The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Gong Yu, Please Help Me

Gong Yu got up quickly and took big strides towards the door. When he opened it, two slightly swollen eyes met his. Anxiously, Yun Muxi was standing in front of him. When she saw Gong Yu, her eyes immediately lit up, as she saw hope. She asked earnestly, “Gong Yu, please help me!”

Gong Yu was startled. He quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”

Yun Muxi was at a lost. With her big eyes, she stared at Gong Yu piteously as tears rolling down. “Niannian has a fever all of a sudden, it’s as high as 40 degrees now. I waited for half an hour downstairs and did not see any taxi. I tried to call Xuanxuan but I could not reach her, and Yichen went abroad on business. I really have no choice. Don’t you have a car? Can you please drive us to the hospital?”

After listening to Yun Muxi’s plead, Gong Yu turned around, putting on the coat that he grabbed off the clothes stand. He then swiftly picked up his car key and wallet and closed the door.

He guided Yun Muxi towards the lift. After entering it, he spoke gently, “Don’t be nervous, I’ll bring you guys to the hospital now!” After speaking, he carried Niannian from Yun Muxi’s arms into his. With one hand carrying Niannian, he comforted Yun Muxi with the other hand by patting her small shoulder.

By now, Yun Muxi was a nervous wreck crying silently. Gong Yu lowered his head and stared at this fragile woman who was just like a china doll. His heart ached and he pulled her into his arms, comforting her in a gentle voice. “Stop crying, Niannian will be alright! I’m here, don’t worry. I will not let anything happen to her!”

Gong Yu’s embrace and voice seemed like magic. Yun Muxi calmed down and stopped crying.

“Ding!” They arrived at the first level. Gong Yu held Yun Muxi’s hand and headed towards the door. He had just returned from overseas, so Seventh Brother only prepared a nanny car for him. Seventh Brother had parked the car below Gong Yu’s apartment, in case he needed to head out anytime. Seventh Brother said that he would accompany him to buy a new car when they were free.

Gong Yu brought them towards the car and helped them settle down at the back seat. Since it was a nanny car, the car was very spacious. Gong Yu thoughtfully lowered the car seat so that Niannian could lie down comfortably. He then covered her with a blanket before returning to the driver’s seat.

Yun Muxi looked at Gong Yu, who was focused on driving, and said softly, “Thank you, Gong Yu!”

Gong Yu felt sad that Yun Muxi was so polite and estranged towards him. However, the top priority was to send Niannian to see a doctor, so he swallowed that negative emotion.

Then silence took over in the car…

Niannian was having a bad sleep due to the fever. She kept on mumbling, “Mummy…mummy…I feel so terrible…”

Yun Muxi’s heart ached for her pain. She brought Niannian into her arms and leaned her cold cheeks against her burning forehead. She gently caressed Niannian’s back and comforted her, “Niannian, you’re doing a good job! Mummy is here, I’m bringing you to the hospital. You’ll feel better soon, hang in there!”

Gong Yu’s car flew towards the hospital. It was midnight and there were not many cars on the road, but Gong Yu still felt that he was driving too slow. He sped through many red lights. Finally, they arrived at the city center’s hospital. Gong Yu suddenly braked and opened the back door hurriedly. He first gently picked up Niannian, then led Yun Muxi off the car. They ran hurriedly towards the Emergency Room.

Seeing the trio coming, the nurse behind the customer service counter smiled and asked politely, “Hello, what’s wrong with the patient?”

Yun Muxi also answered politely with a tint of worry and anxiousness. “Hello, my child has a fever all of a sudden, it won’t go away even with fever-reducing medicine.”

The nurse then said politely,” Please head over to the window on the left for registration, then take the lift to the third floor. That’s where the Pediatric Emergency is.”

Yun Muxi nodded and went to do the paperwork for registration. Gong Yu carried Niannian and continued to stand where he was. His expression was cold and his eyebrows furrowed in such a way that it showed, “I’m in a bad mood, so please don’t bother me now.” The nurse subtly measured the man standing in front of her. He was big and tall. While he may look extremely cold-hearted, when his gaze turned towards the little girl, it became a gentle beam of light. His handsome features became more glaring and his surrounding seemed to be enveloped in a halo. The nurse started to feel a growing affection towards him and her heart was thumping at a crazy speed. Her cheeks became red and her gaze was fixed onto Gong Yu. However, since she was at work, she could not stare at him openly. She could only admire him secretly, fixing her gaze tightly onto this handsome figure.

Yun Muxi returned and said to Gong Yu in a soft voice,” Okay, let’s go upstairs.”

At the same time, the nurse sized up the lady carefully. Her face was small and extremely delicate, and she was as pretty as an angel, without defect. Her refreshing aura made other women around her jealous as well.

The nurse was not jealous of the beautiful Yun Muxi standing beside the handsome Gong Yu. Instead, she thought that they were oddly compatible with each other. They looked good together and complemented each other’s glows. The nurse saw them walked off with the child and sighed in admiration, “Wow! Such a young couple! They are really a good match!”

