the next moment, the sword that covered the sky whizzed down in the sky!

They began to fuse in the air and grew bigger, and finally a huge long sword slammed into the group of hundred nightmare knights head-on!

The clanging sound of metal collision sounded, and for an instant, this seemed to be a battlefield for tens of thousands of people!


A huge sword qi surged out from the transforming giant sword!

The sword became the original appearance again, but there were no more nightmare knights left!

“Happy!” Wang Mingyang waved his hand and held his saber, not only exclaimed: “Regular weapons are worthy of regular weapons! This feeling… is finally back!”

That’s right, regular weapons!

Not only him, one third of the SR zone representatives who participated in the battle this time were equipped with regular weapons!

These regular weapons come from all major alliances, some are copies, fakes and fakes, and some are exchanged for merit points from the Garden of Eden, while the ones in the hands of Wang Mingyang are those that Xiuyan instilled into the rules!

This is why they dare to go so far!

In the SR zone, their weapons have long been damaged or the rules have been exhausted during the years of battle, and they have lost a lot of life-saving items while fleeing.

Therefore, they dare not turn their faces with the major leagues in the s zone, at least the guards do not dare. Because they all know the horror of regular weapons!

But at this time, these things are back!

Especially the rules! This is their confidence!

“Don’t pose there!” Shen Wansan flashed from below, shouting in his mouth: “This is just the beginning!”

Shen Wansan offered his golden abacus in his hands. At this time, there were ninety-one golden beads floating around Shen Wansan, the golden beads flickered, and there was no undead within a hundred meters of him that could get close!

“City gate!” Shen Wansan raised his hand violently and shouted: “Come here.”

Then, a dozen substitutes have stood by Shen Wansan’s side!

At this time, the gate of the Temple of Truth was closed, and its shield had been shattered under the gunfire of the substitutes. It seemed that there was really no real ‘Pluto’ guarding this place!

Even according to Xiuyan, there is a high probability that there will be no Pluto here.

After all, this is the Hall of Truth, not the Hall of Hades, this is an outpost of Hades in Borderlands.

So according to the plan, the agents here will unplug this outpost as quickly as possible, and then advance toward the southern wall of sighs.

At this time, Shen Wansan stood still, his eyes began to change, and there were no longer whites and eyeballs in those eyes, but various data flashed!

This is a skill that needs to be read!

And as Shen Wansan read the article, the golden beads around him had whizzed out.

These golden beads were shot out in an extremely regular state, and then one by one was stuck on the gate of the city!

Shen Wansan’s eyes flashed, his fist squeezed fiercely: “Broken!”

The golden light on the city gate instantly flourished, and then a burst of Kakaka’s voice sounded!

This city gate that needs tens of thousands of damage to break is actually so broken at this time!

“Come in!” Shen Wansan sat cross-legged, his face turned pale at this time, and his forehead was full of sweat!

He had already inserted a lot of recovery props to restore his state, and he was drinking a bottle of potion at the same time.

“Weak clicks are broken, and the rules are blessed.” Wang Mingyang ran past Shen Wansan, laughing loudly in his mouth: “How do you feel?”

Being recovering, Shen Wansan smacked his lips, and then smiled on his old face: “Not bad.”

Behind them, with bursts of cheers, Shen Wansan knew that they had resolved it!

But think about it, this temple of truth is not a key protection object, they break through the temple of truth, and the army of the undead who is desperately blocked by the substitutes is the object of their headaches!

However, with the blessing of this victory, this group of people should be more motivated, right?

Just when Shen Wansan thought this way, a huge burst of sound suddenly erupted in the Palace of Truth!

In the next moment, the surrogates who rushed into the Temple of Truth were planted out one by one like a kite with a broken line!

Several surrogates who were relatively weak in the SR zone even killed themselves directly!


Wang Mingyang fell beside Shen Wansan. The old man adjusted his posture when he landed, but even so, he was already kneeling on one knee at this time, vomiting a mouthful of blood!

“What’s the matter?” Some thoughts that Shen Wansan just mentioned sank instantly.

“Ming… Pluto!” Wang Mingyang endured the pain and stood up! One by one healing skills have fallen on him!

And the roof of the Palace of Truth has been opened, and a figure in a black robe is floating there!

He was filled with black air and snorted softly in his mouth.

The moment this sound appeared, it was like a hurricane blowing on the ground!

Many substitutes were directly blown out backwards!

“Pluto Bedvia!” A surrogate in the SR zone could not help but exclaimed: “You didn’t leave!”

But the people in the sky didn’t care about this substitute!

“You know?” The black-robed man in the sky did not fluctuate in his voice: “When you have great hopes, it is also the easiest time to despair!”

“Remember my name!” The black-robed man seemed to be reading the imperial decree: “I am one of the twelve Hades in the Hades! The path of the living beings in the palm, Hades-Ezgerald!”

ps: I used to make a joke that this book will have a thousand chapters… I didn’t expect that it will be completed soon…. In fact, I was on the way to order the data to look good, a variety of two in one three When one and four are in one… I am out of reach based on this thousand chapters. But now it seems… it seems to be okay.

Yesterday, when I went back to the old book to check the information, I looked at it by the way and found that many plots with hundreds of thousands of words actually progressed here? Is it almost over in just a few chapters? When I was reading this book, I was still lying on my stomach in R area when I was reading 400 chapters.

How to put it…. I feel the benefits of having a fixed framework. Although it is easy to be restricted, it will not enter the stage of ‘collapse’. Because of this collapse, “Faye” had to finish the book.

How should I put it, nine hundred and ninety-nine, I have a lot of feelings…There are still a lot of words to be thrown into the final speech after the end.

Thank you for staying with us to this day!

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