The Best Actor Insists On Living With Me!

Chapter 270 - 270: Married Life (2)

Chapter 270: Chapter 270: Married Life (2)
Bo Yan actually hadn’t slept well all night.

From childhood to adulthood, his grades in every subject had been exemplary, the only thing he hadn’t mastered was: how to coax a girl.

With other girls, it might not matter, but when he was with Xia Siyu, she always had a lot of ideas. He hardly needed to make any decisions at all. He could just listen to her suggestions and follow along, doing this or that. He himself was a little bit emotionally delayed. Having lost his parents early on, he had quickly learned to observe and analyze others. Excluding his parents, his grandparents gave him limited affection, and his uncle’s family was only superficially concerned with him. A child living in someone else’s home always tends to be more suspicious, and he was no exception. He got used to staying on the sidelines at first, watching for a while until things almost reached a predetermined trajectory, before stepping in to take control of the whole situation.

But what he hadn’t anticipated was that just as he had started to invest his full emotions, Xia Siyu broke up with him.

Without Xia Siyu, he guessed he probably would have married some well-bred lady and continued his academic pursuits at the university. Maybe even becoming some famous scholar or another a hundred years later. In short, he would have continued moving forward on the trajectory set by his grandparents.

Xia Siyu was like a gust of wind, a tornado. She burst into his world abruptly, turned it upside down without so much as asking for permission, leaving chaos in the wake of the storm, even altering his state of mind.

It was the same now. Xia Siyu was as direct as she had always been. When talking to her, one had to be direct; she could never pick up on any hints. But being too direct, as he had been the night before, could lead to social suicide, killing the conversation in one fell swoop.

But Bo Yan and Xia Siyu were different. When Xia Siyu got anxious, just like last night, she would hang in limbo, wanting to ask more but fearing that asking would just make her angrier. Yet, by holding it in, she indeed became even more upset. When Bo Yan encountered a problem, he would first stabilize his emotions, then think carefully about how to resolve it. Moreover, to maintain his composure, he might behave even more properly than usual. During this process, he might not show any emotional fluctuation and could seem utterly unaffected.

Anyway, when Xia Siyu, with her disheveled hair, came out, what she saw was Bo Yan, neatly dressed, even with his shirt buttons done up perfectly. His hair was combed without a strand out of place.

The living room was filled with the aroma of food; Bo Yan had already prepared breakfast and brewed coffee, eating elegantly with knife and fork. He just glanced over faintly when he saw her come out, and then uninterestedly looked down again.

And then there was herself, in wrinkled pajamas, disordered hair, and because she was angry, she didn’t even remember to remove her makeup last night, only doing it first thing this morning.

Since he wasn’t interested in her anyway, she saw no need to get herself too spruced up just to deal with him. After a simple wash-up, she headed straight for the dining table. Not handling her cutlery with elegance like Bo Yan, she ate the sandwich with her hands. Who needed a knife and fork for a sandwich anyway?

Bo Yan frowned slightly at the sight of her eating, but he said nothing. After finishing his meal, he didn’t leave but just sat there beside her.

As soon as Xia Siyu finished her last little piece and had just taken a sip of her coffee, Bo Yan spoke up, “I may not have expressed myself very clearly last night. Let me say it again. Now that we are husband and wife, I want us to live a normal married life.”

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