After which, she took out her phone and took a picture of their back view. The photo clearly depicted them carrying the child into the lift while looking at each other. It was as beautiful as a landscape painting.

Yun Muxi and Gong Yu carried Niannian to the Pediatric Emergency. Gong Yu carefully placed Niannian onto a bed. Her cheeks were now flushed with redness and eyebrows furrowed uncomfortably. The cute little girl was now very pitiful. Gong Yu’s heart ached for her and his facial expression grew darker.

The doctor went up to them and when he saw that the gloomy Gong Yu was not going to talk to him, he turned to Yun Muxi and asked, “What happened to the kid?”

Yun Muxi hurriedly explained to the doctor. “She had a fever all of a sudden and it shot up to 39 degrees instantly. It didn’t subside even after taking medicine. It is now at 40 degrees. She was alright after dinner, but the fever came while she was sleeping.”

The doctor stretched out his hand to touch Niannian’s forehead. He brought a thermometer and stuck it under her armpit. He continued to ask, “Did she display any unusual behaviors these few days? Did she eat and go to the toilet as usual?”

Yun Muxi thought for a while before answering. “Yes, she is fine these few days, there was nothing strange.”

The doctor turned around and sat down at his table. After typing away on his keyboard, he printed out a sheet of paper. “Take her temperature and then bring her for a blood test.”

Niannian’s temperature was still at 40 degrees. All these fuss caused Niannian to wake a little. She opened her eyes sleepily and saw that Gong Yu was in front of her. She smiled and called him like a good kid. “Daddy Yu…”

Gong Yu saw that Niannian was awake and caressed her slightly messy hair carefully. He forced a gentle smile and said, “Niannian, you’re awake? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?”

Niannian pouted her little mouth and furrowed her eyebrows, whimpering, “My head hurts…”

Gong Yu touched her head and continued to coax her in a gentle voice. “Yes, you have a fever. Daddy Yu is now bringing you to get a blood test. We’ll let the doctor take a look and he will make you feel better.”

Niannian’s eyebrows furrowed even more. She said nervously, “Niannian neither wants to take a blood test nor an injection. I’m scared of pain. Daddy Yu, don’t let them give an injection to me, okay?”

Gong Yu smiled and continued to comfort her. “Niannian, you’re a good kid. Daddy Yu will be by your side. Don’t be afraid, you’re the bravest.”

Niannian looked at Gong Yu and nodded with much confliction.

Yun Muxi watched the interaction between Gong Yu with Niannian like a loving father treated his daughter who relied on him a lot. Yun Muxi became lost in her thoughts. At the same time, the doctor blurted out,” This sir is such a good father. Nowadays, not many fathers are able to take care of their kids so patiently. Baby, you’re so lucky to have such a rare good dad!”

Both Yun Muxi and Gong Yu paused momentarily after hearing the doctor’s words. On the other hand, Niannian smiled in excitement. Her bright smile was like a vibrant firework that attracted all the attention.

Staring at Niannian, Gong Yu was lost in his own thoughts as well. The almost-forgotten prick in his heart was pushed down even further. It gave him so much pain! Even his eyes were filled with sorrow and pain.

Gong Yu could not help but think, “If only she was not the child of another man, but mine. How great would that be to have a cute daughter like her with Yun Muxi!”

Yun Muxi felt a little awkward, but she was more concerned about Niannian, so she ignored what the doctor said. Seeing Gong Yu in a daze, she reminded him carefully, “Let’s bring her to get her blood tested. If you have to go, I can take care of her on my own.”

Gong Yu returned from his daze and carried Niannian while putting on a cold expression. He took big strides toward the door. Yun Muxi was confused over his sudden change in emotion and quickly followed along.

Niannian was always afraid of injections, but with Gong Yu comforting her, she was exceptionally easy to work with, despite being extremely nervous. She did not make a fuss during the whole process. She shut her eyes and closed her lips tightly, holding onto Gong Yu’s sleeves with all her life.

The doctor took a look at the results and said casually, “Okay, there’s not much of an issue. Just some virus going on, not a big deal! However, her temperature is still a little high. Do you guys want to put her on an IV drip or let her take some medicine back to lower her temperature?”

Yun Muxi thought for a while. She was not so willing to let her kid use antibiotics directly. She replied in a calm voice, “We’ll bring the medicine back to try. If it doesn’t go down, we’ll go for the IV drip.”

After that, Gong Yu took the prescription from the doctor and prepared to head for the pharmacy. While he tried to pass Niannian to Yun Muxi, Niannian held onto his sleeves tightly, like a child worrying that her parent would abandon her. She looked at Gong Yu with careful eyes.

Gong Yu let go of his cold expression and spoke gently,” Niannian, I’ll go pay for your medicine, can you follow mummy first?”

Niannian continued to stare at him, not loosing her tiny hand.

Yun Muxi was helpless too. Niannian was always sticking to her, but after Gong Yu came into her life, Niannian seemed to rely on him even more. As her biological mother, Yun Muxi was almost ignored.

A fear started to creep into Yun Muxi’s heart…

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