The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 423

Chapter 423 owe

Re-enacting the hexagonal attic, the palace lights shine. Through the candlelight, you can barely see the Mozhulin under the night of the second floor. Shadows and shadows, when the mother-in-law swayed, there were leaves and rustling coming from the wind.

The emperor leaned on the railing and looked at the woman standing opposite the arm. The phoenix eyes were deep and deep.

At that time, the little girl who was wearing the total angle was now a slim and gentle woman. The color is not very outstanding. It wins with two bright and bright eyes, and instantly lights the whole person two points. The head is a pick among the women, and the body is also very good. At this time, Ying Yingying looked at him and smiled. There was a deep and round dimple on the side of the mouth. It was exquisite and beautiful.

The woman hits the lord’s robes, and the meticulously fallen horses are covered with a half-opened crape myrtle. The elegant fragrance was scattered, and Zong Zhenglin did not feel sinking.

“The system is still a horseshoe scent. When you are young, the only incense you think is acceptable. Now that you smell this fragrance, you may feel that you are standing in front of you and slowly overlap with the naughty girls in your memory. Very strange?”

The fingertips licked the rose that was picked up by the hand, and Capricorn played with the branches, and the eyes were full of hope.

The voice of the woman is soft and soft, especially in the night.

“Specially waiting for the road to be invited to this, but the central government is begging to leave your Beijing to promise you?” Zong Zhenglin lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on the fingers, the twilight flashed.

“Do you remember? Weiyang thought that the emperor should have forgotten it.” The fingers were slightly forced, and the rose flower branches were broken twice. The woman smiled lightly and slowly lowered her head.

“Yuanyang was young at the time, but I still remember that you were slightly frowning, and you were entangled in your hands. You are already looking solemn, and you are young and young.”

In the most cheerful day of the memory, the heart of the Weiyang County was a moment of sorrow, and the eyes were clearly with nostalgia.

“You said that if you are not obedient, you will definitely come to Yangzhou to pick up Weiyang and return to Beijing.”

“When Weiyang was only looking forward to being with the Six Emperors, he would marry you after he grew up. You have not refused.”

Zong Zhenglin’s eyes are soaked in ink, and the half-closed phoenix seems to have a dark tide. The sight fell on her cheeks and did not take her words, but it was another question.

“How will the wrists be raised in these years?”

The woman’s heart was hot, slowly rolled up the cuffs, a scar on the right hand, and a similar disc in the wrist. Lined with snowy and smooth skin around, it looks more ugly and unsightly.

“The color is a lot lighter. But the bones and bones are frustrated, and it can’t be used. It is only a few lines of words that can be written, even the simplest Lishu has not been able to practice the style. No matter what you admire the wild grass book.”

Zong Zhenglin heard the brow wrinkled. “The jade muscle cream sent every year must not be used?” The root bone injury can not be cured, and the scar should not remain until now.

The face was a little red, and the sleeves were put down to cover the wrists. The woman deflected and turned like a whisper. “Leave a scar for you, Weiyang never complained. This is the case. If you have not asked for a long princess, you are afraid that you will not remember this person.” In the same year, he was a knife, so heavy, Still can’t wait until he is right. I am not disappointed in my heart.

Although Wangjing is deserted, it is very good in Yangzhou. Every month, there are also large ladies and ladies who come to the mountain to pray. For more than ten years, she has been able to spoke into a few words.

They all said that he had to be married to the emperor, and to marry the grandson of the 100-year-old family in the glory of the family, and the red makeup of the ten-year-old, how many virgins.

They all said that he loved the side of the house and actually won far more than the emperor.

They all said that he had two knees under his knees, all of which were made by Mu, and his Highness was especially fond of Xiao Gongzi.

They all said that he had to go to the storage position in one place. Wise and martial, to be honored by the courtiers.

They all said that he had to be orthodox, and the second month of the throne would be the title of the Queen of the Palace of Helen, and the head of the four princes of the princes of the princes.


Too much is heard, she was taken care of the door.

From the girl who harbors her dreams, she fell down disappointment step by step, and finally she was disheartened by the woman who was no longer a Chinese.

“The emperor, Weiyang has never repented. But Weiyang has complained, complaining that you have forgotten the vows of the past, and complained that you will leave behind.” The woman’s back is thin and thin, her shoulders are thin, and she seems to be unbearable. sad.

The man behind him didn’t say a word for a long time, and the movement of the swaying finger was quicker.

The two separated by a few steps, and the figure on the ground overlapped. The woman looked at the seemingly intimate silhouette, and the left hand was placed on the right wrist, and her heart was sore and uncomfortable.

“It is up to you.” The man’s light response fell in his heart, only to call her as a heavy blow, hands clasped.

he’s changed.

How can people who are so arrogant and disappointing to lose, so easily admit that they are against her! The scorpion is hard to say, after all, she is too early to leave, missing more than ten years, how can I blame him for being the original appearance.

Converging under the pain in my heart, the eyelids are slightly reddish, and then turning around is already shallow and smiling.

“Weiyang had to think about it, how valuable is your status, but it is not possible for you to get it. When you are a child, the emperor only knows how to be jealous when he is young and ignorant.” She is a lonely woman, even the most pampered. Her ancestors also left, and in this world, except for him, she was afraid that no one would call her to remember.

“The old ancestors had many photos in the past. At this moment, people are no longer there. They also asked the emperor to make a reservation. Is a filial piety good?”

When she was like a child, she pulled the sleeves, and Zong Zhenglin’s eyebrows were slight, and she was able to break away from the women’s entanglement.

“When the emperor frowns impatiently, the left eyebrows are slightly higher.” This familiarity with the expression of resentment, she told her a little release.

After more than ten years of being missed, at the very beginning, she was still with her, and he only had close friends.

Different from the tension when coming, when going back to the road, the woman’s footsteps are clear and brisk.

“Well, the big man is abandoning the Weiyang, and is not willing to **** the Weiyang back to the palace?”

The defending champion twisted his neck and twisted his neck. When he saw the emperor, he gave him a wink, and his heart was cold. A side of Tian Fushan shrinks his head, hate can not hide behind the rockery, this errand, clearly is to sin the noble master. Give him a courage, in addition to dodge, he can only secretly squat for the guard.

Later, I went back to the Xiu Xiu Palace later than usual. Tian Fushan knocked on the door that had been locked before the familiar road, and I had already suffered from ignorance of the great master.

Jian An’s face was calm, as if he had been rejected, it was not his face. Stepping into the threshold, leaving only Tian Fushan looking at the long lived back can not shake his head.

The palace gate of the Xiu Xiu Palace is Daokaner, and there are two sets of rules outside the palace. The outside is very heavy, and it is not tolerated. Here is the child… Tian Fushan did not have the courage to find out. The noble master made the means, and he was more determined than the emperor.

Going to the clean room to clean the clothes, bypassing the Jinping, I saw a candlestick warm and occasionally, and occasionally the lights burst. The little man on the couch will wrap it up like a child, and his hair is not exposed.

The emperor faded out of his robe, only licking his pants, gently slamming the horns and lying on the outside. Will Mu Xiyao soft and small body into the arms, play behind and look at the little goblin ears crystal pink, Zong Zhenglin stared at a moment, propped up and got together.

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