The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Entering Tokyo

Zong Zhenglin rushed back to Shengjing and finally sighed. He consciously left the Qingzhou, so that he would be able to resume his actions and be calm and self-sustaining. And I will not be uncomfortable because of that. Those strange emotions will not disturb him.

As the facts he thought, in the next few days, Zong Zhenglin really calmed down his mind and did nothing. So the six emperors Zong Zhenglin became stricter than the self-discipline, and thought that it was their own unreasonable mind that led to the absurdity and shaken the state of mind. Therefore, when Zong Zhenglin was free on weekdays, he had a little more preference for paintings and paintings that helped to cultivate self-cultivation.

The mood of Shu Shu Niang is completely different from that of the Sixth Highness. Compared with Zong Zhenglin’s calm and comfortable, Shu Shu is extremely anxious. After the younger son returned to Beijing, listening to Tian Fushan back, the temper seems to be a little thin, how can this be good? So Shu Shu was full of strength, blowing the pillow in the ear of Yuan Chengdi.

This time, Shu Shu was soft-spoken, and Yuan Chengdi was placed on his heart. When people secretly inspected the situation of the imperial courts of the emperors, they found that there was a problem, and they stopped Zong Zhenglin alone!

The Emperor of the Great Emperor Zongzheng was left out in the cold, and he loved a small business, and the pepper house had been favored for three months. Prince is even more idiot! Actually raise a small cockroach! The four emperors and their husbands get along with each other, but they are so thin that they have only one son and one daughter. The five emperors Zong Zhengming had two sons and one daughter under the knees, but they also spoiled the backyard. They even indulged in the district and pressed them into the two sides of the royal ancestral hall. What is the matter! Because the six emperors are not yet married, there is no one in the back house who does not understand the rules. On the contrary, the inner house was too cold and almost became a temple!

Yuan Chengdi was busy with political affairs throughout the day. When he was free, he was accompanied by a beautiful woman. He rarely asked the emperor’s house. Now, when I look at it, I am throwing tea at the moment. In the Imperial Study Room, you can walk half a mile and directly convey a sacred purpose to convey the states.

On the next day, they announced that everyone had entered the study room, and they reprimanded them. They strictly controlled their own homes and taught them to raise their children. The attitude is extremely tough. In particular, he left the Prince and made a big anger.

As a result, Zong Zhenglin’s return to the emperor’s face will naturally not look good.

Forced by Yuan Chengdi’s will, Zong Zhenglin first called Kong’s Wu’s speech. When the two of them came to the scene, they only watched the two silently for a moment, and said: “Since today, keep the duty, be careful and do not provoke right and wrong.”

Kong’s and Wu’s inexplicable were instructed by His Highness, and they carefully thought about the meaning of the words. They simply could not understand.

Tian Fushan listened to his instructions to the two women at the side, and was dumbfounded.

Zong Zhenglin won the Yuan Dynasty emperor’s order, never thought much, and automatically put the center of gravity on the back of the house, then what should pay attention to the child, good health, just listen.

Yuan Chengdi listened to the reprimanding of the guardian after the return of the six emperors, and it was extremely helpless.

This son is really too disciplined. This is contrary to his original intention. Is it necessary to declare him to come in and point to his nose, “You Laozi is letting you go to sleep?” Yuan Chengdi still can’t pull this face!

Fortunately, the will of the draft girl has been released to the states. The election is coming soon. When the time comes, the six emperors will be selected for a variety of appearances. Also blame Shu Shu to see people walking, picking two sons and melons, and disgusting to the two aunts.

On the next day, Zong Zhenglin’s scandal in the draft was ahead of his will. When I asked Shu, I would like to hear that Yuan Chengdi would give her a few virtues and a good-looking woman into the back house, and her heart would be a little more impatient.

It is a pity that the Emperor’s life cannot be violated. Shu Shu is more eager to look forward to it. Zong Zhenglin only had to accept a few more mouths, and the house was idle. After all, he did not want to slap the will of Shu Shu for these “small things”.

In March and March of the eleventh year, Mu Xiyao worshipped the adults and Yu, and said goodbye to Mu Xicheng. He led the sister Mu Xiting and took the carriage to Shengjing.

The road went up for more than a month and arrived at Shengjing. He ordered Zhao Qing to drive directly to the outside home of Mu Xiyao, and also explained that Lan Lan Molan was ready to give everyone a courtesy.

Mu Xiyao’s ancestors, did not pay the official officials to worship the three products Taichang Temple. The grandmother passed away in her early years. Both of them are also employed in Shengjing. The grandfather is the four-in-one Dali Temple Shaoqing, and the second grandfather is the Zhengwupin Administrative Division. The two cousins ​​are still studying abroad, preparing for the spring next year. There is only one cousin left without a cabinet, only eight months older than Mu Xiyao. It is also the same showgirl, and will join the palace in the election.

Mu Xiyao and Mu Xiting met with the ancestors and ordered Molan to give a ceremony and send the Qingzhou specialty prepared by Yu. The family was happy, and used the gas to eat, just a little rest, and after a while, they each returned to their place of residence. Only half a month before the primary election, the two sisters of Mujia lived in the same courtyard, avoiding many toss. Next door is the independent court of Mu Xiyao’s cousin.

In the next few days, the three sisters of Mu Xiyao were familiar with each other and often talked to eat tea together.

