The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Name

Everyone screamed and greeted the holy car. Yuan Chengdi’s mood was very good, and he sat in the main hall.

Looking at Zong Zhenglin’s dress, it’s very decent. Look at the one in his arms. Hey, it’s really bright, and it’s very gratifying. I’m busy calling Zong Zhenglin to look at it.

Shu Shu deliberately asked for grace today, and also went to his son’s office to see his grandson. I didn’t think about seeing a cute little fat man, and I immediately got together and looked at it intently.

It seems that this is not only good, but also better. Immediately praised Mu Xiyao, and smiled and Ying Yuan and Yuan Chengdi teased twice.

Yuan Chengdi looked at the children’s eyebrows like the extremely ruling Zhenglin, and looked at the ingenuity of the body, and then licked his stereotyped face of the six emperors, laughing loudly, and the road was born well.

Looking at the look of Zong Zhenglin’s sorrow, he found that the little fat man in his arms twisted twice and blinked slightly.

Black grape-like eyes, but also grinned at him with a smile, then spit a bubble and played with himself.

Shu Shu immediately rejoiced to pick up the past, took the armor, fingers touched the chubby pierced cheeks, and put it down.

The following lady should not look at it with a sigh of relief. The voice praised the child as a human being, and wished to go up and hold a hug. I also heard that the special eye-catching children’s clothes are the new style of Jiayifang, and my heart is ready to move.

Yuan Chengdi looked more and more and felt that the little things were pleasing, and he remembered the smile just now, where is the unbelievable son.

I feel that I am still a close friend of this grandson, and my heart has crossed out the names I thought earlier, and I feel that I am not satisfied with it now. When I looked at Shu Shu and teased the child, I silently passed it a few times and finally chose a satisfactory one.

Yuan Chengdi called Zong Zhenglin to go forward, and the emperor was full of power.

“No morality is not expensive, and the virtues of the eternal life are also given. Names, Zongzheng De. Er, etc. must be well educated, so that it is comparable to the word, and can not afford to look forward to.”

Everyone was shocked. Is this a name given to the public? This child has just been full three, even for a hundred days, how did he suddenly get the eyes of Yuan Chengdi? This is just a scorpion, but it can be named after ‘de’. Is there any deep meaning in this?

The prince and the big prince were shocked. A scorpion in the district has actually enjoyed such a goodness, even if it is the nephew in their house. The old man is becoming more and more unspeakable. Where can the children be particularly unsuccessful? Or is this a sign that the sixth is about to be reused?

The great emperor is alert. Some time ago, Zong Zhenglin had already intervened in the Ministry of War, and now he is in charge of the Gyeonggi patrol. This political lining is a plain and clear ****. If he is reused, he will be overwhelmed. I have to think of a way to give him some scorpions, or a sixth-ranked prince can rush to climb up, it seems that he is too big to be a big brother.

Not only did the Prince not rejoice, but hated it. This old six times has won the appreciation of the old man, and the limelight is exhausted. At first glance, it is a restlessness. There is a place with him on the face, and I don’t know how to secretly plot in the back. I wondered how to suppress him, lest I lose my sense of proportion and forget the distinction of honor and humility since ancient times.

Zong Zhengyun looked at his brother and got another benefit. His brow was slightly wrinkled. He only thought that Zong Zhenglin had been too sharp in the past, fearing that it would lead to trouble.

Zong Zhengming is a sneer of his heart. The Prince is more and more eager to see the sixth child. The great emperor is more tolerant of him. It is really good.

Where the hearts of the people have won the eyes of Yuan Chengdi. Only the tea pot was served, and the tea was slightly sipped. This time gave the name of the eldest son of Zong Zhenglin. One is joy and the other is temptation.

These adult sons are big and their minds are complicated.

Under the squad, the ministers gathered in the group, and they looked at them privately, and they were dissatisfied with Yuan Chengdi.

The Prince is even more disappointing, and there is no growing amount of money. So there is no chest, how can I rule the country in the future.

Everyone looked at the scene and looked at it. Yuan Chengdi waited until the little fat man washed the three rites, and then took Shu Shu to drive back to the palace.

Zong Zhenglin was in front of the brothers and courtiers, and Mu Xiyao chatted with the princes in the backyard.

Especially the four emperors, this is the family of the brothers, and Mu Xiyao often meets in the Shu, very close to a few points.

At this time, if you grab a small buns, you will not let go, and it will be very rare. Thinking of my emptiness under the knees, there is no one and a half women, very envious of Mu Xiyao’s good fortune.

The great emperor is a sharp person. He has been used to it for a lifetime. Seeing that Mu Xiyao is a favorite, he also has a son. However, one side is embarrassed, so what is better than her.

The face is full of smiles, but the tone is harsh.

“The side squat now has a son, and the emperor gave him a name. Just don’t know if the six younger brothers get started, will they feel that they have been robbed and they are not feeling well.” After reading the profound insight, they looked at Mu Xiyao. .

I have never seen such a stupid thing, the emperor will dare to let go, no wonder the big prince is not waiting to see. Mu Xiyao smiled at the bottom of his heart, but he was on the surface.

“Can be referred to as the six halls of the imperial concubine, I think the attitude is very good.” The meaning of the words, this point is not, the white accounted for the head of the room.

The rest of the people saw the two men confront each other, did not intervene, only self-conceived tea to tease children.

Although this side is weak and young, it is not easy to handle, and it is reasonable to talk and act everywhere. Even if you return a word, it is implied that it is not easy to provoke.

It is no wonder that she can monopolize her grace in the government and have another child.

The four emperors saw that Daxie was ugly, and she knew that she would be provocative. Mu Xiyao might have to give her a sigh of relief, and quickly smashed the topic, which eased a few minutes.

In the afternoon, everyone said goodbye, Mu Xiyao made a good send out, only to stop, hugged a small steamed buns.

Zong Zhengde? ? Still called export. But which one of these weekdays will be called like this one-on-one? And the word German is not suitable for nicknames.

Going back has to let Zong Zhenglin think about a word, or Mu Xiyao would recommend one, so the little buns are better.

In the evening, Zong Zhenglin returned to the house. When he heard the words of Mu Xiyao, he immediately became interested. I didn’t wash it, coveted for a moment, wrote and painted on the table, and finally chose the word “Chengqing”.

Mu Xiyao chanted several times and felt that she could not find a problem. She had to give up her intention to ask for help and nodded.

Zong Zhenglin took the table for his son, a little comfort, holding Mu Xiyao and the little guy, the family of three is very warm.

“Today’s Grand Emperor is looking for you?” Zong Zhenglin did not conceal his own position in Dan Ruoyuan and got the news.

Mu Xiyao was too lazy to ask who his informant was. A small mouth, a very disdainful scream, indicating that her adults do not have a general knowledge of the woman.

Seeing the high-profile gesture of the little woman, she knew that she had not put the provocative rhetoric into her heart.

Zong Zhenglin repeatedly overcame her to the top, but her heart was pondering the future. She was afraid that she would have to worry about her mother and pick a very virtuous one. Otherwise, the backyard could not be dismantled by a small woman.

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