The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 20

Chapter 20-Screwing Up the Character Zhen Nuan

Ding Sisi was always a little self-important, so she did not take the scene seriously. While shooting for the first time, the Director called a “cut” directly because of her empty eyes.

Director Zhao reminded her in a low voice, “Ding Sisi, why are your eyes empty? You’re not playing a dying man. You should be surprised and maladaptive to the sudden change. You should be a little flurried, panicky, and confused. After leaving Mu Lengyu, you must have so many mixed emotions. Think about it and let’s do it again.”

Then, they began to do it again. Ding Sisi shed tears sadly and her performance was emotional. But the Director called a “cut” once again.

Director Zhao reminded her again, “Ding Sisi, you have just known Mu Lengyu, so your relationship is vague. You should not cry so badly.”

She performed for the third time. Ding Sisi opened her eyes in a panic. The Director called a “cut” once again.

Director Zhao was a little angry as he said, “Ding Sisi, can you understand what I’m saying? You come back home in the modern era through time-travel rather than get lost. Why are you so panic?”

They filmed this for 42 times successively, which broke Ding Sisi’s NG record since debut.

Zhao Yi was a nice person at ordinary times, but he became serious when he was at work and was extremely strict with the details. However, Ding Sisi’s absent-mindedness irritated Zhao Yi. He began to swear, “Ding Sisi, what’s wrong with you? I’ve called NG for so many times! I’ve never seen such a stupid actor like you. You haven’t grasped the main points after multiple performances. Are you stupid or absent-minded? A pig might succeed after the multiple practices. For such a simple shot, I’ve called NG 42 times. How did you do it? I wonder how did you get the rewards. If you are not able to perform, please go away as soon as possible. Don’t waste everybody’s time…”

It was the first time that Ding Sisi worked with Zhao Yi, so she did not know his working attitude. Yesterday, she had put on makeup multiple times. Today, she failed in filming repeatedly. She thought Zhao Yi deliberately put obstacles in her way. Even though she was unsatisfied, she dared not to break out. Actually, she had earlier been driven beyond endurance. Originally, she was not attentive. Now she was too emotional to get into a groove. Thus, she disappointed Zhao Yi again and again. Zhao Yi became impatient and rebuked her repeatedly. Under the circumstances, the more blame she received, the more stressed she felt. In the end, Zhao Yi was enraged and stopped filming.

Zhao Yi reproached, “Stop! I can’t shoot the play!”

On the second day, the filming was stopped without success. Everybody went back to have a rest.

On the third day, they continued shooting the second day’s play. Zhao Yi thought Ding Sisi would be well prepared after having a rest for a day. Unexpectedly, she vented her resentment secretly because she felt unhappy after being scolded yesterday. Today, she was unhurried and became more emboldened. Moreover, she went against Zhao Yi deliberately. Seeing Zhao Yi foam with rage, she felt very pleasant.

Actually, she was asking for trouble. How could an actor challenge the Director’s patience? With her strong background, she did not fear anything. Besides, she got the news that among those who auditioned for the role, none was more suitable than her. Thus, she was more unscrupulous based on her unique advantage.

Originally, Zhao Yi disliked her. In addition, she looked for trouble. Zhao Yi was so furious that he did not want to let her run riot. In a rage, he stopped her acting part and drove her away.

In order to restrain her arrogance, Zhao Yi determined to shoot the others’ play first. Thus, he ignored her for a week.

As a week went by, Ding Sisi felt a little restless because she had not received a call from the film crew. This day, she came to the shooting site.

The shooting content was: Zhen Ai went back to the modern era for the first time. As she suddenly disappeared from the ancient era, Mu Lengyu was driven to distraction. Despite his injury was not cured, he led a befuddled and self-abandoned life every day. He locked himself in his room and longed for Zhen Ai into a disease.

Gong Yu sat in repose with his eyes closed and the workers were busy in preparation. Ding Sisi came as she twisted her slender waist. Her eyes lit up when she saw Gong Yu sitting nearby. She came and sat next to Gong Yu, saying in a sweet girlish voice, “Gong Yu, you’re filming today?”

Ding Sisi disdained him when she heard Gong Yu was the male protagonist because she thought this man ranked as same as her. However, she changed her attitude from the first time they met. She could hardly contain her affection for him because she never saw such a handsome man.

Gong Yu paid no attention to her and still closed his eyes. In these days, all the crew knew that Gong Yu was indifferent. Ding Sisi ignored that and continued, “Gong Yu, how is your shooting going these days?”

Gong Yu remained silent. Ding Sisi got angry as she said, “Hey, Gong Yu, you ain’t no big deal. How can you put on airs? I’m flattering you when I talk to you. As a little celebrity, you’re unworthy to seek connections with me. How can you put on a stern face every day? Actually, I’m the facade of this play. Do you think that you’re extraordinary as you act the male protagonist? Be a little cleverer. Perhaps I can help you hype with my reputation, otherwise, …”

As she chattered without stop, Gong Yu was perturbed. He opened his eyes and gazed at her coldly. She was so scared that she was going to pee and could not talk anymore, as if there was a fishbone getting stuck in the throat.

Exuding a chill, Gong Yu stood up and said sharply, “You? Screw up the Character Zhen Ai!”

He said and moved toward the Director. Before Ding Sisi realized it, he had gone far. She got furious and kicked the table. The glasses fell to pieces on the floor.

Ding Sisi cursed behind him, “Gong Yu, wait and see. I’ll show you. Wait and see how I’ll punish you…”

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