After a few days, an unexpected letter made Mu Xiyao very happy. It turned out that the fifth Yuying heard that she came to Shengjing, and invited him to the flower viewing party the next day. This flower viewing will be famous, and now it is spring and early summer, it is a good time to enjoy the flowers. Xi Yao immediately accepted. It is known that the Fifth Sui Dynasty has become the curtain of the Six Emperors Zong Zhenglin. Mu Xiyao is in a good mood and feels that he is not thinking about himself.

On the same day, the fifth Yuying took the prostitute, and she had already arrived at the agreed pavilion. When Mu Xiyao’s soft car arrived, she saw her stretching her neck over there and smiled slightly. He also ordered Zhao Qing to lead a team of guards and waited at the teahouse.

For everyone to do a referral, Mu Xiyao laughed and joked the fifth Yuying more and more Peugeot. The four people talked and laughed, so it was a lot of fun. The garden is full of flowers, and there are many rare and famous flowers. The vivid and vivid flowers of all kinds are very gratifying. At this time, just in time to catch up with the show girl into Beijing, I met several young women along the way, all in twos and threes, whispering. Just the sentence, people are more beautiful.

Waiting for fun, and saying goodbye to the fifth Yuying, Mu Xiyao proposed to drop the way to the incense hall to buy incense. So the three sisters took the sedan.

For the incense, Mu Xiyao has no preference. I bought the “Ting Yu”, which is only for the outside, it can cover the body fragrance that Baidan medicine gives. After all, for men, there are some wonderful things that can only be enjoyed privately in the room. To share with others, it is difficult to promise. Therefore, in these details, Mu Xiyao has always been careful, I have long thought of coping with the method.

When it was about a musk, it was at the door of the incense hall. Mu Xiyao took a small Jiao, and when he looked up, he saw that the Shengjing Tuning Museum was a four-connected facade, which was more impressive than the Qingzhou branch. The people in the museum come and go, all young women are in the shuttle, so lively. The door is also welcoming, and the business is booming. The store also deliberately has a spacious shack seat behind the store for the female guest to bring a guard to rest or suspend the frame of the soft sedan, very thoughtful.

The ladies entered the house by themselves and picked up the incense. They were sent out by the store. They only came over with the soft car and took the person back home.

Suddenly there was a humming horse and a crowd crying from the street. Mu Xiyao felt more acute than ordinary people, immediately turned back, saw a crazy horse, suddenly rushed out from the corner of the street, directed at the female outside the door of the incense hall, galloping.

Mu Xiting and her niece stood at the forefront and bear the brunt.

“Xi Ting!” Mu Xiyao exclaimed.

Mu Xiting was already stunned and scared her legs and feet. Beside him, his face was pale and he did not respond at all. Mu Xiyao refused to take care of the other, running two steps, one by one, pulling and fleeing to the museum. While running, I greeted the surrounding women and sneaked into the door to escape.

Only when they stepped into the store, Mu Xiting fell down on the ground, gasping for a big breath, and was scared to get up. At this time, the exclamation of the cousin of Mu Xiyao was heard outside. It turned out to be a frightened crowd on the street, running away, without rules, and actually stepped on. Xi Yao’s cousin was pushed to the ground and the body was still pressed. Seeing that I can’t climb.

Mu Xiyao saw the crazy horse getting closer and closer, letting go of the servant of Mu Xiting and rushing out of the store again, but was blocked by the flow of people who were flustered, and it was delayed. Only had time to push away the niece who pressed the cousin, but I saw that the horse was closer, and it was too late to escape safely. Being anxious, I saw Zhao Qing circling the crowd from the backyard, rushing into the street and rushing to himself.

Mu Xiyao reluctantly helped the cousin, and turned back and screamed: “Zhao Qing, come forward!”

Zhao Qing got the order, pulled out the Sabre directly, and rushed out, facing the horse in the Mercedes-Benz is a full force. Another arrow shot from behind, in the middle of the horse. The horror of the horse fell. Splashing blood, shocking, infested Mu Xiyao’s skirt.

Mu Xiyao saw the danger in the past, but had not had time to relax, but found that the cousin was scared to faint. Hurry and help her, leaning her back on herself.

At this time, Molan Lanlan, who was dispelled, cried and found it. He only screamed: “Miss, how can you open us and rush out to save people!” But it was so shocking that even the esteem was ignored.

Mu Xiyao calmed the anxiety of the two orchids, so that the two quickly rushed to the cousin into the sedan. Looking back at Mu Xiting and his party, it was a good gentle comfort, and they would be willing to go out.

The streets outside have gradually calmed down. Only the crazy horse fell to the ground, **** and strong, no one dared to approach.

When Mu Xiyao was in a hurry, he took the man and left. Only confess to Zhao Qing, be sure to find the owner of the arrow, thank you. I hope that the person can understand each other, and see that she is a woman in her line, and suddenly it happens that it is better to be rude. He also said that he would definitely thank the door in the future.

This took people to hurry to the house.

After returning to the government, I was busy all the time. When I was finished, I went to bed at the end of the day. Mu Xiyao was so tired that he slept directly to death.

However, he said that the owner of the arrow branch, the five emperors Zong Zhengming, reviewed the crazy horse incident in the evening, and went to the household to deal with the aftermath. When I returned to the emperor’s house at night, I finally got free and remembered the woman. It was really real.

Look at her age dress, afraid of this show. It is far from today, and I can’t see it really. I don’t know how such a courageous woman will look like it. I also think that the woman is not saying that she wants to go to the door and thank him. Isn’t it right? This is in line with Zong Zhengming’s mind. Just don’t know, how long is this “in the future”?

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